法国考虑对互联网广告征收“ Google税”

tech2023-12-16  107

The French Government has proposed a tax on websites such as search engines which use pay-per-click adverts. Although the scheme appears to target major companies such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook, it has the potential to affect any website which raises revenue from advertising.

法国政府已提议对使用按点击付费广告的搜索引擎等网站征税。 尽管该计划似乎针对主要公司,例如Google,Yahoo,Bing和Facebook,但它有可能影响任何通过广告增加收入的网站。

Money raised by the tax will be plowed into creative industries which have been weakened by the Internet. This could include the creation of legal online channels for books, music and video distribution. (France has some of the toughest anti-piracy legislation and new laws now offer authorities the power to disconnect and fine repeat offenders.)

税收筹集的资金将投入到被互联网削弱的创意产业中。 这可能包括为书籍,音乐和视频发行创建合法的在线渠道。 (法国拥有一些最严厉的反盗版立法,现在新法律赋予当局权力,以处分违法者并处以重犯。)

One of the report’s authors, Guillaume Cerutti, said that the tax would end “enrichment without any limit or compensation.” The authors hope to get Europe-wide support for the proposals but that it was “legally and technically” possible for France to go it alone. Internet advertising revenues in France are estimated to be over $1.1 billion and the scheme is expected to raise $70 million from companies whether they have a French office or not.

该报告的作者之一纪尧姆·塞鲁蒂(Guillaume Cerutti)表示,该税将“在没有任何限制或补偿的情况下结束浓缩”。 作者希望获得提案在欧洲范围内的支持,但是法国独自一人进行提案在法律上和技术上都是可能的。 法国的互联网广告收入估计超过11亿美元,该计划有望从公司(无论是否在法国设有办事处)中筹集7000万美元。

Of course, this is another in a long line of uninformed and technically inept strategies from Governments around the world. The story makes the headlines, sounds great to the majority of voters, but has little grounding in practicality and could ultimately result in an overall net loss.

当然,这是来自世界各国政府的一长串不了解情况和技术上无能为力的战略中的另一个。 这个故事成为头条新闻,对大多数选民来说听起来不错,但在实用性上没有什么根据,最终可能导致整体净亏损。

The first issue: how can the Government monitor sponsored links when they are clicked by French users? ISPs could be forced to implement link monitoring software but that’s a huge and costly undertaking. In addition, how would revenue amounts be associated with each link? Click costs can vary from a fraction of a cent to hundreds of dollars.

第一个问题:当法国用户点击赞助商链接时,政府如何监控它们? 可能会迫使ISP实施链接监视软件,但这是一项庞大而昂贵的工作。 另外,收入金额将如何与每个链接相关联? 点击费用可能从一美分到几百美元不等。

Tax collection would be the next hurdle. How many foreign companies would pay a tax bill from a country where they have no office or server facilities? If the legislation is applied fairly, the French Government would need to send tax bills to hundreds of thousands of companies with little chance of recouping the administration costs.

税收将是下一个障碍。 有多少家外国公司会从没有办公室或服务器设施的国家/地区上缴税款? 如果该立法得到公平实施,法国政府将需要向数十万家公司发送税单,而几乎没有机会收回行政成本。

The legislation seems intent on hitting the large US-based Internet corporations. The least expensive option would be to collect additional money on profits generated by their French offices. That will almost certainly backfire; global corporations are adept at moving money to countries which attract the least amount of tax.

该法案似乎旨在打击美国的大型互联网公司。 最便宜的选择是从其法国办事处产生的利润中收取额外的钱。 这几乎肯定会适得其反; 跨国公司善于将资金转移到税收最少的国家。

It appears the French Government has forgotten the Internet is a global network. Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft all have French offices, but they can be shut down if the costs outweigh the benefits. The lost jobs and income tax receipts could have a far greater long-term impact on the French economy.

看来法国政府已经忘记了互联网是一个全球网络。 谷歌,雅虎和微软都在法国设有办事处,但如果成本超过收益,可以将其关闭。 失业和所得税收入的减少可能对法国经济产生更大的长期影响。

Olivier Esper, Google France’s general director, called on the government to “favor co-operation rather than opposition between the worlds of Internet and culture via the logic of taxation.”

Google法国总经理奥利维尔·埃斯佩(Olivier Esper)呼吁政府“通过税收的逻辑,促进互联网世界与文化世界之间的合作,而不是反对”。

Does the French Internet advertising taxation plan have any merits? Comments welcome…

法国的互联网广告税收计划有什么优点吗? 欢迎评论...

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/french-google-tax/
