
tech2023-11-28  106


All you need is enough spare time to read approximately 4 million threads and you’ll be an expert. That is the power of the SitePoint Forums! For those of you that don’t have that kind of time (or inclination), I’m going to make it easy for you. Each week I’m going to blog from the forums community, keeping you up to date on what is happening and letting you know which topics are being hotly debated. So, provided you are interested in exactly the same things that I am, then this should prove to be very useful.

您所需要的就是足够的业余时间来读取大约400万个线程,您将成为专家。 这就是SitePoint论坛的力量! 对于那些没有那种时间(或爱好)的人,我将为您提供方便。 每周,我都会在论坛社区中撰写博客,以使您随时了解最新情况,并让您知道哪些主题正在激烈辩论。 因此,只要您对与我完全相同的事物感兴趣,那么这将被证明是非常有用的。

If you’ve never dropped in to the SitePoint forums, now is the perfect opportunity. February saw a changing of the guard for us. We farewelled Sarah and Raena from their roles as administrators and we have a bunch of new mentors that are full of energy and ideas, as well as a few new Advisors and even a new Team Leader. I’ve just taken over as the Community Manager and am giving things a bit of a stir up. We’re keen on new members and if you stick out from the crowd, you just might find yourself rewarded for it. If you don’t, well you’ll certainly learn a lot and maybe even meet some new people that are interested in the same things that you are.

如果您从未参加过SitePoint论坛 ,那么现在就是绝佳机会。 2月,我们换岗了。 我们让Sarah和Raena脱离了管理人员的角色,我们有了许多充满活力和想法的新导师,还有一些新的顾问,甚至是新的团队负责人。 我刚刚担任社区经理,正在给我一些启发。 我们热衷于新成员,如果您在人群中脱颖而出,您可能会因此而感到高兴。 如果您不这样做,那么您肯定会学到很多东西,甚至可能会遇到一些对您同样的事物感兴趣的新人。

I joined the forums six and a half years ago because I was going crazy trying to figure out how to make a form work. I needed fresh eyes to spot where I was going wrong. I got them… and more. I learned enough here at SitePoint to get a job as a developer in a large corporation. As a result I joined the staff in an effort to give something back. I started out as a mentor and this is where I’ve ended up. So even if you’re an old hand at this game and are finding yourself a bit jaded, come on in and get re-inspired by your peers.

六年半前,我加入了论坛,是因为我发疯了,试图弄清楚如何制作表格。 我需要新鲜的眼睛才能找出我要去哪里的地方。 我得到了……等等。 我在SitePoint上学到了足够的知识,可以找到一家大公司的开发人员职位。 结果,我和工作人员一起努力回馈社会。 我最初是一名导师,而这就是我最终的目标。 因此,即使您是本游戏的老手,并且发现自己有些疲惫,也请加入并受到同龄人的启发。

For those of you on the other side of the world, spring is about to make its presence felt so we’re celebrating that with some good old spring cleaning. March is all about sorting out the sticky threads (those threads at the top of each forum that are marked ‘Important:’ and never go away). Some of them are out of date or have so many responses that you’d be able to hand code a site from scratch in the time it took to find what you’re looking for. So watch out for the shiny new ones coming soon…

对于世界另一端的人们来说,春天即将来临,因此我们将用一些优质的老式Spring清洁剂来庆祝这一点。 March是关于整理粘性线程(每个论坛顶部被标记为“重要:”且永不消失的线程)的全部内容。 其中一些已过时或响应过多,以至于您可以在发现所需内容的时候从头开始编写网站代码。 因此请注意即将推出的闪亮新产品…

Hot Topics This Week This week we’ve got an interesting one if you’re into the search engine game. Google are stepping up their never ending battle to combat spammy links (more power to them!) with an appeal from Matt Cutts on his personal blog for people to report spammy sites. Tell us what you think about that.

本周热门话题本周,如果您热衷于搜索引擎游戏,我们将为您提供一个有趣的话题 。 Google发起了不间断的斗争,以打击垃圾邮件链接(对他们来说具有更大的威力!),Matt Cutts在他的个人博客中呼吁人们举报垃圾邮件站点。 告诉我们您的想法 。

If online advertising is more your thing, the guys over in the Advertising Sales & Affiliate Programs forum are talking about the shift in trends and whether we can wave goodbye to the age old concept of ‘brand advertising’. Do you have an opinion?

如果您更喜欢在线广告,那么广告销售和会员计划论坛上的家伙正在谈论趋势的转变以及我们是否可以告别古老的“品牌广告”概念。 你有意见吗?

Over in the Javascript forum a new player asks about the pros and cons of placing links to external scripts in the head or body of a document. Where do you link to your scripts?

在Javascript论坛中,一位新玩家询问在文档的开头或正文中放置指向外部脚本的链接的利弊。 您在哪里链接到脚本?

And for those of you that just can’t be bothered talking geek at the moment, over in General Chat they are talking about what life’s like if your partner is in the same game.

对于目前无法打扰极客的那些人,在General Chat中,他们正在谈论如果您的伴侣在同一个游戏中的生活 。

So that’s it for today. If you’re curious, we’d love to see you at the forums. Actually, we’d love to see you even if you’re not. We like a challenge.

今天就这样。 如果您好奇,我们很乐意在论坛上见到您。 实际上,即使您不在,我们也很乐意见到您。 我们喜欢挑战。

Feature image by DeclanTM


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/do-you-want-to-learn-every-aspect-of-web-design-from-scratch-for-free/

