
tech2023-12-14  104

As part of the company’s $100 marketing push, Microsoft has started showing Bing search engine commercials on television in the US. The video is likely to appear in other countries as Bing’s localization effort progresses, but if you’re yet to see it…

作为公司100美元营销计划的一部分,微软已开始在美国电视上播放Bing搜索引擎广告。 随着Bing本地化工作的进行,该视频可能会在其他国家/地区出现,但是如果您还没有看到的话……

At just over 1 minute, the commercial is very much style over substance. It’s flashy, fast, fashionable and warns that people aren’t searching – they’re bailing. Apparently, we’re all “lost in the links”. We don’t need queries and keywords that just lead to further questions – we need a decision engine.

在短短1分钟多的时间里,商业广告的风格就超过了实质内容。 它华而不实,快速,时尚,并警告人们不要搜索-他们正在收费。 显然,我们都“迷失在链接中” 。 我们不需要只会引起其他问题的查询和关键字,我们需要决策引擎。

Of course, the advert doesn’t actually tell us anything. Why does the company consider my previous searching experiences to be so flawed? What does Bing do? Why should use it? However, this air of mystery will tempt many people to trying Bing and that’s what Microsoft needs. Feedback about the search engine (sorry, decision engine) has been largely positive, but the project will only succeed if the company can persuade people to switch from Google and Yahoo.

当然,广告实际上并没有告诉我们任何信息。 该公司为什么认为我以前的搜索经验如此有缺陷? 必应做什么? 为什么要使用它? 但是,这种神秘的气氛会吸引许多人尝试使用Bing,而这正是Microsoft所需要的。 有关搜索引擎(对不起, 决策引擎)的反馈在很大程度上是积极的,但该项目只有在该公司能够说服人们从Google和Yahoo换人之后才能成功。

Interestingly, there is just the briefest mention of Microsoft itself; their logo appears in the bottom-right corner during the last two seconds of the advert. Blink and you’ll miss it.

有趣的是,仅是微软本身的最简短的提及。 广告的最后两秒钟内,其徽标就会显示在右下角。 眨眼,您会错过的。

If you had not already used Bing would this commercial encourage you to do so? Has the company purposely downplaying the Microsoft brand? Does television advertising work for web sites?

如果您尚未使用Bing,此商业广告会鼓励您这样做吗? 公司是否故意低估了微软品牌? 电视广告可用于网站吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/bing-television-advert/
