
tech2023-12-14  103


Despite numerous online campaigns calling for the death of IE6, Microsoft has confirmed their commitment to the browser until 8 April 2014. A post on the IEBlog states that upgrades are the responsibility of the user and the company will continue to support the 8 year-old browser:


The engineering point of view on IE6 starts as an operating systems supplier. Dropping support for IE6 is not an option because we committed to supporting the IE included with Windows for the lifespan of the product. We keep our commitments. Many people expect what they originally got with their operating system to keep working whatever release cadence particular subsystems have.

IE6的工程学观点是从操作系统供应商开始的。 不能选择放弃对IE6的支持,因为我们承诺在产品的使用寿命内支持Windows附带的IE。 我们信守承诺。 许多人期望他们最初从操作系统中获得的东西可以继续工作,无论特定子系统具有什么发布节奏。

As engineers, we want people to upgrade to the latest version. We make it as easy as possible for them to upgrade. Ultimately, the choice to upgrade belongs to the person responsible for the PC.

作为工程师,我们希望人们升级到最新版本。 我们使他们尽可能容易地升级。 最终,升级的选择属于PC负责人。

Like it or not, Microsoft is doing the right thing. Windows XP extended support will continue until 2014 and IE6 was the browser supplied with that OS. IE6 support and updates will therefore continue for at least another 5 years. They can not and will not force users to upgrade.

不管喜欢与否,Microsoft在做正确的事。 Windows XP扩展支持将一直持续到2014年,而IE6是该操作系统随附的浏览器。 因此,IE6的支持和更新将至少持续5年。 他们不能也不会强迫用户升级。

There are two primary reasons why Microsoft had to extend XP support:


Vista was delivered 4 years late and has been slammed by the press and users alike. Many private users and corporations continue to use XP and install the free OS downgrade option on new PCs. Although Vista has improved, there is a general perception that it’s a poor OS and only Windows 7 will offer a viable upgrade path.

Vista交付晚了4年,并受到媒体和用户的一致好评。 许多私人用户和公司继续使用XP并在新PC上安装免费的OS降级选项。 尽管Vista有所改进,但人们普遍认为它的操作系统较差,只有Windows 7才能提供可行的升级途径。 The rise of low-specification netbooks. Most of devices would not run Vista effectively so Microsoft offered XP Home as an alternative.

低规格上网本的兴起。 大多数设备无法有效运行Vista,因此Microsoft提供了XP Home作为替代方案。

However, the company is committed to promoting IE8. Several of Microsoft’s own web applications, such as the new versions of online Office, do not provide official IE6 support (although they might still work, especially if they are Silverlight-based).

但是,该公司致力于推广IE8。 Microsoft自己的几个Web应用程序(例如新版本的在线Office)不提供正式的 IE6支持(尽管它们仍然可以工作,尤其是基于Silverlight的情况下)。

Does Microsoft’s commitment to IE6 matter? Probably not — it’s up to the web community as a whole to encourage browser upgrades.

微软对IE6的承诺重要吗? 可能不是,这取决于整个网络社区是否鼓励浏览器升级。

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