正在招聘SitePoint和99designs –推荐某人赢取$ 1,000!

tech2023-12-15  101

SitePoint and 99designs are hiring! If you are the first to refer someone we end up hiring for either of these two roles, we’ll reward you with a AU$1,000 travel voucher to spend with a travel agent in your region.

正在招聘SitePoint和99designs ! 如果您是第一个推荐这两个职位的人,我们将为您奖励1,000澳元的旅行代金券 ,供您在您所在地区的旅行社消费。

For both positions we hope to find someone already living here in Melbourne, Australia, but if you know someone willing to relocate and feel they have something special to offer, do get in touch!

对于这两个职位,我们希望找到已经在澳大利亚墨尔本居住的人 ,但是如果您知道有人愿意搬迁并觉得他们有特殊之处,请与我们联系!

To recommend someone, just email the details to: admin -at- sitepoint.com (replace -at- with @).

要推荐某人,只需将详细信息通过电子邮件发送至: admin -at-sitepoint.com (用@替换-at-)。

通缉:sitepoint.com的系统管理员 (Wanted: Systems Administrator for sitepoint.com)

Making a site like sitepoint.com speedy and reliable takes dedication, know-how, and more than a little creativity! We’re looking for a systems administrator who is as passionate about making new things possible on the Web as he or she is about uptime and performance.

快速,可靠地建立像sitepoint.com这样的网站需要奉献,专业知识和一点点创意! 我们正在寻找一个像系统管理员一样,对于使新事物在网络上成为可能充满热情的系统管理员。

The bullet points:


Lots of experience setting up and running Linux servers in a production environment.

在生产环境中设置和运行Linux服务器的丰富经验。 Experience tweaking Apache, PHP, and MySQL for performance.

体验调整Apache,PHP和MySQL的性能。 Experience running MySQL in a clustered configuration.

有在集群配置中运行MySQL的经验。 Great work ethic. Must thrive in a fast-paced, creative team environment.

伟大的职业道德。 必须在快节奏,富有创造力的团队环境中蓬勃发展。 The occasional crazy idea.


Experience with virtualisation (we run VMWare and Xen) and cloud architecture (we run Amazon‘s EC2 and S3) is a plus, but not mandatory (provided you’re excited to learn).


The successful applicant will work in our Melbourne office.


通缉:99designs.com的高级PHP开发人员 (Wanted: Senior PHP Developer for 99designs.com)

99designs.com is growing fast and we are looking for a talented PHP developer to join one of Australia’s most successful web startups. We’re now serving up over 11 million pages per month and are looking to expand our technical team to keep up the pace!

99designs.com的发展Swift,我们正在寻找一名才华横溢PHP开发人员加入澳大利亚最成功的网络创业公司之一。 我们现在每月提供超过1100万页的数据,并希望扩展我们的技术团队以跟上步伐!

If you can tick yes to all of the below, we want to hear from you:


Lots of experience with object-oriented PHP

丰富的面向对象PHP经验 Ability to design and implement solutions to problems in a maintainable way

能够以可维护的方式设计和实施问题的解决方案 Experience with Linux servers in a production environment

在生产环境中使用Linux服务器的经验 Experience with MySQL or comparable open source relational databases

有MySQL或类似开源关系数据库的经验 Great work ethic and ability to thrive in a fast-paced, cutting edge, creative team environment


Experience with test-driven design (we use SimpleTest), or cloud architecture (we run on Amazon’s EC2) is a plus, but not mandatory (provided you’re willing to learn).

具有测试驱动设计(我们使用SimpleTest)或云架构(我们在Amazon EC2上运行)的经验是加分的,但不是强制性的(前提是您愿意学习)。

The successful applicant will work in our Melbourne office.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sitepoint-99designs-hiring/
