
tech2023-12-01  135


什么是桉树? (What is Eucalyptus?)

Eucalyptus is a platform which can enable you to use your existing hardware to build in house Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS). You don’t need to buy special hardware to build a private cloud. Eucalyptus is built with APIs similar to public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, so you can easily integrate private and public clouds.

Eucalyptus是一个平台,使您可以使用现有硬件在内部构建基础架构即服务(IAAS)。 您无需购买特殊的硬件即可构建私有云。 Eucalyptus使用类似于Amazon Web Services等公共云提供程序的API进行构建,因此您可以轻松集成私有云和公共云。

那怎么办? (So what is the deal?)

Let’s do a quick roundup of some key features of Eucalyptus


You can use existing investment in variety of hardware to build a IaaS which will provide you compute and storage services. A self service console enables you to provision and configure compute, storage and other devices

您可以使用对各种硬件的现有投资来构建IaaS,它将为您提供计算和存储服务。 自助服务控制台使您可以配置和配置计算,存储和其他设备 You can seamlessly integrate with public clouds like AWS and more platforms will be supported in future. You can build for high availability and provision for hot failover and repairs

您可以与AWS等公共云无缝集成,将来将支持更多平台。 您可以构建高可用性,并提供热故障转移和修复 You can manage multiple hypervisor clusters from vSphere, ESX, KVM and XEN

您可以从vSphere,ESX,KVM和XEN管理多个虚拟机监控程序群集 Eucalyptus integrates well with SAN to provide on demand storage allocation and de-allocation. With an EBS like storage you can persist virtual machines including state for faster launch.

Eucalyptus与SAN集成良好,可以按需提供存储分配和取消分配。 借助类似存储的EBS,您可以持久保存虚拟机(包括状态)以加快启动速度。

公共云集成 (Public Cloud Integration)

As of writing this article Eucalyptus provides seamless integration with some of well known Amazon Web Services (AWS) features like EC2, EBS, S3 etc.

在撰写本文时,Eucalyptus提供了与一些著名的Amazon Web Services(AWS)功能(如EC2,EBS,S3等)的无缝集成。

如何测试桉树? (How to test drive Eucalyptus?)

FastStart is a pre-configured installation of Eucalyptus which you can run on your hardware. You can test drive Eucalyptus through their subscription where you have more options for hypervisor selection. You can also download the source code and play around with Eucalyptus here

FastStart是Eucalyptus的预配置安装,您可以在硬件上运行。 您可以通过订阅来测试Eucalyptus驱动器,在其中您可以选择更多用于管理程序的选项。 您也可以在此处下载源代码并试用Eucalyptus

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/cloud-slice-eucalyptus-for-hybrid-clouds/

