
tech2023-12-14  88


One of the biggest sources of inspiration behind the SitePoint Podcast has been the long-running Boagworld Podcast, which marked its 200th episode this past week by broadcasting a 12-hour live marathon.

长期运行的Boagworld播客是SitePoint播客背后最大的灵感来源之一,该播客在上周播出了长达12个小时的现场马拉松比赛 ,从而标志着其第200集。

Regular Boagworld hosts Paul Boag and Marcus Lillington were joined by a cavalcade of guest stars, including SitePoint authors Rachel Andrew and Elliot Jay Stocks, SitePoint Podcast co-host Patrick O’Keefe, and other “Britpack” notables such as Andy Clarke, Drew McLellan, and Dan Rubin.

定期的Boagworld主持人Paul Boag和Marcus Lillington受到来宾的欢迎,其中包括SitePoint作家Rachel Andrew和Elliot Jay Stocks ,SitePoint Podcast联合主持人Patrick O'Keefe,以及其他“英国背包”名人,例如Andy Clarke,Drew McLellan和Dan Rubin。

The live marathon was a remarkable success, with some participants saying the show felt like a free web conference. An edited version will be published on the Boagworld site (and podcast feed) this Friday, February 19th, with the interviews recorded to follow in the weeks and months ahead.

马拉松比赛取得了巨大的成功,一些参与者说这场表演就像一场免费的网络会议。 经过编辑的版本将在2月19日(星期五)在Boagworld网站 (和播客feed)上发布,并在接下来的几周和几个月内记录访谈内容。

And speaking of podcast milestones, be sure to catch SitePoint Podcast #50 next Friday, February 26th.

说到播客里程碑,请务必在2月26日(星期五)赶上SitePoint Podcast#50 。

Congratulations, Boagworld. Here’s to 200 more.

恭喜,Boagworld。 这里还有200个。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/boagworld-podcast-celebrates-200-episodes/

