今日直播:WordCamp Raleigh的SitePoint播客(美国东部时间1-3 PMGMT -4)

tech2023-12-01  111

As we announced back in April, today we are hosting a special live edition of the SitePoint Podcast at WordCamp Raleigh. We’ll be livestreaming the show through USTREAM (watch below), which will run from 1-3 PM ET or -4 GMT.

正如我们在四月宣布的那样 ,今天我们将在WordCamp Raleigh举办特别现场版的SitePoint Podcast。 我们将通过USTREAM(下面的手表)对节目进行直播,该节目将在美国东部时间下午1-3点或格林尼治标准时间-4开始。

Regular hosts Brad Williams (@williamsba), Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy) and Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) are all in town for the event. Unfortunately, our usual fourth host Kevin Yank (@sentience) is not attending the conference, but he will hopefully be with us, watching the stream and hanging out in the chat room.

定期的主持人布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba ),帕特里克·奥基夫( @ifroggy )和斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves )都参加了比赛。 不幸的是,我们通常的第四主持人Kevin Yank( @sentience )没有参加会议,但希望他会和我们在一起,看着直播并在聊天室里闲逛。

We’re planning to have 12 guests with us at various points in the broadcast and we also hope to give away 33 prizes to in-person attendees. You can view the full schedule and prize list below.

我们计划在广播中的各个时间点陪同12位客人,我们还希望向亲自参加的人赠送33份奖品。 您可以在下面查看完整的时间表和奖品列表。

观看直播 (Watch Live)

Live TV by Ustream


Please note: due to the chaotic nature of the broadcast, we may not be able to keep up with the chat room as much as we would like. But, please do participate and leave comments and we’ll do our best to read them.

请注意:由于广播的混乱性质,我们可能无法跟上聊天室的进度。 但是,请参与并发表评论,我们会尽力阅读它们。

客访时间表 (Guest Interview Schedule)

We’ve lined up a number of interviews with WordCamp Raleigh speakers and attendees. Here’s the schedule:

我们已经安排了许多WordCamp Raleigh演讲者和与会者的访谈。 时间表如下:

1:05-1:10: Michael Torbert Co-Organizer, WordCamp Raleigh Senior WordPress Developer, Semper Fi Web Design Author, All in One SEO Pack

1:05-1:10: Michael Torbert联合组织者, WordCamp Raleigh高级WordPress开发人员, Semper Fi网站设计作者,多合一SEO包

1:10-1:15: Steve Mortiboy Co-Organizer, WordCamp Raleigh Project Manager, Semper Fi Web Design

1:10-1:15: Steve Mortiboy联合组织者, WordCamp Raleigh Semper Fi网站设计项目经理

1:20-1:25: Aaron Brazell Owner, Emmense Technologies Author, “WordPress Bible”

1:20-1:25: Aaron Brazell所有者, Emmense Technologies作者, “ WordPress圣经”

1:25-1:30: Lisa Sabin-Wilson Owner, E.Webscapes Design Studio Author, “WordPress for Dummies” and “BuddyPress for Dummies”

1:25-1:30: Lisa Sabin-Wilson所有者, E.Webscapes Design Studio作者, “ WordPress for Dummies”和“ BuddyPress for Dummies”

1:30-1:35: Brandon Eley Interactive Director, Kelsey Advertising & Design Owner, 2BigFeet Co-Author, “Online Marketing Inside Out”

1:30-1:35: Brandon Eley互动总监, Kelsey广告与设计所有者, 2BigFeet共同作者, “在线营销由内而外”

1:40-1:50: Dave Moyer Founder and President, Bitwire Media Host, WordCast

1:40-1:50: 戴夫·莫耶创始人和主席, Bitwire媒体主持人, WordCast

1:50-2:00: Jeff Chandler Host, WordPress Weekly Owner, WordPress Tavern

1:50-2:00: Jeff Chandler主持人, WordPress每周所有者, WordPress Tavern

2:05-2:10: Gregory Ng VP, Creative Director, Brooks Bell Interactive The Frozen Food Master, Freezer Burns

2:05-2:10: Gregory Ng , 布鲁克斯·贝尔互动公司创意总监冷冻食品大师, 冷冻库烧伤

2:10-2:15: Wayne Sutton Business Development/Marketing Strategist, TriOut Partner, OurHashtag

2:10-2:15: Wayne Sutton业务开发/营销策略师, TriOut合作伙伴, OurHashtag

2:20-2:30: Grant Griffiths Co-Founder, Headway Themes

2:20-2:30: Grant Griffiths , Headway Themes联合创始人

2:30-2:40: Nathan Rice Lead Developer, StudioPress

2:30-2:40: Nathan Rice StudioStudio首席开发人员

2:40-2:50: Cory Miller CEO, iThemes

2:40-2:50: Cory Miller , iThemes首席执行官

奖品 (Prizes)

During the show, we plan to give away 33 prizes, valued at over $1,500. We’d like to extend a big thank you to SitePoint, Wiley, AMACOM, iThemes, Headway Themes, StudioPress and Semper Fi Web Design for providing them.

在展览期间,我们计划赠送33份奖品,价值超过1,500美元。 我们非常感谢SitePoint , Wiley , AMACOM , iThemes , Headway Themes , StudioPress和Semper Fi Web Design为其提供了这些功能。

WordPress Books


“BuddyPress for Dummies” by Lisa Sabin-Wilson (2 copies)“Professional WordPress” by Brad Williams, David Damstra and Hal Stern (3 copies)“Smashing WordPress” by Thord Daniel Hedengren“Teach Yourself Visually WordPress” by Janet Majure“WordPress 24-Hour Trainer” by George Plumley“WordPress Bible” by Aaron Brazell (3 copies)“WordPress for Dummies” by Lisa Sabin-Wilson

Lisa Sabin-Wilson撰写的“ BuddyPress for Dummies” (2份)Brad Williams,David Damstra和Hal Stern撰写的“ Professional WordPress” (3份)Thord Daniel Hedengren撰写的“ Smashing WordPress” “ Janet Majure 视觉教学WordPress” Janet Majure撰写的“ WordPress 24小时培训师” ,乔治·普兰利(George Plumley)的“ WordPress圣经” ,亚伦·布拉泽尔(Aaron Brazell)(3份), “ WordPress for Dummies” ,丽莎·萨宾·威尔森(Lisa Sabin-Wilson)

Other Books


“Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL, 4th Edition” by Kevin Yank (2 copies)“Fancy Form Design” by Jina Bolton, Tim Connell and Derek Featherstone (2 copies)“Managing Online Forums” by Patrick O’Keefe (3 copies)“Online Marketing Inside Out” by Brandon Eley and Shayne Tilley (2 copies)“Sexy Web Design” by Elliot Jay Stocks (2 copies)“The Ultimate HTML Reference” by Ian Lloyd (2 copies)

“构建自己的数据库驱动的使用PHP和MySQL,第4版网站”由凯文·扬克(2份) “花式造型设计”通过集纳博尔顿,蒂姆·康奈尔和德里克·费瑟斯通(2份) “管理在线论坛”由Patrick O” Keefe(3份),Brandon Eley和Shayne Tilley的“ Online Marketing Inside Out” (2份),Elliot Jay Stocks的“ Sexy Web Design” (2份),Ian Lloyd的“ The Ultimate HTML Reference” (2份)

Themes and Plugin


All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design (2 licenses)Headway Theme by Headway Themes (2 Personal Option licenses)iThemes Builder by iThemes (2 licenses)StudioPress Theme (Your Choice) by StudioPress (2 licenses)

SEP 包中的所有功能,由Semper Fi Web Design的Michael Torbert提供(2个许可),由Headway Themes提供的Headway Theme (2个个人选择许可),由iThemes提供的iThemes Builder (2个许可),由StudioPress提供的StudioPress Theme(您选择) (2个许可)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/livestream-today-sitepoint-podcast-at-wordcamp-raleigh-1-3-pm-etgmt-4/
