
tech2023-11-27  102


I’ve seen the following situation arise again and again during the past several years: 在过去的几年中,我已经看到以下情况反复出现: A great web designer or developer builds up a portfolio of customers that provide them with good referral business

优秀的网页设计师或开发人员可以建立客户群,为他们提供良好的推荐业务 Each time the designer completes a project, they recommend a web hosting company they like for the customer to use.

设计师每次完成项目时,都会推荐自己喜欢的网络托管公司,以供客户使用。 The customer takes the recommendation and pays anywhere from $10-50 per month for web hosting.


Now, there’s nothing wrong with this scenario. The customer is happy and the web designer moves onto the next design project. However, what many designers have yet to realize is that they could be making recurring income every single month from that same customer by offering to host the website themselves. In fact, once a popular designer accrues a modest-sized customer base, the web hosting component of their monthly revenue can easily outpace the design revenue. The best part of the web hosting revenue is that the customer needs this service month in and month out—regardless of future design needs.

现在,这种情况没有任何问题。 客户很高兴,网页设计师进入下一个设计项目。 但是,许多设计师尚未意识到的是,他们可以通过提供自己托管的网站来每个月从同一位客户获得经常性收入。 实际上,一旦受欢迎的设计师获得了中等规模的客户群,他们每月收入中的网络托管部分就很容易超过设计收入。 Web托管收入的最好部分是,客户日复一日地需要此服务,而不管将来的设计需求如何。

So how does a web designer easily set up a system to host customer websites without setting up a complicated web hosting operation themselves? Through reseller hosting.

那么,Web设计人员如何轻松地建立一个系统来托管客户网站,而无需自己设置复杂的Web托管操作? 通过代理商托管。

This article will help you understand the opportunity that’s presented by reselling web hosting services to your design and development customers. Each and every website project that you work on needs to be hosted. As the expert hired to create the website vision and technical implementation of that vision, you’re in a unique position to advise your clients on their choice of a web hosting solution. By offering to manage this aspect of their website business as well, you’ll stand to earn additional monthly revenue—and be seen as an even more essential part of the client’s website strategy. In preparation for this article, we sought out experts in reseller hosting. Companies like Microsoft, cPanel, MaximumASP, NaviSite, DedicatedNOW, HostGator, and 34SP.com have all offered their perspectives on how to succeed when reselling hosting.

本文将帮助您了解将Web托管服务转售给设计和开发客户所带来的机会。 您需要处理的每个网站项目都必须托管。 由于聘请了专家来创建网站构想和该构想的技术实现,因此您处于独特的位置,可以为客户提供有关选择虚拟主机解决方案的建议。 通过提供同时管理其网站业务这一方面的服务,您将可以赚取额外的每月收入,并被视为客户网站策略中更为重要的组成部分。 在准备本文时,我们寻求了代理商托管方面的专家。 像Microsoft,cPanel,MaximumASP,NaviSite,DedicatedNOW,HostGator和34SP.com这样的公司都对转售托管服务时如何取得成功提出了自己的看法。

The following can act as a guide for those of you who are considering entering the market to resell web hosting services. We’ll start by introducing you to the technical concepts behind reseller hosting, and then follow up by offering the insights of professionals on how to go about selecting a hosting partner to work with on your reseller business.

以下内容可以为正在考虑进入市场转售网络托管服务的您提供指导。 我们将首先向您介绍经销商托管背后的技术概念,然后通过提供专业人士的洞察力来指导您如何选择托管合作伙伴来从事您的经销商业务。

经销商托管的工作方式 (How Reseller Hosting Works)

Many large web hosting companies now offer a special account type—usually called a “Reseller” plan. This account is specifically set up so that the account holder can pay a flat monthly fee for an account, and then host multiple subaccounts under it which the account holder manages and bills for. Here’s an example: let’s say that you purchase a reseller account for a flat fee of $30 per month. Let’s also say that you currently have ten customers who’d pay you to host their website. Here’s a projection of your earnings each month if you charged:

现在,许多大型网络托管公司都提供一种特殊的帐户类型,通常称为“转销商”计划。 专门设置此帐户,以便帐户持有人可以为一个帐户支付固定的月费,然后在该帐户下托管多个子帐户,该帐户由该帐户管理并为其开票。 举个例子:假设您购买了一个转销商帐户,每月固定费用为30美元。 假设我们目前有十个客户愿意付费给您托管他们的网站。 如果您收费,这是每个月的收入预测:

$5 per month: 10 customers x $5 = $50 per month – $30 for the reseller account = $20 profit each month

每月$ 5:10个客户x $ 5 =每月$ 50 –代理商帐户$ 30 =每月利润$ 20 $10 per month: 10 customers x $10 = $100 per month – $30 for the reseller account = $70 profit each month

每月$ 10:10个客户x $ 10 =每月$ 100 –代理商帐户$ 30 =每月获利$ 70 $25 per month: 10 customers x $25 = $250 per month – $30 for the reseller account = $220 profit each month

每月$ 25:10个客户x $ 25 =每月$ 250 –代理商帐户$ 30 =每月利润$ 220

These profit numbers become even more attractive if you have 100 customers instead of just 10 (of course, at that point you’d probably need to spend more on the hosting plan, depending on your clients’ traffic).


So let’s say that you have decided to resell hosting to your clients. Let’s first look at understanding exactly what reseller hosting is from a technical perspective; then we’ll turn to helping you select the best provider.

假设您已决定将托管转售给客户。 首先,让我们从技术的角度准确地了解什么是经销商托管。 那么我们将帮助您选择最佳提供商。

了解经销商托管 (Understanding Reseller Hosting)

Let’s start with a solid definition of reseller hosting from a technical perspective. While in many ways reseller hosting plans are similar to normal shared hosting services, it can be helpful to understand the technical underpinnings of how it allows you to host multiple subaccounts under one master account. The information that follows was provided by Tom Hill, a server engineer with reseller host 34SP.com.

让我们从技术角度对转售商托管进行一个明确的定义。 尽管经销商托管计划在许多方面类似于普通的共享托管服务,但了解如何使您能够在一个主帐户下托管多个子帐户的技术基础可能会有所帮助。 以下信息是由经销商主机34SP.com的服务器工程师Tom Hill提供的。

The fundamental components of a reseller hosting plan are:


Web server and database components Web服务器和数据库组件 The web server is the software that resides upon the server hardware, listening for HTTP and HTTPS connections. The most common web servers are Apache and Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS). Multiple websites are served by a single IP address, thanks to what’s called name-based virtual hosting, which uses the content of the HTTP headers to distinguish between requests to the same IP address for different domains. This allows resellers to easily and cheaply create multiple websites without paying for extra IP addresses or servers.

The database server is the software that provides database functions upon the server hardware. It allows for data to be stored in a structured method that enables fast retrieval of data with a querying language, such as the popular Structured Query Language (SQL). Common database servers are the open-source MySQL and Microsoft’s SQL Server. Typically, a single instance of a database server can provide multiple databases, each with their own users. This allows resellers to create multiple databases or database users per client, providing segregated control and access to data.

Web服务器是驻留在服务器硬件上的软件,用于侦听HTTP和HTTPS连接。 最常见的Web服务器是Apache和Microsoft的Internet信息服务(IIS)。 借助 基于名称的虚拟主机 ,该网站可以使用一个IP地址为多个网站提供服务,该 虚拟主机使用HTTP标头的内容来区分对不同域对同一IP地址的请求。 这样,转销商可以轻松而廉价地创建多个网站,而无需支付额外的IP地址或服务器。

数据库服务器是在服务器硬件上提供数据库功能的软件。 它允许将数据存储在结构化方法中,该结构化方法可以使用查询语言(例如流行的结构化查询语言(SQL))快速检索数据。 常见的数据库服务器是开源MySQL和MicrosoftSQL Server。 通常,数据库服务器的单个实例可以提供多个数据库,每个数据库都有自己的用户。 这样,转销商可以为每个客户端创建多个数据库或数据库用户,从而提供分离的控制和对数据的访问。

Mail server with SMTP/IMAP/POP3 带有SMTP / IMAP / POP3的邮件服务器

Of special note, all-in-one services (such as Microsoft Exchange and Zimbra) are often touted as higher tier, enterprise-class email platforms that comprise all functions, along with (sometimes proprietary) synchronization of mailboxes, calendar, and scheduling functions, and also contact management. Such products are not essential for all levels of reseller hosting, but are often requested by larger clients.

特别值得注意的是,多合一服务(例如Microsoft Exchange和Zimbra)通常被吹捧为包含所有功能以及邮箱,日历和计划功能的同步(有时是专有的)的高层企业级电子邮件平台。 ,也可以联系管理。 此类产品并非对于所有级别的经销商托管都是必不可少的,但大型客户经常会要求使用。

DNS server with full zone management 具有完整区域管理的DNS服务器 Integral to the Domain Name System is a DNS server, which provides name server and domain name server duties to the reseller and their clients. Often this will involve the creation of branded name server addresses for which to use with domain names. Management of DNS zone files (a list of DNS records for each domain) is paramount to any reseller. It allows them to create subdomains, redirect traffic for other subdomains (say to services hosted at an office), or create new entry points to the same website for marketing purposes. By far the most common DNS server software in use today is BIND, an open source project. 与域名系统集成的是DNS服务器,它为转销商及其客户提供名称服务器和域名服务器的职责。 通常,这将涉及创建要与域名一起使用的品牌名称服务器地址。 DNS区域文件(每个域的DNS记录列表)的管理对于任何经销商而言都是至关重要的。 它允许他们创建子域,将其他子域的流量重定向(例如到办公室托管的服务),或为营销目的创建到同一网站的新入口点。 到目前为止,目前使用的最常见的DNS服务器软件是BIND,一个开源项目。 Brand-agnostic servers, to enable white-labeling 与品牌无关的服务器,以启用白标 White-labeling covers a number of activities, such as company-branded name server addresses, for pointing to your name servers. Also, if clients are given limited access to a control panel (that is, Plesk, cPanel), the clients’ company logos and theme colors could be used. Often the upstream provider will supply separate mail server addresses purely for reseller use—the domain itself would have no relation to the provider company’s branding. 白色标签涵盖了许多活动,例如公司品牌的名称服务器地址,用于指向您的名称服务器。 同样,如果授予客户有限的控制面板访问权限(即Plesk,cPanel),则可以使用客户的公司徽标和主题颜色。 通常,上游提供商会提供纯粹用于转销商的单独的邮件服务器地址-域本身与提供商公司的品牌无关。

Brent Oxley is the CEO at well-known hosting reseller, HostGator. Here is how he describes the main components of a HostGator reseller hosting account: “A reseller hosting account’s main component is WHM (Web Host Manager). It allows resellers to create and modify accounts, change settings, set up custom branding, and more. Below the WHM is a standard control panel (we use cPanel) for each account that allows individual websites to add and remove email accounts, upload and manage files, and more. HostGator reseller accounts also include a variety of nice add-ons, like an Enom account to reseller domain names, access to 4,500 free website templates, and a free billing system.”

布伦特·奥克斯利(Brent Oxley)是著名托管转销商HostGator的首席执行官。 这是他如何描述HostGator经销商托管帐户的主要组成部分:“经销商托管帐户的主要组成部分是WHM(Web托管管理器)。 它允许转销商创建和修改帐户,更改设置,设置自定义品牌等等。 WHM下方是每个帐户的标准控制面板(我们使用cPanel),允许单个网站添加和删除电子邮件帐户,上传和管理文件等等。 HostGator经销商帐户还包括各种不错的附加组件,例如用于经销商域名的Enom帐户,访问4,500个免费网站模板和免费计费系统。”

Given the technical basics are all there in a reseller hosting account, what else should you look for in a provider? Here is what Oxley suggests: “I would consider 1) if the subaccounts have the features you and your own customers need, 2) that the extras offered by your host are valuable and useful to you, and 3) that the overall uptime and reliability of the host is good (99.5% or higher at minimum). When it comes to finding a reseller hosting company to use, reputation and longevity are everything.”

鉴于经销商托管帐户中包含所有技术基础知识,那么您应该在提供商中寻找什么? 这是Oxley的建议:“我会考虑1)子帐户是否具有您和您自己的客户所需的功能,2)托管人提供的额外服务对您而言是有价值和有用的,3)总体正常运行时间和可靠性主机的状态良好(至少99.5%或更高)。 在寻找要使用的转销商托管公司时,信誉和长寿就是一切。”

Josh Ewin is the director of sales and marketing at DedicatedNOW, a hosting company founded in 1997. The company provides managed and unmanaged dedicated web hosting services to thousands of clients. Many of those clients are hosting resellers. Ewin added his thoughts on the most important technical considerations when setting up a reseller hosting account. “Make sure you understand how to support your clients 24×7. (Say that 3 times over). The rest is pretty easy if you’re comfortable with setting up your own website. That stuff can be learned. The successful resellers know how to set up a process to support their existing clients and bring in new sales. Master those two things and you’re sure to win.”

Josh Ewin是DedicatedNOW (一家成立于1997年的托管公司)的销售和市场总监。该公司为成千上万的客户提供托管和非托管专用网络托管服务。 这些客户中有许多托管转销商。 在建立经销商托管帐户时,Ewin补充了对最重要的技术注意事项的想法。 “请确保您了解如何全天候支持客户24×7。 (说3次以上)。 如果您愿意建立自己的网站,那么其余的工作就很容易了。 那东西可以学到。 成功的经销商知道如何建立流程以支持其现有客户并带来新的销售。 掌握这两件事,您一定会赢。”

选择最佳经销商网络主机 (Selecting the Best Reseller Web Host)

Research is going to be the key to selecting the very best reseller web host you can find. Whether it’s the word-of-mouth recommendation of a fellow designer, or online searches in search engines or forums, you’ll need to conduct some solid research to arrive at the best decision. Here are several suggestions on how to research a good reseller host.

研究将成为选择您能找到的最好的经销商网络主机的关键。 无论是同行设计师的口碑推荐,还是搜索引擎或论坛中的在线搜索,您都需要进行一些扎实的研究才能做出最佳决定。 这里有一些关于如何研究好的经销商主机的建议。

学科专家 (Experts on the Subject)

I’m fond of turning to experts when my own knowledge is insufficient. Here’s how several experts would go about researching a reseller web host.

当我自己的知识不足时,我很乐意求助于专家。 以下是几位专家将如何研究经销商网络主机的方法。

Monish Sood is Microsoft’s marketing manager for the worldwide hosting business and contributes to the Hosting Insights blog. He says, “Word of mouth is the most powerful way to attract and retain customers. Reputation is everything when it comes to service. When I was with a reseller hosting company, our number one source of new customers was through customer referrals. We surveyed customers frequently to gauge satisfaction and asked one very important question: would you recommend us to a friend? At Microsoft, we use customer references to feature hosting partners in our hosting catalogs. As part of the Microsoft Partner Network, hosting providers are able to survey their customers on overall satisfaction. The results are used to help partners earn points towards achieving the Hosting Solutions competency, which provides many great benefits, such as being listed in the catalogs—a great source of leads.”

Monish Sood是Microsoft在全球托管业务方面的市场经理,并为Hosting Insights博客做出了贡献。 他说:“口耳相传是吸引和留住客户的最有效方法。 服务就是信誉。 当我在转销商托管公司时,我们的新客户第一来源是通过客户推荐。 我们经常调查客户以评估满意度,并提出了一个非常重要的问题:您会推荐我们给朋友吗? 在Microsoft,我们使用客户参考来在托管目录中推荐托管合作伙伴。 作为Microsoft合作伙伴网络的一部分,托管服务提供商可以调查其客户的总体满意度。 结果将用于帮助合作伙伴获得主机解决方案能力的积分,这将带来许多巨大的好处,例如被列入目录中,这是潜在客户的重要来源。”

“Any good solution starts with defining one’s own needs,” says Aaron Phillips, vice president of operations with cPanel, Inc. “Developers and designers have a lot of tough questions to ask themselves and then once the objectives have been answered they can seek a great solution. Levels of support, features, and reseller hosting companies all vary depending on the specific needs of individual developers and having some kind of defined needs list will go along ways. Finally when you have developed the needs and if you have a specific control panel or software package you like, you go to directly to the source (control panel companies website) to start your search. Affiliate marketing has diluted good information on the search engines.” Mr. Phillips added, “In the hosting industry their are many great choices and finding the one that best meets your needs will be worth every ounce of effort you put into it.”

cPanel,Inc .运营副总裁Aaron Phillips说:“任何好的解决方案都始于定义自己的需求。开发人员和设计师有很多棘手的问题要问自己,一旦目标达成,他们就可以寻求解决方案。很好的解决方案。 支持,功能和经销商托管公司的级别各不相同,具体取决于各个开发人员的特定需求,并且具有某种已定义的需求列表将一直有效。 最后,在满足需求后,如果您有特定的控制面板或软件包,则直接转到源(控制面板公司的网站)开始搜索。 会员营销已经稀释了搜索引擎上的良好信息。” 菲利普斯先生补充说:“在托管行业,他们有很多不错的选择,而找到最能满足您需求的选择将值得您付出一切努力。”

William Toll, of NaviSite, suggests, “A web professional should start with their own network: ask around and listen to both the good and bad news about different hosting options. They will then quickly build a list of what to look for and what to look out for. Look for a hosting provider that focuses on reliability and security first; if that’s their focus, the web professional can rest assured that their clients will be in good hands. Once the short list of providers is finalized, it’s okay to ask them for a reference, preferably another web professional company. Any reputable hosting provider will be happy to supply such a reference. Also, if the company is a Microsoft shop, they should consider the WebsiteSpark program, which empowers the Web VAP with free software and tools.”

NaviSite的 William Toll建议:“网络专业人员应该从他们自己的网络开始:四处询问并聆听有关不同托管选项的好消息和坏消息。 然后,他们将快速建立查找内容和查找内容的列表。 寻找一个首先关注可靠性和安全性的托管服务提供商; 如果这是他们的重点,则Web专业人员可以放心,他们的客户会得到很好的帮助。 一旦确定了提供商的简短列表,就可以要求他们提供参考,最好是其他网络专业公司作为参考。 任何知名的托管服务提供商都将很乐意提供这样的参考。 另外,如果公司是微软商店,他们应该考虑使用WebsiteSpark程序,该程序可以为Web VAP提供免费的软件和工具。”

Stacy Griggs is vice president of sales at MaximumASP, a Microsoft-centric dedicated server provider. He adds his thoughts: “By far, the best way to select a hosting company is to talk with other designer/developers you personally know and trust. Additionally, you should look for a company that’s an expert in hosting your specific technology; for example, at MaximumASP we only host Microsoft technologies. Validate the reseller hosting company’s claims, also. If the company says they have great 24x7x365 service, call them at midnight; say that you’re a prospective customer and wanted to see how good their support is. Additionally, I would ask the company for a copy of their SAS70 report. A SAS70 report is prepared by a third-party auditor and verifies that the hosting company follows documented procedures. Most better-quality companies conduct an annual SAS70 audit, and will be happy to provide a copy of the results to their clients.”

Stacy Griggs是MaximumASP (一家以Microsoft为中心的专用服务器提供商)的销售副总裁。 他补充说:“到目前为止,选择托管公司的最佳方法是与您亲自认识并信任的其他设计师/开发人员进行交谈。 此外,您应该寻找一家拥有特定技术托管专家的公司; 例如,在MaximumASP中,我们仅托管Microsoft技术。 还要验证转销商托管公司的索赔。 如果公司说他们提供出色的24x7x365服务,请在午夜致电他们; 表示您是潜在客户,想查看他们的支持水平如何。 此外,我会要求公司提供SAS70报告的副本。 SAS70报告由第三方审核员准备,并验证托管公司是否遵循书面程序。 大多数质量较好的公司都会进行SAS70年度审核,并乐意为客户提供结果副本。”

34SP.com is a reseller hosting provider based in Manchester, United Kingdom. Stuart Melling co-founded the company over nine years ago and offers this advice: “Reputation, service, and support are the key components for success in a reseller hosting partner. Narrow your choices down to a select few, and then research them in every way possible. If you can, find others who have used the service and see what they think. Of course, there are search engines that you can query, as well as designer and developer websites like sitepoint.com. Plus, don’t forget the forums—there’s a forum devoted to dedicated servers and reseller hosting at SitePoint as well. That’s a great resource.”

34SP.com是位于英国曼彻斯特的转销商托管提供商。 斯图尔特·梅林(Stuart Melling)于9年前与他人共同创立了该公司,并提供以下建议:“信誉,服务和支持是转售商托管合作伙伴成功的关键要素。 将您的选择缩小到几个选择,然后以各种可能的方式进行研究。 如果可以,请找到使用该服务的其他人,然后看看他们的想法。 当然,您可以查询一些搜索引擎,以及诸如sitepoint.com之类的设计师和开发人员网站。 另外,请不要忘记论坛 -SitePoint上还有一个专门讨论专用服务器和经销商托管的论坛 。 那是很棒的资源。”

行业网站或论坛 (Industry Websites or Forums)

Another good source of research is to view forums specific to the hosting industry. Additionally, there are a number of specialty sites that post hosting company news and reviews. Forums are popular as they offer an opportunity for customers to appraise reseller hosting companies, and share that firsthand information with others. In this way, forums act as a sort of extended word-of-mouth channel.

另一个很好的研究来源是查看特定于托管行业的论坛。 此外,还有许多发布托管公司新闻和评论的专业站点。 论坛之所以受欢迎,是因为它们为客户提供了评估经销商托管公司并与他人共享第一手信息的机会。 通过这种方式,论坛可以作为一种扩展的口碑传播渠道。

As mentioned above, the forums here at sitepoint.com are extensive and cover much ground on this topic across a variety of threads. There’s also another well-respected resource for reseller hosting forum research: webhostingtalk.com. This forum is devoted to web hosting topics and contains a forum subsection specifically for reseller hosting.

如上所述, sitepoint.com上的论坛范围很广,涵盖了多个主题的许多主题。 经销商托管论坛研究还有另一个备受尊重的资源: webhostingtalk.com 。 该论坛专门讨论网络托管主题,并包含专门用于转销商托管的论坛小节。

推特 (Twitter)

You might wonder how Twitter is any different from research with conventional search engines. The difference is in the real-time, uncensored feedback of actual customers of the web hosts you’re researching. You can gain an up-to-the-minute view of how that particular web host is doing. If there are recurrent problems, they’ll manifest themselves in a Twitter search. The most effective way to use the Twitter real-time search is over the course of several days or even weeks, as it gives you the best opportunity to assess performance. The methodology is as follows. Reduce your pool of potential reseller hosts down to just a few. Then go to Twitter.com and type in a search of the web host’s name. Scan the results looking for tweets that mention the web host and gauge the writer’s satisfaction level. Keep in mind that all businesses can have one or two unhappy customers at any given time, and that problems are inevitable. That’s why a search spread over a few weeks is best. If a company is having problems on a specific day, you’ll see that the situation is much better when you return a few days later—otherwise, that can be a red flag.

您可能想知道Twitter与传统搜索引擎的研究有何不同。 不同之处在于您正在研究的Web主机的实际客户的实时未经审查的反馈。 您可以获取有关特定Web主机运行情况的最新视图。 如果经常出现问题,他们将在Twitter搜索中显示自己。 使用Twitter实时搜索的最有效方法是几天甚至几周的时间,因为它为您提供了评估效果的最佳机会。 方法如下。 将潜在的经销商主机数量减少到只有几个。 然后转到Twitter.com并输入搜索网络主机名称的步骤。 扫描结果以查找提及网络托管者的推文,并评估作者的满意度。 请记住,所有企业在任何给定时间都可能会有一个或两个不满意的客户,而且问题是不可避免的。 这就是为什么最好在几周内进行搜索。 如果公司在特定日期遇到问题,几天后再返回时,您会发现情况要好得多,否则,这可能是一个危险信号。

结论 (Conclusion)

I hope I’ve convinced you to investigate reseller hosting if you’re a web professional; you might be missing out on a significant opportunity for additional revenue otherwise. What’s more, by providing your clients with web hosting, you help maintain the relationship. The tools and information I’ve supplied here should help you choose a suitable provider for your reseller hosting.

如果您是网络专家,希望我已经说服您调查转销商托管; 否则,您可能会错失大量增加收入的机会。 此外,通过为客户提供虚拟主机,您可以帮助维持这种关系。 我在此处提供的工具和信息应可帮助您为经销商托管服务选择合适的提供商。

The consensus among hosting industry professionals is to conduct thorough research, and rely on personal recommendations from other developers and designers who’ve used various web hosts. You should also remember to use search engines, forums, and Twitter to back up your research efforts.

托管行业专业人员之间的共识是进行彻底的研究,并依靠使用过各种网络托管工具的其他开发人员和设计师的个人建议。 您还应该记住使用搜索引擎,论坛和Twitter来支持您的研究工作。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/reseller-hosting-explained/

