
tech2023-11-26  93


Conqueror papers are launching a paper range and as part of the promotion, manufacturer Arjowiggins has commissioned five new typefaces which they are making available for free download to us lucky designers. The typefaces have been designed by French typographer Jean Francois Porchez of Typofonderie.

征服者论文正在推出一个纸系列,作为促销的一部分,制造商Arjowiggins委托使用了五种新的字体,这些字体可免费提供给我们幸运的设计师。 字体由法国Typofonderie的印刷家Jean Francois Porchez 设计 。

The information for each font you see below comes from the read me file.


AW Conqueror Didot


“The AW Conqueror Didot typeface is not inspired by the Didot dynasty of the early 19th century but rather the spectacular interpretations of them appearing in the 1960s and 70s. Decades in which large type sizes were all the rage in advertising and publishing, contrasted typefaces were everywhere. This new font is an ode to the heyday of dry-transfer alphabets and Herb Lubalin, the typographer who mastered the ‘tight but not touching’ art of glyphs set ascloseasthis without overlapping.”

“ AW Conqueror Didot字体的灵感不是来自19世纪初的Didot王朝,而是对它们在1960年代和70年代出现的壮观解释。 数十年来,大字体在广告和出版中风行一时,无所不在的字体却无处不在。 这种新字体是干式转移字母和精通印刷术的赫伯·卢巴林(Herb Lubalin)鼎盛时期的颂歌。

AW Conqueror Sans


“The AW Conqueror Sans typeface draws inspiration from those in vogue in Europe between World Wars I and II. With its geometric lines it evokes the spirits of both Bauhaus and the Art Déco period. AW Conqueror Sans, a contemporary Sanserif, is the cornerstone of the family and the jumping off point for the rest of the typefaces. Any text may be swapped around without changing the layout. More commonly seen in Renaissance italics, swashes capitals have also been added.”

“ AW Conqueror Sans字体从第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战之间在欧洲流行的人们那里汲取了灵感。 几何线条勾勒出包豪斯(Bauhaus)和装饰艺术时期的精神。 AW Conqueror Sans,当代的Sanserif,是该家族的基石,也是其余字体的起点。 可以在不更改布局的情况下交换任何文本。 在文艺复兴时期的斜体字中更常见的是,还增加了斜体大写字母。”

AW Conqueror Inline


“Several titling typefaces made their appearance at the start of the 20th century, notably Acier and Bifur, both created by French poster artist Cassandre.Later, in the Netherlands, S.H. de Ross designed a version of Inline for its Nobel family called, naturally, Nobel Inline. AW Conqueror Inline pays homage to this beautiful version.”

“在20世纪初期,出现了几种字体,特别是法国海报画家Cassandre创作的Acier和Bifur。后来,在荷兰,SH de Ross为诺贝尔家族设计了一个Inline版本,自然而然地,诺贝尔在线奖。 AW Conqueror Inline向这个美丽的版本致敬。”

AW Conqueror Carved


“This typeface encapsulates perfectly the lettering styles in fashion during the 19th century quite often in the frontispieces of books. It wasn’t rare to see these kinds of typefaces, with their variations in depth and relief effects, adorning boxes and other forms of packaging of the time.”

“这种字体完美地封装了19世纪时常出现在书籍正面的时尚字体样式。 看到这些字体的深度和浮雕效果的变化,装饰盒和当时其他包装形式的情况并不罕见。”

Download includes Regular (All), Layer One (background), Layer Two (outline), Layer Three (stripes), Layer Four (shadow):


AW Conqueror Slab


This font “draws inspiration from geometrical slab serifs of the 1930s, of which Rockwell is a perfect example… In recent years, ‘slabs’ have made a comeback in the graphic design world. AW Conqueror Slab advances the cause quite happily.”

该字体“从1930年代的几何平板衬线中汲取了灵感,其中Rockwell是一个很好的例子……近年来,'平板'在图形设计领域卷土重来。 AW Conqueror Slab非常高兴地推动了这一事业。”

Promotional work to go with the new fonts include brochures and these short videos with the tagline “It’s not what you say … it’s how you say it”.


To get your mitts on these lovely fonts, just register on the site and you’ll receive an email with download details.

要获得这些可爱字体的手套,只需在网站上注册 ,您将收到一封包含下载详细信息的电子邮件。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/five-beautiful-free-fonts-from-conqueror-paper/


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