Google发布Chrome 4.0

tech2023-12-14  103

It’s been a busy week for browser vendors. Microsoft has been busy patching IE, Mozilla released Firefox 3.6, and now Google has produced Chrome 4.0. The browser is available from the Chrome website or you can update an existing installation by clicking the tool icon, selecting About Google Chrome, and following the update instructions.

对于浏览器供应商来说,这是繁忙的一周。 微软一直在忙于修补IE , Mozilla发布了Firefox 3.6 ,现在Google已生产了Chrome 4.0。 您可以从Chrome网站上找到该浏览器,也可以通过单击工具图标,选择关于Google Chrome并按照更新说明来更新现有安装。

Chrome’s come a long way since it was introduced in October 2008. The browser has grabbed more than 5% of the global market share and it’s already in its fourth edition. Although Google has a reputation for keeping products in a long-term beta phase, Chrome version number increases every five months on average. The cynic in me thinks it’s a marketing ploy to overtake Firefox and catch up with Safari. But does anyone care about browser version numbers?

自2008年10月推出以来,Chrome已经走了很长一段路。该浏览器已经占领了全球5%以上的市场份额,并且已经是第四版了。 尽管Google以使产品处于长期测试阶段而享有盛誉,但Chrome版本号平均每五个月增加一次。 我的愤世嫉俗者认为,赶超Firefox赶上Safari是一种营销策略。 但是有人在乎浏览器版本号吗?

Cosmetically, little has changed between Chrome 3 and 4. The browser has retained its clean, minimal interface and its reputation for speed. There are two major new features:

从外观上来说,Chrome 3和4之间的变化很小。浏览器保留了其简洁,最小的界面和速度声誉。 有两个主要的新功能:

1. Bookmark Synchronization If you’ve got a Google Account (who hasn’t?), Chrome will upload your bookmarks to the web. You can access them via a Google Docs folder or synchronize them with any other installation of the browser. As far as I’m aware, Chrome’s the first browser to offer this facility without a plugin.

1.书签同步如果您拥有Google帐户(还没有?),Chrome会将您的书签上传到网络上。 您可以通过Google Docs文件夹访问它们,或将其与浏览器的任何其他安装同步。 据我所知,Chrome是第一个提供此功能且没有插件的浏览器。

2. Extensions Extensions were supported in version 3 but you needed to add a command line parameter to the Chrome shortcut. Version 4 enables extensions for everyone and almost 2,000 are available from

2.扩展扩展在版本3中受支持,但是您需要在Chrome快捷方式中添加命令行参数。 第4版为所有人提供了扩展程序,您可以从获得近2,000个扩展程序。

Chrome does not have the same quantity or quality of add-ons offered by Firefox, but I suspect it may lure some users away from Mozilla’s browser. However, there are relatively few extensions for developers; possibly because Chrome does not offer the same level of integration enjoyed by Firefox add-on coders.

Chrome没有Firefox提供的相同数量或质量的附加组件 ,但我怀疑它可能会吸引一些用户离开Mozilla的浏览器。 但是,针对开发人员的扩展相对较少。 可能是因为Chrome浏览器无法提供Firefox附加编码器所提供的相同级别的集成。

Other goodies to watch out for:


Improved HTML5 support.


Full 100/100 ACID3 pass. Chrome now matches Safari and Opera. Firefox 3.6 scores 94/100 and IE 8.0 … 20/100.

完全100/100 ACID3通过。 Chrome现在可以与Safari和Opera匹配。 Firefox 3.6得分94/100,IE 8.0…20/100。

Performance improvements in all areas.


I like Chrome. It’s a great if you’re surfing the web or using online applications and need a fast, stable browser. In my opinion, Firefox still offers a better all-round experience for power users and developers, but Chrome is catching up fast.

我喜欢Chrome。 如果您正在网上冲浪或使用在线应用程序并且需要快速,稳定的浏览器,那就太好了。 在我看来,Firefox仍然为高级用户和开发人员提供了更好的全方位体验,但是Chrome很快就赶上了。

