
tech2023-12-01  88

'delete from t_ThirdPartyComponent where FTypeID=101 and FTypeDetailID =4 and FComponentName =‘baseitemtest.myclass’ 'insert into t_ThirdPartyComponent(FTypeID, FTypeDetailID, FIndex, FComponentName) 'values (101,4, 1, ‘baseitemtest.myclass’) '-- 101表示基础资料,4表示物料 '-- 该sql表示当编辑物料时,加载Test.MeterialPlug插件,若要该插件在所有核算项目编辑中都加载,只要将FTypeDetailID设为0即可 '–select * from t_ThirdPartyComponent where ftypeid=101 '定义插件对象接口. 必须具有的声明, 以此来获得事件 Private WithEvents m_K3BaseDataEvents As K3BaseDataEvents.ItemEvents

Private m_EditInterface As K3BaseDataEvents.ItemEditInterface 'API接口 Public Sub Show(ByVal oBillTransfer As ItemEvents)

'接口实现 '注意: 此方法必须存在, 请勿修改 Set m_K3BaseDataEvents = oBillTransfer

Set m_EditInterface = m_K3BaseDataEvents.EditInterface End Sub

Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_AfterGridLoad()

Dim i As Integer i = m_EditInterface.GetRowNumber(“F_114”) m_EditInterface.SetRowValue i, “哦也” m_EditInterface.SetRowCaption i, “” & m_EditInterface.ItemClassId & “,” & m_EditInterface.ParentID & “,” m_EditInterface.SetRowLock i i = m_EditInterface.GetRowNumber(“FSPID”) MsgBox m_EditInterface.ReadID(i) m_EditInterface.SetRowValue i, “仓位”, 50 '给基础资料类型字段赋值

End Sub

Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_BeforeF7(ByVal lRow As Long, strFilterReturn As String) MsgBox strFilterReturn ’ SELECT * FROM t_StockPlace WHERE FSPID <> 0 And FDeleted=0 AND FDetail=1 ORDER BY FNumber strFilterReturn = " 1=2" '失败 End Sub

Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_BeforeList(ByVal lRow As Long, strSqlReturn As String) 'MsgBox strSqlReturn 'strSqlReturn = “select FNumber,FName from t_Item where FItemClassID =4” End Sub Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_BeforeSave(Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox “BeforeSave” End Sub

Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_GridChange(ByVal lRow As Long) MsgBox “GridChange” End Sub

Private Sub m_K3BaseDataEvents_OnPressF7(ByVal lRow As Long, RetCol As KDVBF.ReturnCollection, Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox “OnPressF7” End Sub


delete from t_ThirdPartyComponent where FTypeID=101 and FTypeDetailID =4 and FComponentName =‘baseitemtest.myclass’ insert into t_ThirdPartyComponent(FTypeID, FTypeDetailID, FIndex, FComponentName) values (101,4, 1, ‘baseitemtest.myclass’) – 101表示基础资料,4表示物料 – 该sql表示当编辑物料时,加载Test.MeterialPlug插件,若要该插件在所有核算项目编辑中都加载,只要将FTypeDetailID设为0即可 –select * from t_ThirdPartyComponent where ftypeid=101


