
tech2023-12-03  100


It’s the end of the week, so let’s look at one of this more light-hearted stories from the past few days…


Apparently, more than 10 billion tweets have been sent on Twitter since the micro-blogging service was launched in 2006.


That’s a lot. The tabloid press will undoubtedly come up with metaphoric comparisons to show just how big 10 billion is. I’m going to beat them to it…

好多啊。 小报毫无疑问将拿出比喻来显示100亿美元的规模。 我要击败他们……

If you could send a tweet every second, 24-hours per day, it’d take you more than 317 years to submit the same number of messages. You’d be bored within 10 minutes, dead by day 5, and you still wouldn’t match Rob Madden’s tweeting frequency.

如果您可以每天24小时每秒发送一条推文,则需要317年以上的时间才能提交相同数量的消息。 您会在10分钟内感到无聊,并在第5天丧命,而且您仍然无法满足Rob Madden的推文发布频率。

If each tweet was the size of a 1cm3 sugar lump, they’d produce a cube with dimensions of 21.5m3. That’s enough to keep the guy decorating my bathroom supplied with tea for almost three weeks.

如果每个推文的大小均为1cm 3糖块,则它们将产生一个21.5m 3的立方体。 这足以让那个家伙在装饰我的浴室的茶中摆放将近三个星期。

If each tweet was a sentence in a book, you wouldn’t be able to find a big enough binding machine, it’d be impossible to carry, and even Google would have trouble scanning all the pages.


etc, etc…


The milestone was announced by GigaTweet, a site which records a real-time history of all tweeting activity. However, they weren’t able to reveal the actual message because it was sent by someone using a protected profile. Perhaps it was interesting and insightful? We’ll never know.

该里程碑由GigaTweet宣布,该网站记录了所有推文活动的实时历史记录。 但是,他们无法显示实际消息,因为该消息是由使用受保护的个人资料的某人发送的。 也许这是有趣而有见地的? 我们永远不会知道。

Twitter usage continues to grow at an exponential rate. It took more than 2 years to reach 1 billion tweets, 15 months to reach 10 billion, and the 20th billion is expected some time in July 2010. An estimated 600 tweets are sent per second resulting in 50 million per day.

Twitter的使用量继续以指数级的速度增长。 花了2年多的时间才达到10亿条推文,花了15个月才达到100亿条推文,预计到2010年7月将达到200亿条推文。估计每秒发送600条推文,每天产生5000万条推文。

It’s a worrying statistic. By 2020, Twitter will account for 99.4% of all Internet traffic and every man, woman and child on the planet will be sending 350 tweets every day. Should we be concerned? Retweet this post or tweet me to discuss it further…

这是一个令人担忧的统计数字。 到2020年,Twitter将占所有互联网流量的99.4%,地球上的每个男人,女人和孩子每天将发送350条推文。 我们应该关注吗? 转推此帖子或发推特给我进一步讨论...

Have a great weekend!



