
tech2023-12-03  108

Smartphone and PDA manufacturer Palm, Inc has been saved following its self-enforced sale earlier this month. The situation had looked bleak after Lenovo and HTC pulled out. Pre and Pixi owners can now relax — HP has entered into a definitive agreement under which it will purchase Palm.

智能手机和PDA制造商Palm,Inc在本月早些时候进行自我强制出售之后,已获救。 联想和宏达电退出后,形势似乎黯淡。 Pre和Pixi的所有者现在可以放松一下-惠普已达成最终协议,将购买Palm。

According to the HP press release:

根据惠普新闻稿 :

HP and Palm, Inc. today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which HP will purchase Palm, a provider of smartphones powered by the Palm webOS mobile operating system, at a price of $5.70 per share of Palm common stock in cash or an enterprise value of approximately $1.2 billion. The transaction has been approved by the HP and Palm boards of directors.

惠普和Palm,Inc.今天宣布,他们已达成最终协议,根据该协议,惠普将以每股5.70美元的现金或现金价格购买Palm普通股,或以每股5.70美元的价格收购Palm,Palm是一种采用Palm webOS移动操作系统的智能手机提供商。企业价值约为12亿美元。 该交易已获得惠普和Palm董事会的批准。

The combination of HP’s global scale and financial strength with Palm’s unparalleled webOS platform will enhance HP’s ability to participate more aggressively in the fast-growing, highly profitable smartphone and connected mobile device markets. Palm’s unique webOS will allow HP to take advantage of features such as true multitasking and always up-to-date information sharing across applications.

惠普的全球规模和财务实力与Palm无与伦比的webOS平台的结合,将增强惠普更积极地参与快速增长,高利润的智能手机和互联移动设备市场的能力。 Palm独特的webOS将使HP能够利用真正的多任务处理功能以及跨应用程序始终提供最新信息的功能。

Palm CEO Jon Rubenstein is expected to stay with the company. He commented:

Palm首席执行官Jon Rubenstein预计将留在公司。 他评论说:

We’re thrilled by HP’s vote of confidence in Palm’s technological leadership, which delivered Palm webOS and iconic products such as the Palm Pre. HP’s longstanding culture of innovation, scale and global operating resources make it the perfect partner to rapidly accelerate the growth of webOS.

惠普(HP)对Palm的技术领导者的信任投票使我们感到振奋,因为Palm提供了Palm webOS和Palm Pre等标志性产品。 惠普悠久的创新,规模和全球运营资源文化使其成为快速加速webOS增长的理想合作伙伴。

The deal offers significant benefits to both companies:


Palm will survive. They struggled to sell the critically-acclaimed Pre in a market dominated by the Apple iPhone.

棕榈将生存。 他们努力在以Apple iPhone为主的市场中出售备受好评的Pre。 While HP has a long-term relationship with Microsoft to provide Windows-based smartphones, the Palm deal gives them an OS of their own.


HP announced they will invest heavily in Palm’s webOS platform. We’re likely to see it appear in a range of mobile devices including netbooks and iPad-like tablets.

惠普宣布将在Palm的webOS平台上进行大量投资。 我们可能会看到它出现在一系列移动设备中,包括上网本和类似iPad的平板电脑。

It’s great news for web developers since webOS applications can be written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There is a free SDK available for Windows, Mac and Linux and there’s less proprietary do-as-we-say approval nonsense you find on other devices!

对于Web开发人员而言,这是个好消息,因为可以使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript编写webOS应用程序。 有一个适用于Windows,Mac和Linux的免费SDK,而且您在其他设备上发现的专有的“按需说”批准废话少了!


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