
tech2023-12-16  102


Google has carried out its threat to shut down the search engine following its censorship dispute with the Chinese Government. All users are now redirected to the Hong Kong-based Although Hong Kong is part of China, it retains a level of independence and its search engine delivers uncensored results.

在与中国政府的审查纠纷之后,谷歌威胁要关闭Google.cn搜索引擎。 现在,所有用户都被重定向到位于香港的 。 尽管香港是中国的一部分,但它仍然保持一定的独立性,其搜索引擎可提供未经审查的结果。

Google’s chief legal officer, David Drummond, stated:

Google首席法律官David Drummond说:

The Chinese Government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from is a sensible solution to the challenges we’ve faced. It is entirely legal.

在整个讨论过程中,中国政府一直明确表示,自我审查是不可谈判的法律要求。 我们相信,使用的简体中文提供未经审查的搜索的方法是针对我们所面临挑战的明智解决方案。 这是完全合法的。

The US Government backed Google and expressed disappointment that an American company was forced into taking such drastic measures.


The Chinese Government immediately criticized the company and accused them of violating the terms agreed when the search engine was launched in 2006. A spokesman for the State Council Information Office said:


This is totally wrong. We’re uncompromisingly opposed to the politicization of commercial issues, and express our discontent and indignation to Google for its unreasonable accusations and conducts.

这是完全错误的。 我们毫不妥协地反对将商业问题政治化,并对Google的不合理指控和行为表示不满和愤慨。

Google threatened to quit China in January 2010 following sophisticated attacks on their corporate infrastructure which originated from within the country. The hackers were believed to be targeting GMail accounts owned by human rights activists. Google announced they were no longer willing to censor results and have been in talks with the Chinese Government since that time.

Google 威胁要在2010年1月退出中国 ,原因是该公司内部发动了对其公司基础设施的全面攻击。 黑客被认为是针对人权活动家拥有的GMail帐户的。 谷歌宣布,他们不再愿意审查结果,并且自那时以来一直在与中国政府进行谈判。

Google has not pulled out of China altogether and retains their 700 research, development, and sales staff. Does this highlight a conflict of interest within company? On one hand, Google has its moralistic “do no evil” stance against oppression and censorship. On the other, they are a commercial operation in a country with 400 million internet users, a population of 1.3 billion, and the world’s fastest growing economy.

Google尚未完全撤出中国,并保留了700名研究,开发和销售人员。 这是否突出了公司内部的利益冲突? 一方面,谷歌在反对压迫和审查方面具有其道德上的“请勿做恶”立场。 另一方面,它们是在一个拥有4亿互联网用户,13亿人口,世界上经济增长最快的国家的商业运营。

In my opinion, Google has a simple choice:


It can trade in any country it chooses — as long as it abides with local regulations.

只要遵守当地法规,它就可以在自己选择的任何国家/地区进行贸易。 If those regulations are utterly abhorrent to the company, it should not be there.


Perhaps that’s too simplistic, but Google appears to be making considerable amount of money within a regime they openly despise. However, I suspect it won’t last long — the great Firewall of China could come online at any moment.

也许这太简单了,但是Google似乎在他们公开鄙视的政权中赚了很多钱。 但是,我怀疑这种情况不会持续很长时间-出色的中国防火墙随时可能上线。

What do you think? Should Google quit China? Should they continue to work within the country? Could they change China’s human rights policies when so many others have failed?

你怎么看? Google应该退出中国吗? 他们应该继续在国内工作吗? 当许多其他国家失败时,它们会改变中国的人权政策吗?


