h5 先加载完再改天字体

tech2023-12-02  117

h5 先加载完再改天字体

Barely two months after the suspected Chinese cyber attacks on Google which prompted some Governments to issue IE warnings, Microsoft’s browser has been hit by another security exploit. According to the Microsoft report:

在怀疑中国对Google的网络攻击促使一些国家的政府发出IE警告后不到两个月,微软的浏览器就受到了另一种安全漏洞的攻击。 根据微软的报告 :

The main impact of the vulnerability is remote code execution.


The vulnerability exists due to an invalid pointer reference being used within Internet Explorer. It is possible under certain conditions for the invalid pointer to be accessed after an object is deleted. In a specially-crafted attack, in attempting to access a freed object, Internet Explorer can be caused to allow remote code execution.

由于Internet Explorer中使用了无效的指针引用,因此存在此漏洞。 在某些情况下,删除对象后可能会访问无效指针。 在特制的攻击中,尝试访问释放的对象时,可能导致Internet Explorer允许远程执行代码。

At this time, we are aware of targeted attacks attempting to use this vulnerability.


The exploit targets IE6 and IE7. IE8 and IE5 on Windows 2000 are not known to be affected, but security company Sophos has graded the threat level as “critical”.

该漏洞利用针对IE6和IE7。 未知Windows 2000上的IE8和IE5会受到影响,但是安全公司Sophos将威胁级别定为“严重” 。

Browser exploits are never good news for a vendor, but the timing of this discovery is particularly problematic for Microsoft. The company has embarked on a huge IE publicity campaign to counteract user migration following the introduction of the EU browser choice screen.

浏览器漏洞对于供应商来说永远不是好消息,但是这一发现的时机对于Microsoft尤其成问题。 在引入欧盟浏览器选择屏幕之后,该公司已开始进行大规模的IE宣传活动,以抵消用户迁移。

Looking on the positive side, the exploit may persuade some users to upgrade to IE8. Although few users know which version they’re running — they could abandon the browser altogether. However, it’s more likely that most IE users will carry on surfing and are totally oblivious to any problems!

从积极的一面看,该漏洞可能诱使某些用户升级到IE8。 尽管很少有用户知道他们正在运行哪个版本,但是他们可能会完全放弃浏览器。 但是,大多数IE用户更有可能继续冲浪并且完全不理会任何问题!

If you depend on IE6 or 7 you can always disable scripting. Again.

如果您依赖IE6或7,则可以始终禁用脚本。 再次。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ie-security-warning/

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