
tech2023-12-16  80

The European Commission has dropped their anti-trust charges against Microsoft following long-winded arguments over the legality of providing Internet Explorer within Windows. Under the terms of the deal, around 100 million PCs throughout Europe will show a browser ballot screen in March 2010.

在长期争论在Windows中提供Internet Explorer的合法性之后,欧盟委员会已放弃了对微软的反托拉斯指控。 根据交易条款,整个欧洲约有1亿台PC将在2010年3月显示浏览器投票屏幕。

The ballot screen will appear during a Windows update for XP, Vista and 7 assuming the user has retained IE as their default browser. Those that buy a new PC will see the screen the first time they access the web.

假设用户保留了IE作为其默认浏览器,则在Windows XP,Vista和7的Windows更新期间,将出现投票屏幕。 购买新PC的用户将在首次访问网络时看到屏幕。

12 browsers will be offered. Yes — you read that correctly — there will be a bewildering choice of 12 browsers:

将提供12种浏览器。 是的-您没看错-会有12种浏览器供您选择。

the 5 most popular browsers will appear in random order: IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome

5种最受欢迎​​的浏览器将以随机顺序出现:IE,Firefox,Opera,Safari和Chrome another 7 browsers will also appear in less-prominent positions: AOL, Maxthon, K-Meleon, Flock, Avant Browser, Sleipnir and Slim Browser.


The browser list will be updated at least once every six months with choices changing with the popularity of the software.


The ruling will remain in effect for at least five years and applies to all EU member states. European regulators have warned Microsoft that it may be fined up to 10% of yearly global turnover if the company does not fully abide with the terms of the deal during that period. movie downloads

该裁决将至少持续五年,并适用于所有欧盟成员国。 欧洲监管机构已警告微软,如果微软在此期间未完全遵守交易条款,则可能被处以全球年度营业额10%的罚款。 电影下载

Neelie Kroes, the EU’s competition commissioner, stated:

欧盟竞争专员Neelie Kroes表示:

Millions of European consumers will benefit from this decision by having a free choice about which web browser they use.


The ruling will act as an incentive to rival browser makers to continue developing and improving their products.


Whilst I’m pleased users will be educated about alternatives, I’m not convinced the ballot screen will have a major impact on browser market share. A choice of 12 options will be confusing for many novices. Those making an uninformed or random choice will still have a 50:50 chance of opting for an IE-based browser!

尽管我很高兴能对用户进行替代教育,但我不认为投票屏将对浏览器市场份额产生重大影响。 12个选项的选择会使许多新手感到困惑。 那些不知情或随机选择的人仍然有50:50的机会选择基于IE的浏览器!

Do you think the browser ballot screen will make a difference? Should Microsoft roll it out worldwide? Does the use of the word “ballot” annoy you? Is it a case of alliteration prevailing over interpretation?!

您认为浏览器的投票屏幕会有所作为吗? 微软是否应该在全球推广? 使用“选票”一词会惹恼您吗? 是指称胜于解释的情况吗?



