
tech2023-12-01  93


Have you taken advantage yet of SitePoint’s limited-time launch special for the newest PHP book, PHP Master: Write Cutting-Edge Code by Lorna Mitchell, Davey Shafik, and Matthew Turland? If not, you’re crazy! The book was written explicitly to help you becoming a better PHP programmer and is totally awesome. It not only covers advanced PHP coding topics such as object-oriented programming and design patterns, but also periphery topics that are just as important, such as security, performance profiling, and deployment. If you’re ready to hang up your novice hat for good and become a professional-level PHP developer, this book is for you.

您是否已经利用SitePoint的限时发布特别版功能来发行最新PHP书籍,即Lorna Mitchell,Davey Shafik和Matthew Turland 编写的最新PHP Master: Mastering Edge-Edge Code ? 如果没有,那你疯了! 这本书是专门为帮助您成为更好PHP程序员而写的,真是太棒了。 它不仅涵盖高级PHP编码主题,例如面向对象的编程和设计模式,还涵盖同样重要的外围主题,例如安全性,性能分析和部署。 如果您准备好永久挂在新手的帽子上,并成为专业级PHP开发人员,那么这本书非常适合您。

I was pleasantly surprised from the moment I started flipping through its pages (virtually speaking of course as I have the PDF version); the blend of topics discussed is well balanced and the writing styles of authors makes sometimes difficult concepts clear and understandable. The authors are real-world PHP developers themselves, so they approach the topics with pragmatism and offer you sound, practical advice without the hype found in today’s industry.

从翻阅其页面的那一刻起,我就感到惊喜(实际上,我拥有的是PDF版本); 讨论的主题融合得很好,作者的写作风格有时使难以理解的概念清晰易懂。 作者本身就是现实世界中PHP开发人员,因此他们以务实的态度处理主题,并为您提供合理,实用的建议,而没有在当今行业中大肆宣传。

PHP Master begins by laying a foundation of object-oriented programing in Chapter 1 and then covers interfacing with relational databases like MySQL through PDO in Chapter 2 and several useful design patterns in Chapter 4. Chapter 3 is a great introduction to working with and adding APIs that transfer information using RPC, SOAP, and REST.

PHP Master在第1章中奠定了面向对象程序设计的基础,然后在第2章中介绍了通过PDO与关系数据库(如MySQL)的交互,在第4章中介绍了几种有用的设计模式。第3章是使用和添加API的精彩介绍。使用RPC,SOAP和REST传输信息。

The second-half of the book covers security and quality assurance topics. Chapter 5 is devoted entirely to security and explains how to protect yourself from cross-site scripting attacks, session fixation and hijacking, SQL-injection attacks, and more. Performance measuring using the Apache benchmarking tool ab and JMeter, as well as guidance on implementing a caching strategy, is covered in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 introduces automated testing concepts to ensure your codebase functions correctly throughout development, and Chapter 8 discusses metrics used to improve the quality and maintainability of your code.

本书的下半部分介绍了安全性和质量保证主题。 第5章完全致力于安全性,并说明了如何保护自己免受跨站点脚本攻击,会话固定和劫持,SQL注入攻击等侵害。 第6章介绍了使用Apache基准测试工具ab和JMeter进行性能测量以及有关实现缓存策略的指南。第7章介绍了自动化测试概念,以确保您的代码库在整个开发过程中都能正常运行,第8章讨论了用于改进性能的指标。代码的质量和可维护性。

The three appendices in the back of the book can be thought of as cool bonus chapters. Many books just toss in extra trivial information in an appendix, but the appendices in PHP Master provide thorough information on PEAR and PECL (from installing packages to creating your own packages and channels), the Standard PHP Library (covering registering multiple autoloaders, directory iterators, and data structures), and advice on how to continue growing as a PHP developer.

本书后面的三个附录可以看作是很酷的奖金章节。 许多书只是在附录中介绍一些琐碎的信息,但是PHP Master中的附录提供了有关PEAR和PECL(从安装程序包到创建自己的程序包和通道),标准PHP库(涵盖注册多个自动加载器,目录迭代器)的详尽信息。以及数据结构),以及有关如何继续发展为PHP开发人员的建议。

There are some minor oddities in the book, but by no means are they a deal breaker. For example, a chart in Chapter 6 labeled “Performance Figures with and without Memcached” shows the performance effect of storing session data within the file system, MySQL, and Memcached, though a MySQL-based scenario is never covered; perhaps it got trimmed during editing and not all of the references were removed. Another one is that ab is covered twice, once in Chapter 6 and again in Chapter 7, an oversight that’s easy enough to make when a book has multiple authors. I would have expected it to be caught by an editor or proofreader before the book went to press, though. The otherwise awesome content overshadows the few oopses I found.

书中有一些小怪异之处,但绝不是破坏交易的因素。 例如,第6章中标记为“带有和不带有Memcached的性能指标”的图表显示了在文件系统,MySQL和Memcached中存储会话数据的性能效果,尽管从未涉及基于MySQL的场景。 可能是在编辑过程中被修整了,并且没有删除所有参考。 另一个问题是ab被覆盖了两次,分别在第6章和第7章中进行了说明。当一本书有多位作者时,很容易进行监督。 不过,我希望在本书出版之前,它会被编辑或校对者抓住。 本来很棒的内容盖过了我发现的几招。

I appreciate the sober approach taken with the topics at hand; the authors’ pragmatism is refreshing in Chapter 4, for example. I’ve watched the popularity of design patterns rise to fanboi heights and yet it was explained why the patterns were useful but stressed the importance of using the right tool (or design pattern in this case) for the right job, as this quote illustrates:

我对手头上的话题采取的清醒态度表示赞赏。 例如,作者的实用主义在第4章中令人耳目一新。 我已经看到了设计模式的普及程度越来越高,但是已经解释了为什么这些模式很有用,但是强调了使用正确的工具(在这种情况下为设计模式)来完成正确的工作的重要性,这句话说明了这一点:

You may see this pattern in a number of settings, and now you can also build it into your own applications, if appropriate.


Presenting good practices and encouraging responsible use of them is definitely best practice!


I also enjoyed the discussion and examples concerning web services in Chapter 3, perhaps because its applicable to a project I’m working on currently. Practical advice is woven throughout the chapter, for example this quote talking about publishing a REST service:

我也喜欢第3章中有关Web服务的讨论和示例,也许是因为它适用于我当前正在研究的项目。 实用建议贯穿整章,例如,此引用谈论发布REST服务:

Whenever you publish a RESTful service, it’s likely that someone, somewhere will complain that you have violated one or more principles of REST—and they’re probably right! REST is quite an academic set of principles which doesn’t always lend itself well to business applications. To avoid criticism, simply market your service as an HTTP web service instead.

每当您发布RESTful服务时,某处某个地方的某人可能会抱怨您违反了REST的一个或多个原则-他们可能是对的! REST是一整套学术性的原则,并不总是适合于业务应用程序。 为避免受到批评,只需将您的服务作为HTTP Web服务进行销售即可。

Readers are reminded it’s not the buzzwords and dogmatic arguments that are important, but what they do with the technologies they describe to create exciting applications.


Using the Slashdot scale of book ratings, where 1 is fit for lining cages and 10 is destined to be a classic, I give PHP Master: Write Cutting-Edge Code a very solid 8.5. The content will grow with you and the book is not something you’ll read in a weekend and then donate to the library because you have no need for it. The advanced coding and periphery topics covered in the book will help you to ratchet up your skill level and become an awesome coder. You’ll also be sure you’re getting an excellent, well-grounded education in the process. If you’re serious about becoming a better PHP developer then you need this book on your bookshelf or e-reader!

使用书名的Slashdot量表 ,其中1适于衬砌笼子,而10则注定是经典之书,我给PHP Master:编写了最坚实的8.5版本。 内容会随着您的发展而增长,这本书不是您在周末读的书,而是捐赠给图书馆,因为您不需要它。 本书涵盖的高级编码和外围主题将帮助您提高技能水平,并成为一名出色的编码员。 您还将确保在此过程中获得了良好的,扎实的教育。 如果您真的想成为一名更好PHP开发人员,那么您需要在书架或电子阅读器上使用这本书!


