
tech2023-11-28  111


Cloud applications have changed the way that companies do business, and many of the advantages offered by integrated cloud solutions can be summed up in three words: scalability, mobility, and cost. Cloud applications have done a lot to level the playing field when it comes to competition between large enterprises, and small businesses.

云应用程序改变了公司开展业务的方式,集成云解决方案提供的许多优势可以用三个词来概括:可扩展性,移动性和成本。 在涉及大型企业和小型企业之间的竞争时,云应用程序为平衡竞争环境做出了很多贡献。

迁移至云端的优势 (Advantages of Migrating to the Cloud)

Since the idea of cloud computing first surfaced a few years ago, cloud applications have only gotten better, and many are indistinguishable from their desktop counterparts. There are a number of benefits to cloud applications, which is why so many businesses are moving, at least in part, to this model.

自从几年前云计算的概念首次浮出水面以来,云应用程序才变得越来越好,并且许多与台式机应用程序没有区别。 云应用程序有很多好处,这就是为什么这么多企业至少部分地转向这种模式的原因。

更好的访问 (Better Access)

One of the primary reasons that companies find cloud computing so appealing is because of its portability across systems. Cloud applications generally work the same on Windows, iOS, and Linux systems and can, in many cases, be accessed from mobile devices. This gives business professionals more control over how and when they access applications, and is especially advantageous to companies with remote offices or at-home employees.

公司发现云计算如此吸引人的主要原因之一是由于它在整个系统中的可移植性。 通常,云应用程序在Windows,iOS和Linux系统上的工作原理相同,并且在许多情况下都可以从移动设备进行访问。 这使业务专业人员可以更好地控制他们访问应用程序的方式和时间,对于具有远程办公室或在家工作的公司尤其有利。

更少的支持 (Less Support)

Cloud applications allow IT professionals to spend less time on software maintenance. Hosted cloud solutions do not need to be configured or upgraded, and there is no need to back up application data. Many costly and complex administration tasks can be completely eliminated.

云应用程序使IT专业人员可以将更少的时间花费在软件维护上。 托管云解决方案无需配置或升级,也无需备份应用程序数据。 可以完全消除许多昂贵且复杂的管理任务。

可用性提高 (Increased Usability)

Many desktop applications are based on legacy software that focuses on functionality at the expense of usability. Because cloud applications were developed later, they can take advantage of advances in programming and architecture and generally offer a better user experience.

许多桌面应用程序基于旧版软件,这些旧版软件注重功能,却以可用性为代价。 由于云应用程序是在以后开发的,因此它们可以利用编程和体系结构方面的优势,并通常提供更好的用户体验。

降低成本 (Decreased Cost)

Buying software, upgrades, and support from vendors can be expensive, and some software systems may be beyond the budget of smaller companies. Cloud computing, on the other hand, offers software as a service (SaaS) on a month-by-month plan that is often less expensive than maintaining desktop software. This gives small businesses an opportunity to have access to the same programs as large enterprises.

从供应商那里购买软件,升级和支持可能会很昂贵,并且某些软件系统可能超出了小公司的预算。 另一方面,云计算按月计划提供软件即服务(SaaS),通常比维护桌面软件便宜。 这使小型企业有机会获得与大型企业相同的程序。

整合更轻松 (Easier Integration)

Many cloud-based applications offer viable API integration with freely available APIs, which is a big weakness of traditional, desktop software.


优质服务 (Superior Service)

When companies only have contact with software vendors at best once a year, it can be difficult to get needed support and program fixes. Cloud-based software generally benefits from a vigorous schedule of automatically-deployed upgrades and bug fixes, which means that companies consistently have access to a better-quality product.

当公司每年最多只能与软件供应商联系一次时,可能很难获得所需的支持和程序修复。 基于云的软件通常会受益于自动部署的升级计划和错误修复,这意味着公司始终可以访问质量更高的产品。

最佳的基于云的业务应用程序 (The Best Cloud-based Business Applications)

Despite some of the existing rhetoric about cloud computing, migrating to the cloud does not have to be an all-or-nothing jump. Many businesses find that they prefer to ease into the cloud a little at a time with well-designed applications that have proven themselves over multiple iterations. There are some business applications that work especially well in the cloud, including the following:

尽管已有一些关于云计算的言论,但迁移到云并不一定要一劳永逸。 许多企业发现,他们希望一次精心设计的应用程序能够一次轻松地进入云计算,这些应用程序已经在多次迭代中得到了证明。 有一些业务应用程序在云中特别有效,包括以下内容:

数据备份 (Data Backup)

Data backup software is a natural fit for the cloud—with critical business data stored on a server in a completely separate location, businesses are protected from fire, break-ins, hurricanes, and systems failures. Cloud-based backup systems are also generally easy to set up and use, unlike many traditional methods of storing backup data.

数据备份软件非常适合云计算—关键业务数据存储在完全独立的位置的服务器上,可以保护企业免受火灾,闯入,飓风和系统故障的影响。 与许多传统的备份数据存储方法不同,基于云的备份系统通常也易于设置和使用。

通讯技术 (Communications)

Hosted communications software can streamline the communications process between employees, departments, and clients. Integrated tools like Microsoft Lync offer voice over IP, video conferencing, email hosting, and chat.

托管的通信软件可以简化员工,部门和客户之间的通信过程。 诸如Microsoft Lync之类的集成工具提供了IP语音,视频会议,电子邮件托管和聊天功能。

Office software – As an early entrant into the cloud-based applications market, Google Docs gave businesses the option of creating and storing files on the fly. The model has proven successful, and Microsoft recently launched its own highly-anticipated cloud version of its office suite: Microsoft Office 365.

Office软件–作为早期进入基于云的应用程序市场的人,Google Docs为企业提供了动态创建和存储文件的选项。 该模型已经证明是成功的,并且Microsoft最近发布了自己的备受期待的办公套件云版本:Microsoft Office 365。

文件共享 (File Sharing)

File sharing in the cloud allows businesses to share critical documents and information in real time. There are a number of different programs that offer this functionality, including the incredibly simple and easy to use Dropbox.

云中的文件共享使企业可以实时共享关键文档和信息。 有许多不同的程序提供此功能,包括极其简单易用的Dropbox 。

Many companies are starting with “trial” periods where they transition some of their applications to the cloud to see whether the solutions make sense for them. Much of the growth in the cloud computing industry, then, will come from companies that are happy with their trial experiences and want to move further into the cloud.

许多公司开始于“试用”阶段,在此期间,他们将一些应用程序迁移到云中,以查看解决方案是否对他们有意义。 因此,云计算行业的大部分增长将来自对试用体验感到满意并希望进一步迁移到云中的公司。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/viewing-cloud-applications-in-full-force-for-business/

