
tech2023-11-27  99

Episode 146 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Kevin Dees (@kevindees) and Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy).

SitePoint Podcast的第146集现已发布! 本周的座谈会由Louis Simoneau( @rssaddict ),Kevin Dees( @kevindees )和Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy )组成。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #146: Patrick Accidentally Installs Chrome (MP3, 32:29, 31.2MB)

SitePoint Podcast#146:Patrick意外安装了Chrome (MP3,32:29,31.2MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the main topics covered in this episode:


Scripting News: Could Bing seriously challenge Google?


Official Google Blog: Search, plus Your World


JQ.Mobi Is A Mobile-Optimized HTML5 Rewrite Of the JQuery Framework


jQ.Mobi – Home

jQ.Mobi –主页

Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

Kevin: – Make Your Data Interesting

凯文: –使您的数据有趣

Patrick: Fotoshop by Adobé on Vimeo

帕特里克: 由Adobé在Vimeo上的Fotoshop

Louis: Making Love to WebKit —

路易斯: 爱上WebKit —

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Louis: Hello and welcome to another episode of the SitePoint Podcast. This week on the panel Stephan is away, but we do have myself, Kevin and Patrick; hi, Kev, hi Patrick.

路易斯:您好,欢迎收看SitePoint播客的另一集。 斯蒂芬本周在座谈会上已经离开,但我们有凯文和帕特里克。 嗨,凯夫,嗨,帕特里克。

Kevin: Howdy, howdy.


Patrick: Hey, guys.


Louis: How’s it going?


Kevin: It’s going okay.


Patrick: Doing good, listening to some Bach (laughter), you know, keeping it real, it’s busy times.


Louis: We did some comments from users about the temporary typo in the title of the last post, it was spelled Bachbone.js, and I suggested — we were talking before the show and I suggested that we should — someone should write Bachbone.js just to make that make sense, make it about composing Baroque music in JavaScript, it would be awesome. Anyway, I spent the weekend at Rails Camp out in Adelaide, that was a lot of fun.

路易斯:我们在上一篇文章的标题中对用户的临时错字做了一些评论,它的拼写是Bachbone.js,我建议–我们在演出前进行了交谈,我建议我们应该–有人应该写Bachbone.js。只是为了使之有意义,并使其成为用JavaScript编写巴洛克音乐的方式,真是太棒了。 无论如何,我在阿德莱德的Rails Camp度过了一个周末,那真是很有趣。

Patrick: Oh, yeah?


Louis: I spent the weekend hacking in a cafeteria full of other nerds, it was lots of fun.


Kevin: Cool.


Patrick: Very cool, very cool. Did you make any meaningful new connections or meet any new cool people?

帕特里克:非常酷,非常酷。 您是否建立了有意义的新关系或结识了任何新的好人?

Louis: Yeah, absolutely, I met a lot of cool people there. I spent the weekend sort of working on — I don’t know if you remember the Google AI challenge, the most recent one with Ants?

路易斯:是的,绝对,我在那儿遇到了很多很酷的人。 我花了一个周末的时间进行工作-不知道您是否还记得Google AI挑战,这是最近一次与Ants的挑战?

Patrick: Okay, yeah.


Louis: You saw this thing? Yeah, so someone put up a server on the first day, they built this little server in Rails that you could upload a button; they’d play against each other, so a few of us started hacking at that. I started out as being, oh, let me have a quick look at this and see how it works, see how the bots work, and then 16 hours later I hadn’t moved (laughs).

路易斯:你看到这东西了吗? 是的,因此有人在第一天就安装了服务器,他们在Rails中构建了这个小服务器,您可以上传一个按钮。 他们会互相对抗,所以我们中的一些人开始对此进行黑客攻击。 我开始的时候是这样,哦,让我快速浏览一下,看看它是如何工作的,看看机器人是如何工作的,然后16个小时后我没有动弹(笑)。

Patrick: Wow.


Louis: Then I went to bed. So I spent the whole weekend, yeah, pretty much working on getting an ant to be able to find out where it was going.

路易斯:然后我上床睡觉。 所以我花了整个周末,是的,我做了很多工作,让一只蚂蚁能够知道它的去向。

Patrick: Yeah, it sounds like it was quite an event because the website says, “Starts on the afternoon of Friday, January 13th, and runs until midday Monday the 16th,” so it must really have been running constantly and keeping everyone busy.


Louis: It pretty much was. Not a lot of us slept very much, let’s just say that.

路易斯:差不多。 我们中没有很多人睡得很香,让我们这么说。

Patrick: Well, I guess depending on how you camp.


Louis: Yeah.


Patrick: If camping includes sleep for you then it might not have been a camp, but if camp is just constant, you know, slumber party energy and no sleep, then that’s what this one was.


Louis: Yeah. So, anyway, if anyone out there is interested in Rails or Ruby and there’s a Rails Camp coming up near you, I strongly recommend it, it was a lot of fun and you get to meet cool people, so check it out.

路易斯:是的。 因此,无论如何,如果外面有人对Rails或Ruby感兴趣,并且附近有一个Rails营地,我强烈建议您这样做,这很有趣,而且您可以结识一些很酷的人,所以请检查一下。

Patrick: Yeah, their website is

帕特里克:是的,他们的网站是 。

Louis: Yep, absolutely. Alright, so with that aside maybe we can dive straight into this week’s stories. Who wants to go first?

路易斯:是的 ,绝对。 好吧,除此之外,也许我们可以直接研究一下本周的故事。 谁想先走?

Kevin: I’ll go first if you’d like me to.


Louis: Sure.


Kevin: Alright, cool. So, my first link for the day I guess is my only link since we each do one link, but it’s an article on whether or not Bing can seriously take on Google as a search competitor, and I mean obviously they are competitors, but a serious competitor is what we’re looking for here. This is an article on, and I found it via John Gruber, and he had linked to this and it was talking about basically the clutter that Google is kind of becoming. You know it’s original intent was it was clean, it had one logo and a search box, which they have held true to on the homepage, but once you dive into the search it’s just — it’s really nasty, and things like DuckDuckGo and Bing may be able to take advantage of this weakness in that Google has kind of become what Microsoft was on the OS, and kind of still is; so, thoughts?

凯文:好,很酷。 因此,我想我今天的第一个链接是我唯一的链接,因为我们每个人都做一个链接,但这是一篇关于Bing是否可以认真地将Google视为搜索竞争对手的文章,我的意思是显然他们是竞争对手,但是真正的竞争对手是我们在这里寻找的。 这是关于scripting.com的文章,我是通过John Gruber找到的,他已经链接到该文章,并且基本上是在谈论Google正在变得混乱。 您知道它的初衷是干净的,它有一个徽标和一个搜索框,这些内容在首页上都得到遵守,但是一旦您深入搜索,它就是–真令人讨厌,DuckDuckGo和Bing之类的东西可能能够利用这一弱点,因为Google已经成为Microsoft在操作系统上的样子,并且仍然如此; 那么,想法呢?

Patrick: Sure, so this ties a little bit into Google Search Plus, your world feature that they announced earlier last week I want to say, or the end of the week before that, and we’ll talk about that in a little more detail because that’s my story, but, you know, it’s an interesting point to make. But here’s the thing, Google is not hurting, I mean the market share shows that Google is not really threatened in any way, and maybe there’s a comparison to be made between Apple’s growth, let’s say on the desktop versus the market share, Microsoft still owns which is almost all of it still. So, what is a threat to Google, like seriously challenging Google? It’s so tough to see because it’s not even like if you consider like IE, for example, IE6, and kind of the stagnation that was the development of Internet Explorer and how other browsers kind of came up behind it and eventually made a serious dent in the market share; even now Internet Explorer is still the majority player. So, you know, is Google that vulnerable, are they as vulnerable as IE was? It took many years for that to happen and it’s difficult to see it.

帕特里克:当然,这与Google Search Plus紧密相关,我想说的是您上周早些时候宣布的您的世界功能,或者在此之前的一周结束,我们将对此进行更详细的讨论。因为那是我的故事,但是,这很有趣。 但问题是,谷歌并没有受到伤害,我的意思是市场份额表明谷歌并没有受到任何威胁,也许苹果的增长可以与苹果的增长进行比较,比如说台式机和市场份额,微软仍然拥有几乎所有的东西。 那么,对Google的威胁又是什么呢? 很难看到它,因为它甚至不像IE6这样的IE,也不像是Internet Explorer的发展停滞不前,以及其他浏览器如何在其背后出现并最终对它造成严重影响市场份额; 即使是现在,Internet Explorer仍是主要参与者。 那么,您知道Google是否容易受到攻击,它们是否像IE一样易受攻击? 这种事情花了很多年,很难看到。

Louis: Yeah, and moreover there was a reason for people to switch over from IE, right, I mean everyone they knew who was even slightly technically inclined was clamoring at them to change browsers, you know, it was known to be slow, some sites started using new features that it didn’t support, a lot of sites told you you should upgrade your browser, Microsoft pushed updates on their side but that didn’t really help, and a lot of people were concerned about the security. So a lot of reasons to switch, whereas if you’re a Google user now, like the only reason you’d want to switch is either your search is slow, which it isn’t, or you’re not finding the things you’re looking for, and I don’t find that that’s the case, you know, you’d need to actually be dissatisfied with your search engine for some reason, or for some other search engine to have a killer feature, and a killer feature is hard to imagine in the search space because it’s such a simple competition, right; the only thing you want is probably one or two relevant web pages, and if the thing can find those quickly then that’s all I need, I’m done.

路易斯:是的,而且还有一个原因,人们可以从IE切换到,对,我的意思是,他们所知道的甚至技术上稍有偏爱的每个人都在大声疾呼要求他们更改浏览器,您知道,这是缓慢的,有些网站开始使用它不支持的新功能,很多网站告诉您应该升级浏览器,Microsoft将更新推送到他们的身边,但这并没有真正的帮助,很多人都在担心安全性。 因此有很多切换的理由,而如果您现在是Google用户,例如,您要切换的唯一原因是您的搜索速度很慢(不是),或者您找不到要搜索的内容您正在寻找,但我发现情况并非如此,您实际上需要出于某种原因对搜索引擎感到不满意,或者让某些其他搜索引擎具有杀手级功能和杀手级功能在搜索空间中很难想象该功能,因为它是如此简单的竞争,对吧; 您唯一想要的可能是一个或两个相关的网页,如果可以快速找到所需的网页,那么这就是我所需要的,我完成了。

Kevin: Right, so I mean but what do you guys think about the clutter of Google, do you feel like it’s becoming more cluttered and that you go there and now they have the map on the side of the page and they just added their new logo dropdown menu thing, and, you know, the weather at the top of the page; they’re adding a lot of elements and a lot of different things that can kind of pull your eyes in different directions as far as design goes, and so this is kind of what the article is talking about is that.

凯文:对,所以我是说,但是你们如何看待Google的混乱情况,您觉得它变得越来越混乱了吗?您去那里了,现在他们在地图的侧面有地图,他们只是添加了新地图徽标下拉菜单的内容,以及页面顶部的天气; 他们添加了很多元素和很多不同的东西,这些东西可能会在设计过程中向不同的方向拉动您的视线,因此,本文所要讨论的就是这一点。

Louis: But it’s not enough to overwhelm. Like, first of all, Bing at the moment has more clutter.

路易斯:但这还不足以压倒一切。 首先,目前Bing更混乱了。

Kevin: Right.


Louis: And it has since the beginning, it’s got a lot of stuff on the page, and it’s not exactly obvious what’s going on. DuckDuckGo, that you mentioned, is definitely less cluttered, and I find it does do well for certain types of search, it’s very effective and it’s capable of doing a bit of semantics that Google doesn’t necessarily do, but, sometimes searches are a little weird, they’re not exactly what you’d expect to find. And the other thing is it is comparatively a lot slower than Google.

路易斯:而且从一开始就已经存在,页面上有很多东西,而且发生的事情还不是很明显。 您提到的DuckDuckGo绝对不会那么混乱,而且我发现它在某些类型的搜索中效果很好,它非常有效,并且能够执行Google不一定要做的一些语义,但是有时搜索是一种有点奇怪,它们与您期望的不完全相同。 另一件事是,它比Google慢很多。

Kevin: Correct, that’s true.


Louis: Something like search when it’s not, you know, I’m just going through this to find the thing that I’m looking for. And a lot of times, and we know this, a lot of people use Google to go to pages they already know exist but they just want to get there, right, and I don’t remember the address.

路易斯:类似搜索的东西,当您不在时,我只是通过它来查找所需的东西。 很多时候,我们知道这一点,很多人使用Google转到他们已经知道的页面,但是他们只是想到达那里,对,我不记得地址了。

Patrick: Right.


Kevin: Right. It’s a search box, yeah.

凯文:对。 是的,是一个搜索框。

Louis: And when you’re using it that way, speed is the most important thing, right, because it’s faster to look it up on Google than it is to try and remember where it is, right.


Kevin: I think you have a really, really valid point there, and that is that speed is the number one factor when it comes to search because you just want to find what you’re looking for, like you’re saying.


Patrick: Yeah, and I like what Google’s doing in search, and I’m a Google user as most of us are; when I compare it to Bing, I just pulled up Google and I pulled up Bing, and I searched for SitePoint, you know, and when you switch off the personal results, which is the Plus search results, and just compare on that basis, you know, the normal search versus normal search of Bing, realistically all that’s on the SitePoint search, and of course this will vary, if you search for location you get a map, if you search for a math equation it will often tell you the answer, that sort of thing, but if I’m just searching for a company or a website, all I’m getting right now is text listings for, Learnable, + SitePoint, and so on; Bing has the same basic listings and the same basic format, except for some reason I have automatic Facebook integration, and it tells me that me, someone else, and Kevin Yank all like SitePoint, which is the first link. So, you know, on the basis of just comparing those default results, really it looks pretty similar at this stage.

帕特里克:是的,我喜欢Google在搜索中的工作,而且像我们大多数人一样,我还是Google用户; 当我将其与Bing进行比较时,我拉起Google并拉起Bing,然后搜索SitePoint,然后关闭个人搜索结果(即Plus搜索结果),并以此为基础进行比较,您知道,Bing的常规搜索与常规搜索,实际上是SitePoint搜索中的所有搜索,当然这会有所不同,如果您搜索位置得到地图,则搜索数学方程式通常会告诉您答案,诸如此类,但是,如果我只是在寻找公司或网站,那么我现在所获得的只是,Learnable, + SitePoint等的文本列表; Bing具有相同的基本列表和相同的基本格式,但由于某种原因我具有自动Facebook集成功能,它告诉我,其他人和Kevin Yank都喜欢SitePoint,这是第一个链接。 因此,您知道,仅在比较这些默认结果的基础上,现阶段确实看起来非常相似。

Louis: Well, there are a couple of other things I’d point out about Bing. First of all, as I mentioned, a bit more clutter at the moment, I find those related searches, the related searches on the left-hand side are completely useless and they’re always sort of random; I can’t imagine if I was looking for one thing and what’s it tell me, oh, you might want to search for, you know, when we search for SitePoint, for example, I get related searches of SitePoint, PTYL, like Proprietary Limited, SitePoint Books, SitePoint CSS, like I know what I’m looking for, you don’t need to tell me that other people — I’d be curious to see if they have user analytics of people actually clicking on those links.

路易斯:恩,关于冰,我还要指出几件事。 首先,正如我之前提到的,目前情况比较混乱,我发现了这些相关搜索,左侧的相关搜索完全没有用,它们总是随机的。 我无法想象我是否正在寻找一件事,它告诉我什么,哦,例如,当您搜索SitePoint时,您可能想搜索,例如,我得到了与SitePoint,PTYL相关的搜索,例如Proprietary有限,SitePoint图书,SitePoint CSS,就像我知道我在寻找什么一样,您无需告诉我其他人-我很想知道他们是否对实际点击这些链接的用户进行了用户分析。

Patrick: Right.


Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: I searched for Louis Simoneau, I got no related search results, that stinks; I was hoping to see what other people would have typed in with your name, but there’s nothing there.

帕特里克(Patrick):我搜索了路易斯·西蒙诺(Louis Simoneau),但没有相关的搜索结果,这很臭 我希望看到其他人输入您的名字,但是那里什么也没有。

Louis: I get related searches on — well, see, this is exactly it, right; when I search for Louis Simoneau on Bing the related searches are Megan Simoneau, Joanna Simoneau, Brenda Simoneau, Guy Simoneau, Rachel Simoneau, Monique Simoneau, Simoneau Sports, and Simoneau Vineyards; like how is that at all helpful Bing?

路易斯:我得到了相关的搜索-嗯,就是这样,对吧。 当我在Bing上搜索Louis Simoneau时,相关的搜索是Megan Simoneau,Joanna Simoneau,Brenda Simoneau,Guy Simoneau,Rachel Simoneau,Monique Simoneau,Simoneau Sports和Simoneau Vineyards; 像这样对Bing有什么帮助?

Patrick: I wonder why you get that and I don’t.


Louis: You don’t get that?


Patrick: No, I get no related results on Bing; I get nothing suggested at all.

帕特里克:不,我在Bing上没有任何相关结果; 我什么都没有得到建议。

Louis: Are you signed in to Microsoft or something?


Patrick: No, I’m not, but it is doing some automatic Facebook or something or another, I’m not sure if you get that on your end. Let me see what happens when I sign out of Facebook, because I’m thinking if those are real people you just read off that are connected to you, maybe that’s how they’re getting the data through Facebook, but —

帕特里克:不,我不是,但是它正在做一些自动Facebook或其他事情,我不确定你能否做到这一点。 让我看看当我退出Facebook时会发生什么,因为我在想,如果这些人是您刚刚读过的与您有联系的真实人,也许这就是他们通过Facebook获取数据的方式,但是-

Louis: Those aren’t real people, I’ve never heard of any of them.


Patrick: (Laughs) Okay, they’re all fake people Microsoft made up, you freakin’ liars!


Louis: I’m not saying they’re not real people; if Megan Simoneau is listening to the show I apologize, I’m sure you’re a real person.

路易斯:我并不是说他们不是真实的人; 如果梅根·西蒙诺(Megan Simoneau)正在听我道歉的节目,那么我确定您是真实的人。

Patrick: And we love you.


Louis: What I meant to say was that I don’t know them.


Patrick: Okay.


Kevin: I think the core point of this, the article, was that Google is becoming a little more cluttered than it used to be, it’s not just plain text search results, and that the competitors can key into that and become a little bit different; instead of trying to copy Google they have this area where they can become niche in.

凯文:我认为这篇文章的核心点是,谷歌变得比以前更加混乱,这不仅仅是纯文本搜索结果,而且竞争对手可以利用它并变得有些不同; 而不是尝试复制Google,而是在这个领域中占据一席之地。

Louis: Yeah, I understand the point I guess, but I’m gonna stick to my original point which is that unless people have a reason to switch away from Google they’re not even going to look at the competitors, and right now there’s no reason to switch away from Google, unless you start not being able to find what you want quickly, and I don’t see that happening. You know there was a problem with some spammy sites for some searches for a little while, but that seems to have improved significantly with a few recent algorithm changes, so yeah, I just don’t see that happening.

路易斯:是的,我明白我的意思,但是我会坚持我的原初观点,那就是除非人们有理由放弃谷歌,否则他们甚至都不会关注竞争对手,而现在没有理由放弃Google,除非您开始无法Swift找到想要的东西,而且我看不到这种情况。 您知道一些垃圾邮件站点在进行一段时间的搜索后出现问题,但是随着最近算法的一些更改,这种情况似乎已得到明显改善,所以是的,我只是没有看到这种情况。

Kevin: Yeah, I can’t see it much happening myself just because like when you brought up the Internet Explorer thing, nobody’s bugging you to switch your search engine, they were bugging you to change your browser but not so much the search engine, so people stick with what they know, and I think Google will, as you say, win out.

凯文:是的,我自己并没有看到太多的事情,因为就像您提起Internet Explorer一样,没有人在烦扰您切换搜索引擎,他们在烦扰您更改浏览器,却没那么多,因此人们会坚持自己所知道的,我认为Google会如您所说赢得胜利。

Louis: Yeah.


Patrick: Yeah, and that ties in really well with what I wanted to talk about, and really what is kind of the catalyst for this discussion from Dave Weiner at is the announcement of the Google+ Your World feature, the Google Search + Your World feature, which was posted on the Google blog on January 10th, and in that post I’ll provide a brief summary of what the feature is. So, essentially there are three new features that are introduced, the first is personal results, I’m gonna quote from the post, “Personal results which enable you to find information just for you such as Google + photos and posts, both your own and those shared specifically with you that only you will be able to see on your results page, second feature, profiles in search, both in auto-complete and results, which enable you to immediately find people you’re close to or that might be interested in following, and, thirdly, people and pages which help you find people’s profiles and Google+ pages related to a specific topic or area of interest and enable you to follow them with just a few clicks, because behind most every query is a community.” So, really it’s Google+, the social network, infiltrated the Google search, and so when you search for something and you’re logged into Google and you have a Google+ account, it will now show you Google+ posts that you wrote, Google+ posts that people you are connected to wrote or shared with you right in the search results. So, when you search for a location if someone you’re connected to wrote about that location it will come up, you’ll see photos from your albums, you’ll see photos from you friends’ albums, and they could be private posts and private photos, just ones that are shared with you. Obviously this is kind of a privacy thing, and that’s part of the reason people are concerned about it, but Google says that security-wise they have SSL and personal results are clearly marked as public limited and only you, and they are offering a public toggle, which you can easily change from the personal results to the regular results, and you can also go in the settings and turn it off so that it’s by default the normal search. So, first of all, guys, have you played around with this at all? Have you seen it impact your Google results? What do you think?

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,这与我想谈论的内容紧密相关,Scripting.com的戴夫·韦纳(Dave Weiner)进行此讨论的真正推动力是宣布了Google+您的世界功能,Google搜索+ “您的世界”功能已于1月10日发布在Google博客上,在这篇文章中,我将简要介绍该功能是什么。 因此,从本质上讲,我们引入了三个新功能,第一个是个人结果,我将在帖子中引用:“个人结果可让您找到适合自己的信息,例如Google +照片和帖子,两者都是您自己的以及那些专门与您共享的内容,只有您才能在结果页,第二项功能,搜索中的个人资料中看到自动填充内容和结果,这使您能够立即找到您附近的人或可能找到的人第三,感兴趣的人和页面,然后是可以帮助您查找与特定主题或感兴趣领域相关的人的个人资料和Google+页面的人和页面,只需单击几下即可跟踪他们,因为大多数查询背后都是社区。 ” 因此,实际上是Google+,社交网络渗透了Google搜索,因此当您搜索某项内容并登录Google并拥有Google+帐户时,它现在将向您显示您撰写的Google+帖子,在搜索结果中直接与您有联系的人写信或与您共享。 因此,当您搜索某个位置时,如果您所连接的人会写出该位置的信息,则您会看到相册中的照片,还会看到朋友相册中的照片,并且它们可能是私人信息和私人照片,只有与您共享的照片。 显然,这是一种隐私,这也是人们对此表示关注的部分原因,但是Google表示,出于安全考虑,他们拥有SSL,并且个人搜索结果明确标记为仅限公众使用,并且仅限您使用,并且他们向公众提供切换,您可以轻松地将其从个人搜索结果更改为常规搜索结果,也可以进入设置并将其关闭,以使其默认为常规搜索。 所以,首先,伙计们,您是否玩过这个游戏? 您是否看到它对您的Google结果产生影响? 你怎么看?

Louis: No.


Patrick: No, you haven’t. So you haven’t seen it or you haven’t used Google?

帕特里克:不,您没有。 所以您没有看过,或者您没有使用过Google?

Louis: I haven’t seen it, I’m pretty sure I’ve used Google since, when was it, it was the 10th.


Patrick: The 10th.


Louis: Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve used Google since then, so I haven’t noticed anything.


Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: Okay.


Louis: I don’t really pay attention to what Gmail account I’m signed into, and because we use Google Apps at work I might be signed into my Flippa account which isn’t linked to a Google+ account, so that might be why I haven’t noticed it.

路易斯:我并不是很在意我登录的Gmail帐户,由于我们在工作中使用Google Apps,因此我可能会登录到未关联到Google+帐户的Flippa帐户,这可能就是为什么我没有注意到。

Patrick: Yeah, that might be. So let me give you an example of what I see when I search for SitePoint right now. So the first link is, and Kevin Yank shared this, it would be number one anyway. So the second thing that shows up, though, is a Google+ post I wrote about the podcast, the next result is the same thing, farther down images for SitePoint is shows four pictures, the first three are from Louis’ photo albums of I believe some sort of SitePoint social gathering, and the fourth one is from Brad Williams, who used to be a host on the show in our live show, at a conference a year or two ago, and then it goes down from there. So I get a few posts I’ve written and I get then photos from Louis, Kevin?

帕特里克:是的,可能是。 因此,让我举一个例子,说明我现在搜索SitePoint时看到的内容。 因此,第一个链接是,凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank)共享了此链接,无论如何它还是第一位。 因此,第二点是我写的有关播客的Google+帖子,下一个结果是相同的,SitePoint的下一张图片显示了四张图片,前三张来自我相信的Louis相册某种形式的SitePoint社交聚会,第四次聚会是布拉德·威廉姆斯(Brad Williams),他曾经在一两年前的一次会议上担任我们现场直播节目的主持人,然后从那里下来。 所以我得到了一些写的帖子,然后还有Louis,Kevin的照片?

Kevin: Yeah, I was going to say Google has been talking about this for some time, about integrating the Google+ into most all of their services, so that hint of theirs is coming to fruition and it’s interesting to see how it works because I was doing a search just today and I think I typed my name in on the Google search because I was going to my website, but I accidentally ended up in a search box and it popped up my profile where I could — it said my profile was 70% complete, or something like that, in the search. And I was a little bit confused about that but, you know, I kind of ignored it at the same time just because it wasn’t what I was currently wanting to do which was search.

凯文:是的,我要说的是Google已经讨论了一段时间,关于将Google+集成到他们的大多数服务中,这样他们的暗示就可以实现了,很有趣地看到它的工作原理,因为我当时就在今天进行搜索,我想我要在Google搜索中输入我的名字,因为我要去我的网站,但是我不小心遇到了一个搜索框,并在可能的地方弹出了我的个人资料-它说我的个人资料是70搜索完成百分比或类似的内容。 我对此有些困惑,但是,您知道,我有点同时忽略了它,只是因为它不是我当前要执行的操作,而是搜索。

Patrick: Right.


Kevin: But, yeah, I think it’s an interesting take on search and where it’s going, and I don’t know how I feel about them integrating the Google+ into everything.


Louis: I do like the social integration, and that has been there for some time; if Google has some way of knowing that your —

路易斯:我很喜欢社会融合,而且这种融合已经存在了一段时间。 如果Google有某种方式知道您-

Kevin: The plus one button, right?


Louis: Well, no, not the plus one button, I mean the, um, either Twitter or Facebook; I don’t exactly know which ones. No, it must be Twitter because I was seeing posts from people I don’t know on Facebook, so it would happen pretty often that I would do a search and I’d see such and such a person has shared this on Twitter, and it was someone I’m connected with on Twitter, and I do find that useful sometimes, if I’m looking for something and I see that some other developer that I respect or that I follow has shared that post then it does give me a little bit more trust in the content.

路易斯:嗯,不,不是加号按钮,我的意思是,嗯,是Twitter还是Facebook。 我不知道是哪一个。 不,一定是Twitter,因为我在Facebook上看到不认识的人的帖子,因此我经常会进行搜索,并且看到这样的人在Twitter上分享了这个信息,这是我在Twitter上与之建立联系的人,有时候我确实觉得有用,如果我在寻找东西,并且看到我尊重或关注的其他开发人员分享了该帖子,那么它确实给了我一个对内容的信任度更高。

Patrick: Right.


Louis: So that I actually do find useful, adding Google+ to it is nice. It was more useful to me because it was Twitter, because I follow more people on Twitter than I do on Google+, but I do think the social aspect of search can be relevant in certain contexts.

路易斯:为了使我真正有用,将Google+添加到其中非常好。 它对我来说更有用,因为它是Twitter,因为我在Twitter上关注的人数超过了在Google+上关注的人数,但我确实认为搜索的社交方面在某些情况下可能是相关的。

Patrick: Right. And this feature has caused a bit of a, I guess, hubbub of sorts which Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan wrote that, “The change emphasizes Google+ over-relevancy,” which he says should be Google’s primary job, and it introduces anti-trust concerns because it really is just pulling in data from Google+, and Sullivan actually asked the gentleman who wrote the blog post, Amit Singhal, and he said, “Facebook and Twitter and other services, basically their terms of service don’t allow us to crawl them deeply and store things.” Google+ is the only network that provides such a persistent service, of course, going forward. If others were willing to change we’d look at designing things to see how it would work,” and this is especially relevant because Twitter is pretty publicly complaining about this new search feature that Google released, and they essentially said the change makes it so that not enough exposure is given to status updates on Twitter where news is often broken. Of course it’s also worth noting that they decided not to renew their Firehose deal with Google last summer and instead they partnered with Bing, so that might have been powering the feature you referenced, Louis, which I remember as well that tied Twitter or status updates or what had been shared with the search results; I don’t know if I’ve seen that recently or not.

帕特里克:对。 我猜这个功能引起了某种程度的混乱,Search Engine Land的Danny Sullivan写道:“更改强调了Google+的过度相关性,”他说这应该是Google的主要工作,并且引入了反托拉斯担心,因为它实际上只是从Google+提取数据,而Sullivan实际上询问写博客文章的绅士Amit Singhal,他说:“ Facebook和Twitter等服务,基本上他们的服务条款不允许我们深深地爬行它们并存储东西。” 当然,Google +是唯一提供此类持久服务的网络。 如果其他人愿意更改,我们将着眼于设计事物以查看其工作原理。”这尤其相关,因为Twitter公开地抱怨Google发布了这项新的搜索功能,并且他们基本上说,更改使之如此在Twitter上经常更新新闻的状态更新没有得到足够的曝光。 当然,还值得注意的是,他们决定去年夏天不与Google续签Firehose协议,而是与Bing合作,这样可能会增强您引用的功能Louis,我还记得它与Twitter或状态更新相关的功能。或与搜索结果共享的内容; 我不知道我最近是否看过。

Louis: Right. So if that’s been turned off then I do take issue with this, because I’ll gain a lot more usefulness out of Twitter integration than I would out of Google+ integration.

路易斯:对。 因此,如果已将其关闭,那么我确实会对此表示怀疑,因为与Twitter集成相比,与Twitter集成相比,与Twitter集成相比,从Twitter集成中获得的实用性更高。

Patrick: Eric Schmidt said this as well, that Twitter opted out of the deal, if they wanted to talk they’d be happy to discuss it again, but TechCrunch’s Josh Constine said something interesting which was that according to sources familiar with negotiations, and those negotiations, Twitter did so because they were concerned that people would opt for Google search over Twitter search, where Twitter could control the advertising and monetization, so they may have been the reason Twitter decided not to allow Google to continue to have access to that Firehose of data that enabled them to use that feature. I don’t know if that’s — I mean Danny Sullivan was kind of incredulous about that comment saying that robots.txt gives Google essentially the right to index that, but Schmidt pretty openly disagreed with him.

帕特里克(Patrick):埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc​​hmidt)也这样说,推特选择退出交易,如果他们想谈谈,他们很乐意再次进行讨论,但是TechCrunch的乔什·康斯坦(Josh Constine)说了些有趣的话,据熟悉谈判的消息人士说,在这些谈判中,Twitter之所以这样做是因为他们担心人们会选择Google搜索而不是Twitter搜索,因为Twitter可以控制广告和获利,因此这可能是Twitter决定不允许Google继续访问该内容的原因使他们能够使用该功能的数据流。 我不知道那是-我的意思是,丹尼·沙利文(Danny Sullivan)对这种说法有点怀疑,因为他说robots.txt实质上赋予了Google对该索引编制索引的权利,但施密特公开反对他。

Louis: Yeah, I mean I do think that’s interesting. I don’t think from Twitter’s perspective — I don’t think that a Twitter search is that useful for a lot of these things, right, I mean if I’m looking for a JavaScript framework, for example, right, I’m not going to go to Twitter and necessarily search because I don’t know if people will have used those words necessarily, what I want is a website that uses those words and someone I know to have linked to that website, right, and Google knows what words the website uses, whereas the person on Twitter might’ve just said this is a really cool shortened link, and that’s useless from a search perspective.

路易斯:是的,我的意思是我认为这很有趣。 从Twitter的角度来看,我不认为-我认为Twitter搜索对许多事情没有用,对,我是说,如果我正在寻找JavaScript框架,例如,对,不会去Twitter并不一定要搜索,因为我不知道人们是否一定会使用这些词,我想要的是一个使用这些词的网站,而我认识的人已经链接到该网站,对,Google知道网站使用什么词,而Twitter上的人可能只是说这是一个很酷的缩短链接,从搜索角度看这是没有用的。

Kevin: Yeah, I agree.


Louis: But Google was in that position where they had both the content of the webpage that was being linked to and the social network of me being connected to someone who shared a link to that. So if I searched for JavaScript framework then it will find pages that have that, that people I like like, which is really useful to me.

路易斯:但是Google处于这个位置,他们既可以链接到该网页的内容,又可以将我的社交网络连接到共享该链接的人。 因此,如果我搜索JavaScript框架,它将找到具有我喜欢的人的页面,这对我真的很有用。

Patrick: Right. And I’m like you, I like the social features and I like the Google+ integration because I use Google+ and I like the Twitter integration, I do find it useful and it’s easy to turn on and off. Now, I mean are these legitimate antitrust concerns? I read that they’re prepping to some sort of FTC complaint, and Google holds 91.32% of the search market worldwide, according to Statcounter, through December of 2011, now they’re essentially pushing their social network on the results and at the exclusion, some would say, of the other networks. Is this a legitimate problem or is this just a company pushing their solution on their own service?

帕特里克:对。 而且我喜欢你,我喜欢社交功能,喜欢Google+集成,因为我使用Google+,喜欢Twitter集成,我发现它很有用,而且很容易打开和关闭。 现在,我的意思是这些合法的反托拉斯问题吗? 据我了解到,他们正在为某种FTC投诉做准备,根据Statcounter的说法,Google在全球搜索市场中占有91.32%的份额,到2011年12月,现在他们实质上是在搜索结果中以及在排除时推动社交网络,有人会说,其他网络。 这是一个合理的问题,还是仅仅是一家公司依靠自己的服务来推动其解决方案?

Louis: Yeah, I’m not a lawyer (laughter), and I’m especially not familiar with U.S. law, but —


Patrick: Does it concern you?


Louis: No.


Patrick: Okay.


Louis: I just don’t see as, like, there’s strong competition in all spaces, I think Google+ is actually probably third in market share of social networks, if not lower than that.


Patrick: Right, I saw a story today that said MySpace was still bigger than Google+, I don’t know, it was just a headline.


Louis: And, you know, I think even Orchid might be bigger than Google+, and the Chinese one as well, so it’s possible that, you know, it’s a pretty minor service, it sucks that they exclude Twitter from their search results, but that’s their call and that information is still out there and it may be space for someone else to be able to build a useful tool that sits on top of your Twitter graph accessible by the API and adds that to your search results via like a browser plugin, which seems like it would be doable.


Patrick: Well, I guess we’ll have to keep an eye on it and see if it becomes a real problem for Google searchers.


Louis: Alright, yeah. Well, my story this week is I guess still breaking, is one way to put it, it starts in a post on ReadWriteWeb, I managed to say it this time, really proud of myself, so it was a post posted on January 16th, which was yesterday. So, the post is about, which bills itself as a mobile optimized HTML rewrite of the jQuery framework, so what that means is that it is a library that does the same things as jQuery, so it has a similar interface, allows you to select items on the page, manipulate the DOM, it also has a set of UI elements which are similar to jQuery mobile, we’ve talked about jQuery mobile on the show before. What differentiates, according to the people who made it, is that it’s specifically targeted for HTML5 on modern WebKit mobile devices, namely IOS and Android, which allows it to be a lot smaller than similar frameworks, so it’s about half the size of zepto.js, which is already a mobile optimized version of jQuery, and it’s about nine times smaller than jQuery. So, pretty considerable, the people who make it also post a video comparing jQuery, yeah, jQuery mobile with the new and with Sencha JS for user interface, and it looks impressive, it looks impressive because if either of you have played with Sensha or jQuery mobile before, especially on Android devices, there’s a general feeling that you get using them that they’ve been designed for IOS, and that if something sort of works on Android that’s good enough for the developers, and they sort of call it a day and go home, whereas seems to have put a much bigger emphasis on making things work exactly the same and with the same degree of performance across both platforms, so very impressive, at least in the video. However, there have been some concerns raised in the community, and the reception is still very skeptical, so I don’t want to come out endorsing this straightaway, I’m going to link in the show notes to an issue on GitHub, it’s the second issue opened against this project, and the issue says simply no unit tests, followed by if you’re honestly suggesting people use this I’d suggest adding some unit tests for everything. And then a lot of people in the community, including Addy Osmani, who I had on the show last week, and Rebecca Murphy who a lot of you probably know, came out and sort of said, look, if you want people to seriously consider this you need to have solid test coverage that makes is comparable and people can have confidence that it does the same things that jQuery does. So, still in development, the developer came back out and said we will have unit test in 1.0, but that remains to be seen, so I guess it’s a wait and see, but it’s something that I think is potentially really interesting if you want to do JavaScript on mobile.

路易斯:是的,是的。 好吧,本周的故事我想还是会打破,这是一种表达方式,它始于ReadWriteWeb上的帖子,这次我设法说出来,真的为我感到骄傲,所以它是1月16日发布的是昨天 因此,该帖子是关于jq.mobi的,它把自己标榜为jQuery框架的移动优化HTML重写,所以这意味着它是一个与jQuery具有相同功能的库,因此它具有相似的接口,您可以选择页面上的项目,操作DOM,它还具有一组类似于jQuery mobile的UI元素,我们之前在展示中谈到了jQuery mobile。 根据制作它的人的说法,jq.mobi的与众不同之处在于,它专门针对现代WebKit移动设备(即IOS和Android)上HTML5,使其比同类框架小得多,因此它的大小仅为其一半。 zepto.js的代码,它已经是jQuery的移动优化版本,比jQuery小约9倍。 因此,相当可观的是,制作它的人还发布了一个视频,将jQuery,是的jQuery mobile与新的jq.mobi和Sencha JS作为用户界面进行了比较,它看起来令人印象深刻,看起来令人印象深刻,因为如果你们两个人都玩过之前使用Sensha或jQuery mobile,尤其是在Android设备上,通常会感觉到它们是为IOS设计的,如果在Android上有某种对开发人员来说足够好的作品,它们就会称它为一天回家吧,而jq.mobi似乎更加强调使两种平台的工作原理完全相同,并且具有相同的性能水平,至少在视频中如此令人印象深刻。 但是,社区中存在一些担忧,并且接待人员仍然非常怀疑,因此我不想直接支持这一观点,我将在展示笔记中链接到GitHub上的一个问题,即第二个问题是针对该项目的,这个问题说根本没有任何单元测试,然后如果您真的建议人们使用这个单元测试,那么我建议为所有内容添加一些单元测试。 然后,社区中的很多人,包括我上周参加演出的Addy Osmani,以及你们中很多人都知道的丽贝卡·墨菲(Rebecca Murphy)出来,并说,看,如果您想让人们认真考虑一下这需要您具有可靠的测试覆盖范围,并且具有可比性,并且人们可以确信它所做的与jQuery相同。 因此,仍在开发中的开发人员退出了会议,并说我们将在1.0中进行单元测试,但这仍有待观察,所以我想这是一个观望,但是如果您愿意,我认为这可能真的很有趣在移动设备上执行JavaScript。

Kevin: It looks really interesting. It’ll be nice to go and play with this and see what it has to offer as opposed to the other systems.

凯文:看起来真的很有趣。 很高兴去玩这个,看看它提供了什么,而不是其他系统。

Louis: Yeah, it looks like it has pretty much all of the same things, so if you’ve looked at jQuery mobile, you know, sort of transitions between pages, native looking widgets, and all of that, it’s all there; except that it looks like it works solidly on Android which the other leading mobile JavaScript frameworks don’t really at present.

路易斯:是的,看起来几乎所有的东西都一样,因此,如果您看过jQuery mobile,就会知道页面之间的某种过渡,具有本机外观的小部件,而所有这些都就在那里。 除了看起来可以在Android上正常运行,而其他领先的移动JavaScript框架目前还不能真正运行。

Kevin: Right.


Louis: However, without tests it’s hard to say, it might be buggy; it’s still in beta and so that’s a fair defense, although it is somewhat concerning the developer didn’t think that automated testing was important enough to bundle into this before, before opening that up and releasing it. Obviously the project is on GitHub, so if anyone wants to try and write some tests for it and contribute to it I’m sure that would be well received by the developer, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens, I’m definitely in wait and see mode on this one, but given how much smaller it is and how much smoother it looks like it works based on the video I think it’s definitely a serious contender in this space. Any other thoughts?

路易斯:但是,没有测试,很难说,它可能是越野车。 它仍然处于beta状态,因此这是一个公平的辩护,尽管有些担心使开发人员认为在打开并发布它之前,自动化测试并不足够重要,因此必须将其捆绑到其中。 显然,该项目位于GitHub上,因此,如果有人想尝试为其编写一些测试并对此做出贡献,我相信开发人员会很好地接受它,因此,看看发生了什么会很有趣,我根据视频,它肯定处于观望模式,但考虑到它的体积小得多,看起来平滑得多,我认为这绝对是这个领域的有力竞争者。 还有其他想法吗?

Patrick: Hmm, trying to rack my brain. What’s everything that I know about jQuery?

帕特里克:嗯,想尽我的脑子。 我对jQuery有什么了解?

Louis: (Laughs)


Patrick: Uhhhh, okay, there it is, done! Sorry, Kevin, do you have a thought?

帕特里克(Patrick):嗯,好,完成了! 抱歉,凯文,您有想法吗?

Kevin: I’m just looking through the documentation now, and let me see, because I haven’t really taken an in-depth look at this I can’t comment too much on it, but it looks like the documentation is okay, it’s not


Louis: Yeah, I mean it definitely has the smell of a very immature project that someone sort of — it looks like a lot of effort went into making it work well, but that’s only, as you point out, part of the way there. Like if you want something to be taken seriously by the community, a strong set of unit tests and a solid documentation effort are going to be just as important as having a library that works well.

路易斯:是的,我的意思是,它肯定具有某人非常不成熟的项目的味道-似乎为使它正常工作付出了很多努力,但正如您所指出的那样,这只是其中的一部分。 就像您希望社区认真对待某些事情一样,强大的单元测试和扎实的文档工作将与拥有一个运行良好的库一样重要。

Kevin: Yeah, I agree. I mean just by looking at this it doesn’t look like I could just go in and start using it unfortunately; I just don’t know where they would want me to start, to figure out how this thing works.

凯文:是的,我同意。 我的意思是仅仅看着它,似乎无法进入并不幸地开始使用它。 我只是不知道他们要我从哪里开始,弄清楚这件事是如何工作的。

Louis: Well, it’ll be very interesting, I might give it a play the next time I have to do something mobile, at least sort of dive in and give it a shot and see, I think you’d be able to figure out within an hour or two whether it was doing what you needed it to. There is a — if you go to, that’s, that’s actually a sort of running instance of it which has all the different little functions, so if you go to that on your phone you can see it in action on the phone, and with respect to that it looks like the proof is in the pudding, it looks like it does everything nice and smoothly, it’s got things that are traditionally kind of difficult to do on web pages in mobile devices, including a fixed header and footer and sliding transitions for everything, even on Android, which older versions of Android are pretty buggy as far as that goes, so that’s been difficult for other frameworks to get right. And, again, like I was saying, to me it’s the willingness to not just say, okay, it works beautifully on IOS and it’s a little shaky and flickery and buggy on Android but who cares, which seems to have been the approach of just about every other mobile framework so far, so it’s nice to see someone really going for cross platform compatibility on a serious priority.

路易斯:好吧,这将非常有趣,下次我必须做一些移动的事情时,也许我会试一试,至少是潜入水中,然后试一试,我想你可以一两个小时之内就能知道它是否在做您需要做的事情。 有一个-如果您访问 ,即,那实际上是它的一种运行实例,具有所有不同的小功能,因此,如果您在手机上查看该实例,则可以看到它可以在电话上发挥作用,并且看起来就像布丁上的证明,看起来它可以使所有事情变得顺畅流畅,在移动设备的网页上传统上很难做到,包括固定的页眉和页脚以及适用于所有内容的滑动过渡,即使在Android上,Android的较旧版本到目前为止也存在很多问题,因此其他框架很难做到这一点。 再说一次,就像我对我说的,我愿意不只是说,好吧,它在IOS上可以很好地工作,在Android上有点摇摇欲坠,忽悠忽悠,但是谁在乎,这似乎只是关于到目前为止的所有其他移动框架,因此很高兴看到有人真正优先考虑跨平台兼容性。

Well, so that brings us to the end of today’s show, let’s quickly go around with some spotlights, what do we got this week?


Patrick: So I’ve got a video from Jesse Rosten, I think that’s how you pronounce his name, and it’s on Vimeo, and it’s Fotoshop by Adobé, did you guys see this video?

帕特里克(Patrick):我从杰西·罗斯滕(Jesse Rosten)那里获得了一个视频,我想这就是你念他的名字的方式,它在Vimeo上,而在Adobé的Fotoshop中,你们看到了这个视频吗?

Louis: Yeah, I saw that.


Patrick: Okay, so this video was awesome! I mean Louis knows.

帕特里克:好的,这部影片真棒! 我的意思是路易斯知道。

Louis: It was pretty good. Yeah, it was good. It’s one of those things that suddenly came at me from every direction at once on the day it came out, like I had four people in my Facebook stream, a dozen people on Twitter, everyone was sharing this video around.

路易斯:很好。 是的,很好。 这是在发布当天突然从各个方向突然出现的事情之一,例如我的Facebook流中有四个人,Twitter上有十个人,每个人都在分享这个视频。

Patrick: Right; and it’s got 2.8 million plays, so you may have seen it, but there are a lot more people in the world than 2.8 million, so maybe there are some people listening to this show who haven’t seen it. Moreorless it’s a commercial for Adobe Photoshop that is set up like a cosmetics commercial, so it basically treats Photoshop as a cosmetics product as far as how it improves photos, improves the look of people, and I won’t ruin it too much, but suffice to say the tagline is, “Maybe she’s born with it,” and then the voice changes to, “No, I’m pretty sure it’s Fotoshop,” (laughter). So definitely check it out.

帕特里克:对; 它有280万个播放器,所以您可能已经看过了,但是世界上有超过280万个播放器的人,所以也许有些人在听这部戏而没有看过。 至少它是Adobe Photoshop的商业广告,其设置与化妆品广告一样,因此就其如何改善照片,改善人们的外观而言,它基本上将Photoshop视为化妆品产品,但我不会对其造成太大的破坏,但是足以说出标语是“也许她是天生的”,然后声音变成“不,我确定是Fotoshop,”(笑声)。 所以一定要检查一下。

Louis: Yeah, absolutely, it’s a lot of fun.


Kevin: Cool stuff.


Louis: Alright, Kevin?


Kevin: My spotlight for today is, it’s a site where you can check out other people’s designs of data, so what this means is if you’ve ever see like a pie chart or something like that, of course you’ve seen a pie chart, but it’s people’s different techniques of displaying the data, so it’s visualization of data, and if you go to the site it’s just a huge gallery of information on how other people have displayed their things, it’s kind of a creative outlet to go to when you’re having trouble thinking about how to make something that’s not interesting, interesting. So, go check it out and I think you’ll like what you see.

凯文:今天我的关注点是 ,它是一个您可以在此查看其他人的数据设计的网站,所以这意味着如果您看到的是饼状图或类似的东西,那么您当然可以seen a pie chart, but it's people's different techniques of displaying the data, so it's visualization of data, and if you go to the site it's just a huge gallery of information on how other people have displayed their things, it's kind of a creative outlet to go to when you're having trouble thinking about how to make something that's not interesting, interesting. So, go check it out and I think you'll like what you see.

Louis: Yeah, I really like it; it’s a well designed site, easy to navigate, and definitely lots of cool stuff in here. If you go to Visualizations and then sort by most popular you get some really, really cool ones.

Louis: Yeah, I really like it; it's a well designed site, easy to navigate, and definitely lots of cool stuff in here. If you go to Visualizations and then sort by most popular you get some really, really cool ones.

Patrick: Yeah, it is really nice. And, like you said, it makes stuff that’s boring interesting, like this podcast, bah-dum-dum.

Patrick: Yeah, it is really nice. And, like you said, it makes stuff that's boring interesting, like this podcast, bah-dum-dum.

Louis: Oh, Patrick! I thought you were a fan. That hits home.

Louis: Oh, Patrick! I thought you were a fan. That hits home.

Patrick: I love us! I am a fan of us, although that sounds awfully conceited.

Patrick: I love us! I am a fan of us, although that sounds awfully conceited.

Louis: (Laughs)


Kevin: I’m going to block Patrick from my Twitter now.

Kevin: I'm going to block Patrick from my Twitter now.

Louis: Alright.


Patrick: One of your five followers.

Patrick: One of your five followers.

Kevin: Ouch!

Kevin: Ouch!

Louis: (Laughs)


Patrick: I’m kidding.

Patrick: I'm kidding.

Louis: A little harsh today. Alright, my spotlight for today is a recently redesigned site which is really, really impressive, makes great use of three-dimensional CSS, so it is, that’s, the thing only works in WebKit at the moment because WebKit is the only thing that has 3D CSS, so you’d want to see it in either Chrome or Safari or on an iPad, but if you are using one of those browsers go to and just scroll down the page and watch as everything sort of moves around, and it’s one of the best scrolling effects I’ve seen on the web ever; really, really, gorgeous. And he’s got a blog post about how it was designed and how it works, and the idea apparently is very simple, apparently if you put a div or any kind of DOM element in CSS or apply 3D CSS to it, its perspective remains the same as you scroll down the page, so, in fact, the perspective, sort of the paradox scrolling happens moreorless automatically, I’m sure it’s more complicated than that, but there’s a whole blog post explaining sort of the design process and how the code behind it works, so check it out.

Louis: A little harsh today. Alright, my spotlight for today is a recently redesigned site which is really, really impressive, makes great use of three-dimensional CSS, so it is , that's, the thing only works in WebKit at the moment because WebKit is the only thing that has 3D CSS, so you'd want to see it in either Chrome or Safari or on an iPad, but if you are using one of those browsers go to and just scroll down the page and watch as everything sort of moves around, and it's one of the best scrolling effects I've seen on the web ever; really, really, gorgeous. And he's got a blog post about how it was designed and how it works, and the idea apparently is very simple, apparently if you put a div or any kind of DOM element in CSS or apply 3D CSS to it, its perspective remains the same as you scroll down the page, so, in fact, the perspective, sort of the paradox scrolling happens moreorless automatically, I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but there's a whole blog post explaining sort of the design process and how the code behind it works, so check it out.

Patrick: Yeah, and this post actually reminded me of something, big, big news that I should’ve led with because it lists the browsers that are compatible, some of them anyway; I finally downloaded Chrome.

Patrick: Yeah, and this post actually reminded me of something, big, big news that I should've led with because it lists the browsers that are compatible, some of them anyway; I finally downloaded Chrome.

Louis: Oh! (Laughter)

路易斯:哦! (笑声)

Patrick: So I mean that’s like — that should have been the lead story; I buried the lead (laughter). But you know how it happened, I downloaded Chrome, and it’s a long story, but I was installing a program that I like and you know how the Chrome, you can signup and you can install it like in the installer, you know how they get paid for it if you install Chrome or you tick the box to install this toolbar, well, I forgot to uncheck it, so how I got Chrome was through installing something else by clicking next too fast.

Patrick: So I mean that's like — that should have been the lead story; I buried the lead (laughter). But you know how it happened, I downloaded Chrome, and it's a long story, but I was installing a program that I like and you know how the Chrome, you can signup and you can install it like in the installer, you know how they get paid for it if you install Chrome or you tick the box to install this toolbar, well, I forgot to uncheck it, so how I got Chrome was through installing something else by clicking next too fast.

Louis: Alright.


Patrick: So, anyway, I’m able to view this page now thanks to that accident, and this is the first time I’ve actually opened Chrome, and you’re right, it is — that is really neat, it reminds me of like a skyscraper or something towering down and then the text presents itself.

Patrick: So, anyway, I'm able to view this page now thanks to that accident, and this is the first time I've actually opened Chrome, and you're right, it is — that is really neat, it reminds me of like a skyscraper or something towering down and then the text presents itself.

Louis: Yeah, I especially like how the post itself is kind of angled off to the side when you’re at the top of the page, but as you scroll down it sort of swings out into full view, and it really fits in just natively with the scrolling, it’s very nice, and if you want to play with it and have fun you look at when you’re at the top of the page and the post is sort of faded off to the side, like the text in it is still selectable, it still behaves exactly like text on a page, it’s just slanted and rotated out to the back.

Louis: Yeah, I especially like how the post itself is kind of angled off to the side when you're at the top of the page, but as you scroll down it sort of swings out into full view, and it really fits in just natively with the scrolling, it's very nice, and if you want to play with it and have fun you look at when you're at the top of the page and the post is sort of faded off to the side, like the text in it is still selectable, it still behaves exactly like text on a page, it's just slanted and rotated out to the back.

Patrick: Yeah, yeah, this isn’t something you’d like to see in most websites you visit daily, but, it’s like above the fold — take this! Above the fold.

Patrick: Yeah, yeah, this isn't something you'd like to see in most websites you visit daily, but, it's like above the fold — take this! Above the fold.

Louis: Yeah, I’ve been scrolling up and down this page and my laptop feels like it’s about to liftoff in outer space, my fan has kicked up to the highest degree, so probably not something you’d want on your everyday website, but a very cool demonstration of what’s possible with the latest tools in CSS.

Louis: Yeah, I've been scrolling up and down this page and my laptop feels like it's about to liftoff in outer space, my fan has kicked up to the highest degree, so probably not something you'd want on your everyday website, but a very cool demonstration of what's possible with the latest tools in CSS.

Kevin: It’s very engaging.

Kevin: It's very engaging.

Louis: Alright, so I guess that’s a wrap for this week, let’s just quickly go around the table.

Louis: Alright, so I guess that's a wrap for this week, let's just quickly go around the table.

Kevin: I am Kevin Dees, you can find me at, and you can see me on Twitter if you’d like @kevindees.

Kevin: I am Kevin Dees, you can find me at , and you can see me on Twitter if you'd like @kevindees .

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe for the iFroggy Network; on Twitter @ifroggy, i-f-r-o-g-g-y.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe for the iFroggy Network; on Twitter @ifroggy , ifroggy.

Louis: And you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom, that’s sitepoint d-o-t-c-o-m, and you can follow me on Twitter @rssaddict; go to, which is the place to go to keep up with the podcast, it’s got all of our past episodes, the RSS subscription link, and you can leave a comment on this show or any previous shows if you want to get in touch. Another way to get in touch with us is by email at So have a great week, I will see you all next week in the interview show, thanks for listening.

Louis: And you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom , that's sitepoint dotcom, and you can follow me on Twitter @rssaddict ; go to , which is the place to go to keep up with the podcast, it's got all of our past episodes, the RSS subscription link, and you can leave a comment on this show or any previous shows if you want to get in touch. Another way to get in touch with us is by email at So have a great week, I will see you all next week in the interview show, thanks for listening.

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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