
tech2023-12-04  113

An open source collective known as the The Document Foundation has seized control of the OpenOffice suite. The product has been given the temporary name of “LibreOffice” following a major restructuring effort that declares independence from Oracle.

一个名为The Document Foundation的开源组织已经掌握了OpenOffice套件的控制权。 经过重大的改组工作,宣布该产品脱离Oracle,该产品的临时名称为“ LibreOffice”。

OpenOffice is an important product for small businesses and freelancers. For Linux users, it’s one of the best office suites available and provides good compatibility with Microsoft documents. For Windows users, it’s a viable free alternative to Microsoft Office.

OpenOffice是小型企业和自由职业者的重要产品。 对于Linux用户,它是可用的最佳办公套件之一,并且与Microsoft文档具有良好的兼容性。 对于Windows用户,它是Microsoft Office的可行的免费替代方案。

Until recently, OpenOffice’s principal developer was Sun Microsystems. It was used as the basis for Sun’s commercial Star Office product, so many OOo developers worked on the product full-time. However, the product’s future had been uncertain following Oracle’s acquisition of Sun in early 2010. The company recently re-branded the product but had made no public commitment to future development.

直到最近,OpenOffice的主要开发人员还是Sun Microsystems。 它被用作Sun商业Star Office产品的基础,因此许多OOo开发人员全职从事该产品的开发。 但是,在Oracle于2010年初收购Sun之后,该产品的未来不确定。该公司最近重新命名了该产品,但未对未来的发展做出任何公开承诺。

The Document Foundation is an independent self-governing group formed by leading members of the community. The suite has been forked and renamed “LibreOffice” because Oracle still owns the brand. In a slightly cheeky move, the group has invited Oracle to join and donate the OpenOffice name. I wish I’d been in Larry Ellison’s office when that letter arrived!

Document Foundation是由OpenOffice.org社区的主要成员组成的独立的自治团体。 该套件已被分叉并重命名为“ LibreOffice”,因为Oracle仍然拥有OpenOffice.org品牌。 这个小组采取了一个不拘小节的举动,邀请Oracle加入并捐赠OpenOffice名称。 希望那封信到来的时候我去拉里·埃里森的办公室!

Several articles are reporting that the move will liberate ongoing development. In theory, full independence and no commercial interference improves the suite’s prospects.

有几篇文章报道说,此举将解放正在进行的开发。 从理论上讲,完全独立且无商业干扰可改善套件的前景。

However, I’m less convinced by the short-term outlook. Unless Oracle release the OpenOffice name and associated web domains, development forks can confuse end users (and does anyone else think “LibreOffice” is an awful name?) Funding issues may arise and Oracle could make life difficult for the Foundation.

但是,我不太相信短期前景。 除非Oracle发布OpenOffice名称和相关的Web域,否则开发分支会使最终用户感到困惑(还有其他人认为“ LibreOffice”是一个糟糕的名字吗?)可能会出现资金问题,并且Oracle可能使基金会的生活陷入困境。

It’s an interesting development and decisions made during the next few months will be critical to the future evolution of the project.


