
tech2023-12-04  99


March ended one week ago but, just as you think the browser market is stabilizing, Google puts another spring in its step. Here are the latest figures according to StatCounter…

3月结束于一周前,但是正如您认为浏览器市场正在稳定一样,Google又迎来了又一个春天。 这是StatCounter的最新数据 ……

2013年2月至2013年3月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics February 2013 to March 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserFebruaryMarchchangerelativeIE (all)29.82%29.29%-0.53%-1.80%IE 9.0+18.08%18.07%-0.01%-0.10%IE 8.010.76%10.29%-0.47%-4.40%IE 7.00.68%0.64%-0.04%-5.90%IE 6.00.30%0.29%-0.01%-3.30%Firefox21.34%20.85%-0.49%-2.30%Chrome37.11%38.13%+1.02%+2.70%Safari8.58%8.48%-0.10%-1.20%Opera1.23%1.16%-0.07%-5.70%Others1.92%2.09%+0.17%+8.90% 浏览器 二月 游行 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 29.82% 29.29% -0.53% -1.80% IE 9.0以上 18.08% 18.07% -0.01% -0.10% IE 8.0 10.76% 10.29% -0.47% -4.40% IE 7.0 0.68% 0.64% -0.04% -5.90% IE 6.0 0.30% 0.29% -0.01% -3.30% 火狐浏览器 21.34% 20.85% -0.49% -2.30% Chrome 37.11% 38.13% + 1.02% + 2.70% 苹果浏览器 8.58% 8.48% -0.10% -1.20% 歌剧 1.23% 1.16% -0.07% -5.70% 其他 1.92% 2.09% + 0.17% + 8.90%

2012年3月至2013年3月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics March 2012 to March 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMarch 2012March 2013changerelativeIE (all)34.81%29.29%-5.52%-15.90%IE 9.0+14.56%18.07%+3.51%+24.10%IE 8.016.00%10.29%-5.71%-35.70%IE 7.02.91%0.64%-2.27%-78.00%IE 6.01.34%0.29%-1.05%-78.40%Firefox24.99%20.85%-4.14%-16.60%Chrome30.92%38.13%+7.21%+23.30%Safari6.71%8.48%+1.77%+26.40%Opera1.76%1.16%-0.60%-34.10%Others0.81%2.09%+1.28%+158.00% 浏览器 2012年3月 2013年3月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 34.81% 29.29% -5.52% -15.90% IE 9.0以上 14.56% 18.07% + 3.51% + 24.10% IE 8.0 16.00% 10.29% -5.71% -35.70% IE 7.0 2.91% 0.64% -2.27% -78.00% IE 6.0 1.34% 0.29% -1.05% -78.40% 火狐浏览器 24.99% 20.85% -4.14% -16.60% Chrome 30.92% 38.13% + 7.21% + 23.30% 苹果浏览器 6.71% 8.48% + 1.77% + 26.40% 歌剧 1.76% 1.16% -0.60% -34.10% 其他 0.81% 2.09% + 1.28% + 158.00%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 5.9% of IE7 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即,另外5.9%的IE7用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Just as I think Google cannot possibly increase their share further, Chrome takes another 1% bite of the browser market. The last time this occurred was July 2012. To put it into context, that’s the equivalent of every Opera user or all combined IE6 and IE7 users abandoning their browser in a single month.

正如我认为Google无法进一步增加份额一样,Chrome占据了浏览器市场1%的份额。 上一次发生这种情况是2012年7月 。 放到上下文中,这相当于每个Opera用户或所有合并的IE6和IE7用户在一个月内放弃浏览器。

Chrome was the only mainstream browser with positive growth last month and it’s clear other vendors are struggling to compete. Does Google have an unfair commercial advantage? Few users pass a day without using the search engine, GMail, Analytics, Reader or another vital service which politely suggests they switch to Chrome. Google also has the cash reserves to promote their browser on prime-time television, at the movies, in newspapers and magazines. And let’s not forget Google controls the world’s most-used smartphone platform and Chrome OS.

Chrome是上个月唯一出现正增长的主流浏览器,很明显其他供应商都在努力竞争。 Google有不公平的商业优势吗? 很少有用户过一天不使用搜索引擎,GMail,Analytics(分析), Reader或其他重要服务,礼貌地建议他们切换到Chrome。 Google还拥有现金储备,可以在黄金时间电视,电影,报纸和杂志上推广他们的浏览器。 而且,请不要忘记Google控制着世界上最常用的智能手机平台和Chrome操作系统。

That said, advertising would be worthless without a good application. Developers like Chrome. Users like Chrome. Even the most ardent IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera fanboys have little bad to say about the browser. It may no longer enjoy significant technical advantages but other vendors must either produce more competitive software or hope Google becomes complacent.

就是说,没有好的应用程序,广告将一文不值。 开发人员喜欢Chrome。 用户喜欢Chrome。 即使是最热衷的IE,Firefox,Safari和Opera迷,对于浏览器也可以这么说。 它可能不再享有明显的技术优势,但是其他供应商必须生产更具竞争力的软件,或者希望Google沾沾自喜。

IE9 has been hovering around 18% for six months but IE10 has begun to cannibalize its share following the recent Windows 7 update. At the end of March, IE9 had 15.81% and IE10 2.26%. IE8 dropped more than any other browser and looks likely to fall below 10% this month. IE6 and IE7 barely changed but they’ve become mostly insignificant.

IE9六个月以来一直徘徊在18%左右,但是IE10在最近的Windows 7更新之后已经开始蚕食其份额。 截至3月底,IE9占15.81%,IE10占2.26%。 IE8的跌幅超过任何其他浏览器,并且本月可能跌至10%以下。 IE6和IE7几乎没有变化,但是它们已经变得微不足道了。

Firefox fell another 0.5% and it’s starting to look like a monthly trend. The browser works well on Windows and is more than a match for Chrome but I suspect it’s lost most ground on Mac, Linux and mobile platforms. Unless Mozilla can convince users to stay, Firefox could drop below 20% by the end of May 2013.

Firefox又下降了0.5%,并且开始呈月度趋势。 该浏览器在Windows上运行良好,并且与Chrome完全不匹配,但我怀疑它在Mac,Linux和移动平台上失去了大部分优势。 除非Mozilla能够说服用户留下来,否则Firefox可能会在2013年5月底之前跌破20%。

Safari had a better month than most but almost 6% of Opera users abandoned the desktop browser. That could be a statistical anomaly or perhaps users are unimpressed with the company’s switch to Webkit? Let’s see how they fare on mobile devices…

Safari的月份比大多数月份都要好,但近6%的Opera用户放弃了桌面浏览器。 这可能是统计上的异常,还是用户对公司改用Webkit印象深刻 ? 让我们看看他们在移动设备上的表现如何……

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage increased a fraction to 14.44% of all web activity during March 2013.

在2013年3月期间,移动使用量增加了占所有网络活动的14.44% 。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 30.78% (down 0.76%)

Android — 30.78%(下降0.76%) iPhone — 24.44% (up 0.08%)

iPhone-24.44%(增长0.08%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 15.54% (up 0.14%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 15.54%(增长0.14%) UC Browser — 8.27% (down 0.07%)

UC浏览器-8.27%(下降0.07%) Nokia browser — 6.96% (up 0.05%)


It’s difficult to spot trends because the mobile market is erratic and influenced by local factors. For example, the iPhone is massively popular in western countries, but less so in Asia, Africa and South America where Android and Opera compete for the top spot.

由于移动市场不稳定且受本地因素影响,因此很难发现趋势。 例如,iPhone在西方国家非常受欢迎,而在亚洲,非洲和南美则很少,在这些国家,Android和Opera争夺头把交椅。

There’s been a slightly unusual fall for Android but I wouldn’t read too much into that. The Chrome mobile browser has a 2.02% market share and is starting to increase as rapidly as its desktop cousin. Google is everywhere.

Android出现了一些不寻常的下降,但我对此不会有太多了解。 Chrome移动浏览器拥有2.02%的市场份额,并且开始像其桌面同类产品一样Swift增长。 Google无处不在。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-april-2013-is-chrome-unstoppable/

