
tech2023-12-01  102


Over the last few months a new company called Nicira (“Nice-era”) has been quietly taking off. With enormous financial backing from the likes of Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Venture Partners and NEA, and having secured major hitters from organizations like Cisco and Juniper as team members, the network virtualization company is aiming to totally disrupt the network provisioning market.

在过去的几个月中,一家名为Nicira(“尼斯时代”)的新公司一直在悄悄起飞。 在来自Andreessen Horowitz,Lightspeed Venture Partners和NEA等公司的巨大资金支持下,并已从像Cisco和Juniper这样的组织中吸引了大批打击者,这家网络虚拟化公司旨在彻底颠覆网络供应市场。

The concept is simple – virtualization is in heavy use in industry, but still tied to network infrastructure. For example you might get away with running X number of virtual machine instance on a server, but when you suddenly need 10 more, you’re going to need to provision more hardware and reconfigure your network. With that comes modification of firewall rules, fiddling about with the DMZ if the machines are to be accessed externally and on and on.

概念很简单–虚拟化在行业中得到了广泛使用,但仍与网络基础架构联系在一起。 例如,您可能无法在服务器上运行X个虚拟机实例,但是当您突然又需要10个虚拟机实例时,您将需要配置更多的硬件并重新配置网络。 随之而来的是对防火墙规则的修改,如果要从外部访问计算机,则必须摆弄DMZ。

Nicira aims to alleviate that problem by completely virtualizing the network hardware. By creating an intelligent “Smart Edge” software layer, a company’s network can be completely re-provisioned so that it works the same as it usually does, but is not longer tied to specific hardware. Your users will see the same setup they’re used to and use the same programs the same way, but under the hood Nicira gives you unprecedented flexibility.

Nicira旨在通过完全虚拟化网络硬件来缓解该问题。 通过创建智能的“ Smart Edge”软件层,可以完全重新配置公司的网络,使其网络正常运行,但不再与特定硬件绑定。 您的用户将看到他们习惯的设置,并以相同的方式使用相同的程序,但是Nicira可以为您提供前所未有的灵活性。

If you want to add new desktop machines, scale up capacity for a heavy load period, or just add new systems and services in house, the cost and time to provision can be massively reduced with a virtualized network. Instead of having to procure new hardware you can programatically add a new machine – which works exactly the same way as if it were physically sitting in your environment, but no new hardware, network patching, firewall adjustment or pipeline increases are necessary.

如果要添加新的台式机,在繁重的负载期间扩展容量,或者只是在内部添加新的系统和服务,则可以通过虚拟化网络大幅降低配置成本和时间。 无需购买新硬件,您可以通过编程方式添加新计算机-该计算机的运行方式与实际位于您的环境中的方式完全相同,但是不需要新硬件,网络修补,防火墙调整或管道增加。

You can even automate deployment of new machines, whether it’s a new server cluster or a desktop environment for the new sales guy, it all happens through the Smart Edge, meaning the hardware behind it is treated as a single massive, scaleable resource. This also means you are freed from vendor lock in, as it really doesn’t matter who’s hardware you’re using behind the scenes. Network expansion cost becomes Operation Expenditure instead of CapEx, giving CIO’s more wiggle room in the budget.

您甚至可以自动化部署新计算机,无论是新服务器集群还是新销售人员的桌面环境,所有这些都通过Smart Edge进行,这意味着其背后的硬件被视为单个庞大,可扩展的资源。 这也意味着您可以从供应商锁定中解脱出来,因​​为在幕后使用的硬件与设备无关紧要。 网络扩展成本将变成运营支出,而不是资本支出,这使CIO的预算空间更大。

Virtualization allows you to spread a single application over as many physical machines as needed to meet the demand, but it still relies on the network capacity to function. If your network isn’t up to the job, then the benefits your company receives from virtualizing software begin to diminish quickly, but with Nicira’s Network Virtualization Platform (NVP) this problem is sidestepped.

虚拟化使您可以根据需要将单个应用程序分布在尽可能多的物理机上,但是它仍然依赖于网络容量来发挥作用。 如果您的网络无法正常工作,那么您的公司从虚拟化软件中获得的收益就会Swift减少,但是使用Nicira的网络虚拟化平台(NVP)可以避免此问题。

To take it a step further, you can deploy entirely new networks within minutes rather than weeks. If you engage a new client who needs their own private or hybrid cloud environment you can programatically provide this with no new hardware or setup.

要更进一步,您可以在数分钟而不是数周内部署全新的网络。 如果您聘请需要自己的私有或混合云环境的新客户,则可以以编程方式为它提供新硬件或设置。

Nicira are making the claim that this is a major advance in computing the like of which is only seen every 25 years or so, which is a bold one – but perhaps justified. The ability to deploy new applications, environments and services in minutes rather than weeks can be a game changer. What this means for the industry as a whole remains to be seen, but Nicira is definitely disrupting the status quo, whether the big networking companies like it or not.

Nicira声称这是计算领域的一项重大进步,此类成果每25年左右才会出现一次,这是一个大胆的尝试,但也许是合理的。 在几分钟而不是几周内部署新应用程序,环境和服务的能力可以改变游戏规则。 对于整个行业而言,这意味着什么尚待观察,但无论大型网络公司是否愿意,Nicira无疑正在破坏现状。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/startup-challenges-network-infrastructure-giants/

