
tech2023-11-25  82


If you’re an enterprising web application developer, you’ve no doubt been interested in experimenting with Amazon’s cloud offerings in the past few years. Maybe you aim to “survive your success,” as is the subtext of Programming Amazon EC2 by Jurg van Vliet and Flavia Paganelli; a struggle I’m sure all of us hope to be confronted with one day. Regardless of your reason for investigating EC2, your time will be well spent.

如果您是一个进取的Web应用程序开发人员,那么毫无疑问,您在过去几年中一直对尝试使用Amazon的云产品感兴趣。 也许您的目标是“生存成功”,就像Jurg van Vliet和Flavia Paganelli 编写的Amazon EC2编程的潜台词一样。 我确信我们所有人都希望有一天能够面对这一斗争。 无论您调查EC2的原因是什么,您的时间都将得到很好的利用。

This is the first in a three part series focused on setting up EC2 as a sandbox for developers. Part 1 is straightforward, but worth covering, as it walks you through all necessary steps in setting up an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Part 2 will teach you how to configure your development environment and will help you find a reliable Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Part 3 will show you how to install Apache, MySQL and PHP and then clone your own AMI.

这是一个由三部分组成的系列文章的第一篇,该系列文章致力于将EC2设置为开发人员的沙箱。 第1部分很简单,但是值得一读,因为它引导您完成使用Amazon Web Services(AWS)设置帐户的所有必要步骤。 第2部分将教您如何配置开发环境,并帮助您找到可靠的Amazon Machine Image(AMI)。 第3部分将向您展示如何安装Apache,MySQL和PHP,然后克隆自己的AMI。

EC2的好处 (Benefits of EC2)

I had been curious about Amazon’s cloud offerings since they launched in 2006, but either the perceived difference in the ecosystem or the fear of incurring astronomical bills due to the pay-as-you-use payment structure kept me from getting my hands dirty. Now, after some experience with EC2, I can say that there may not be something for everybody in this cloud, but there’s definitely everything for somebody who’s a web application developer.

自2006年推出以来,我一直对Amazon的云产品感到好奇,但是无论是生态系统中的感知差异,还是由于按需使用的付款结构导致产生天文账单的恐惧,都使我无法动手。 现在,在对EC2有了一些经验之后,我可以说在这个云中可能没有适合每个人的东西,但是对于Web应用程序开发人员来说,肯定有一切。

The most rewarding aspect of programming for EC2 has been that I actually get to architect and build multi-tiered systems. With classic hosting, I felt that I had to shelve what I had learned about proper architecture and run everything on one machine. The approach generally suffices for running a blog or a small business website, but the purist in me always felt like hurry up and wait. When do I get to separate out my static content and put it on an optimized content delivery network? What if my database grows to the point that I need to split it out? What if my new cool application hits the front page of Reddit and my window of success is slammed shut by HTTP 500 and 503 errors?

EC2编程最有意义的方面是,我实际上开始设计和构建多层系统。 使用经典托管,我觉得我必须搁置我学到的关于适当架构的知识,并在一台机器上运行所有内容。 这种方法通常足以运行博客或小型企业网站,但是我的纯粹主义者总是觉得自己要急着等待。 什么时候可以分离出静态内容并将其放在经过优化的内容分发网络上? 如果我的数据库增长到需要拆分的程度怎么办? 如果我的新酷应用程序出现在Reddit的首页上,而我的成功窗口却被HTTP 500和503错误所关闭,该怎么办?

EC2 allows us to build web applications in the way we were taught in Computer Science courses, but what about the cost? EC2 does cost more than a shared or dedicated host if you plan on running one 100% utilized machine. Which is why this article is for you, savvy web application developer, because you have tools to build, not web pages. You want to build them right the first time. And if you’re paying for it, you want a sandbox that you don’t mind turning off when you’re not using it.

EC2允许我们按照计算机科学课程中讲授的方式来构建Web应用程序,但是成本呢? 如果您计划运行一台使用率100%的计算机,则EC2的成本要比共享或专用主机高。 这就是为什么本文适合精通Web应用程序开发人员的原因,因为您拥有构建工具,而不是网页。 您想在第一时间建立它们。 而且,如果您为此付费,则想要一个沙箱,您不介意在不使用它时将其关闭。

报名 (Signing Up)

Without further ado, let’s break out our email account, telephone, and credit card and register for EC2! In your favorite web browser, go to http://aws.amazon.com and click on Sign in to the AWS Management Console at the top of the page. We will be taken here:

事不宜迟,让我们介绍一下我们的电子邮件帐户,电话和信用卡,然后注册EC2! 在您喜欢的Web浏览器中,转到http://aws.amazon.com ,然后单击页面顶部的登录到AWS管理控制台。 我们将被带到这里:

Upon entering our email address on the page, we will be taken here:


After we fill in our contact information, check the agree to terms and submit the page, we’ll be prompted for our credit card information. Amazon requires an active credit card because of the pay-as-you-use payment structure.

填写联系信息后,选中同意条款并提交页面,系统将提示您输入信用卡信息。 亚马逊需要按需使用的付款结构,因此需要有效的信用卡。

Next, we’ll need to verify our phone number. This is a simple 1-minute process whereby an automated service calls the phone and provides a pin number that we then enter into the next phase of the account creation wizard.

接下来,我们需要验证我们的电话号码。 这是一个简单的1分钟的过程,自动化服务会拨打电话并提供个人识别号,然后我们将其输入到帐户创建向导的下一个阶段。

Finally, the account creation is complete and Amazon sends us a confirmation email. Now we can sign into the AWS Management Console for the first time.

最终,帐户创建完成,Amazon向我们发送了一封确认电子邮件。 现在,我们可以首次登录AWS管理控制台。

If your interest is piqued, stay tuned for Part 2 where we move beyond the sign up and get our hands dirty configuring the development environment and installing an AMI!

如果您的兴趣激起了,请继续关注第2部分 ,我们将不仅仅限于注册,而是动手配置开发环境和安装AMI!

Image via Lightspring / Shutterstock

图片来自Lightspring / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/from-zero-to-cloud-1/

