
tech2023-12-15  115


Mozilla has issued an official statement following several days of rumor and speculation concerning Firefox’s XUL extensions. The articles suggested the current system would be scrapped and replaced by JetPack — meaning that thousands of add-ons would disappear overnight.

经过几天的谣言和有关Firefox XUL扩展的猜测 ,Mozilla发布了一份正式声明 。 文章建议,当前的系统将被废弃,并由JetPack取代-这意味着成千上万的附加组件将在一夜之间消失。

I’m not sure how the stories started. There’s possibly some confusion regarding the imminent release of Firefox 3.6 which will lock out rogue add-ons. Mozilla will be introducing “component directory lockdown” to prevent third-party developers sneaking useful extensions into the browser (yes Microsoft, Sun and Nokia — I’m looking at you!) Whatever the reason, the story gained its own momentum and Firefox users were horrified to hear they’d be losing their favorite add-ons.

我不确定这些故事是如何开始的。 即将发布的Firefox 3.6(可能会锁定流氓插件)可能会引起一些混乱。 Mozilla将引入“组件目录锁定”功能,以防止第三方开发人员将有用的扩展程序潜入浏览器中(是的, 微软,Sun和诺基亚-我在看着你!)不管是什么原因,这个故事都有自己的发展动力,而Firefox用户听到他们会丢失自己喜欢的附加组件而感到震惊。

JetPack是未来吗? (Is JetPack the future?)

The Mozilla statement makes it clear that XUL add-ons have been retained. The JetPack add-ons system has been in development for around a year and offers an evolutionary step which should make extensions easier to write, simpler to distribute, and less likely to cause speed or security issues.

Mozilla声明清楚表明已保留XUL附加组件。 JetPack附加组件系统已经开发了大约一年,并且提供了一个演进步骤,应该使扩展更易于编写,更易于分发,并且不太可能引起速度或安全问题。

In June 2009 I asked Nick Nguyen, Mozilla’s Add-Ons Director, whether JetPack would replace the XUL add-ons system. He responded:

2009年6月,我问Mozilla附加组件总监Nick Nguyen, JetPack是否会取代XUL附加组件系统。 他回答:

Just as Ubiquity has been embraced by the Mozilla community, Jetpack is an experimental platform which will be driven by members of the community as well as Mozilla Labs. Because we’re trying things that haven’t been done before, we expect some things to be successful and other things to need revisions. This is much easier and safer to do on a new experimental platform than it is on the existing one, so we’ll continue to evolve both Jetpack and XUL based extensions.

就像Mozilla社区已经拥抱Ubiquity一样,Jetpack是一个实验性平台,将由该社区的成员以及Mozilla Labs推动。 因为我们正在尝试以前没有做过的事情,所以我们期望某些事情可以成功,而其他事情则需要进行修订。 与现有的实验平台相比,在新的实验平台上进行此操作更加容易和安全,因此我们将继续开发基于Jetpack和XUL的扩展。

We view Jetpack as complementary to the existing platform — some things we learn from Jetpack may migrate into the existing platform or Jetpack may continue to evolve as a separate path to rapid extension development.


The Mozilla statement adds:


Jetpack tries to make everything about Add-ons easier, from how they’re developed to how they’re installed and managed. If Jetpack becomes just as functional and powerful as the existing system, then we’ll talk about whether migrating all extensions to the new platform makes sense. It’s far too early to have that discussion in earnest now, and to be clear, no decision has been made about deprecating the existing system.

Jetpack试图使有关附件的一切变得容易,从开发方式到安装和管理方式。 如果Jetpack与现有系统一样功能强大,那么我们将讨论将所有扩展迁移到新平台是否有意义。 现在就进行认真的讨论还为时过早,而且要明确地说,尚未就弃用现有系统做出任何决定。

Developers should adopt Jetpack because they want to — not because they have to — and we’re months away from the point where Jetpack serves as a viable alternative for writing Firefox extensions.


Firefox owes much of its remarkable success to add-ons which extend the basic functionality. Many developers and users are unwilling to switch to another browser because their favorite add-on is unavailable on that platform. Don’t believe the rumors … Mozilla is not likely to abandon XUL extensions any time soon!

Firefox得益于扩展基本功能的附加程序,这在很大程度上得益于它。 许多开发人员和用户不愿意切换到其他浏览器,因为他们最喜欢的加载项在该平台上不可用。 不要相信谣言……Mozilla不太可能很快放弃XUL扩展!


