
tech2023-12-17  102

Although major web sites such as YouTube are dropping support for IE6, as Alex has pointed out, progress is far more sedate within large corporations and public authorities. Here are two further alarming examples…

正如Alex所指出的 ,尽管YouTube之类的主要网站都放弃了对IE6的支持,但是在大公司和公共机构中,进展远远不止于此。 这是另外两个令人震惊的示例……

橙子 (Orange)

Our first case study is Orange — a major telecoms and Internet Service Provider. According to a technician working in one of the UK’s call centers, up to a quarter of personnel had switched to Firefox primarily to take advantage of tabbed browsing and improved performance. However, a leaked internal email revealed that the company has banned Firefox in favor of IE6. Staff have also been threatened with a £250 fine if they experience PC problems following the installation of any unauthorized software:

我们的第一个案例研究是Orange –一个主要的电信和Internet服务提供商。 据英国一家呼叫中心的技术人员说,多达四分之一的人员已改用Firefox,主要是为了利用选项卡式浏览和改进的性能。 但是,泄漏的内部电子邮件表明,该公司已禁止Firefox使用IE6。 如果在安装任何未经授权的软件后遇到PC问题,工作人员还将受到250英镑的罚款威胁:

Under no circumstances should Firefox be downloaded. Downloading any application from the internet is against Orange policy. There is NO support for Firefox in the operational environment. Orange Web applications are all designed to run on IE6 and therefore there is a likelihood that functionality will be impaired on Firefox.

在任何情况下都不应下载Firefox。 从互联网下载任何应用程序均违反Orange政策。 在操作环境中不支持Firefox。 Orange Web应用程序都设计为可在IE6上运行,因此Firefox上的功能可能会受到损害。

Orange’s primary reasons are corporate PC stability and security. IE6 is automatically updated as part of the company’s patching process whereas Firefox and other browsers are not. That is an important factor, but is a patched 8-year-old browser really more stable and secure than a more modern version?

Orange的主要原因是公司PC的稳定性和安全性。 IE6作为公司修补过程的一部分自动更新,而Firefox和其他浏览器则不是。 这是一个重要因素,但是经过补丁修复的8年浏览器真的比更现代的浏览器更加稳定和安全吗?

英国国防部(MoD) (UK Ministry of Defence (MoD))

The majority of UK Government departments still force staff to use IE6 but most have plans to adopt IE7 by 2010 (better late than never, I suppose). The exception is the MoD. Although they have more stringent security concerns than other departments, it has not prevented them rolling out a “secure” IE6-based Information Infrastructure Program to 300,000 users worldwide.

英国大多数政府部门仍在强迫员工使用IE6,但大多数计划在2010年前采用IE7(我想迟到总比不到好)。 MoD是个例外。 尽管与其他部门相比,他们对安全性的关注更为严格,但这并不能阻止他们向全球300,000个用户推出基于“ IE6 ”的“安全”信息基础结构计划。

MP Tom Watson expressed his disappointment:


Many civil servants use web browsers as a tool of their trade. They’re as important as pens and paper. So to force them to use the most decrepit browser in the world is a rare form of workplace cruelty that should be stopped.

许多公务员使用网络浏览器作为他们的交易工具。 它们和笔和纸一样重要。 因此,强迫他们使用世界上使用率最高的浏览器是一种罕见的对工作场所的残酷对待,应予以制止。

The Government Get Safe Online initiative advises companies to upgrade from IE6, so permanent secretaries should practice what they preach. Why civil servants should not be given the choice to use Firefox or Chrome or Safari is beyond me. UK web workers deserve better.

政府获得“安全上网”倡议建议公司从IE6升级,因此常任秘书应按照自己的主张进行练习。 为什么不应该让公务员选择使用Firefox或Chrome或Safari,这超出了我的范围。 英国网络工作者应得到更好的待遇。

You may consider these organizations to be luddites, backward, or uninformed. Unfortunately, they employ thousands of people who may be customers for your goods and services. Should those users be disregarded because they continue to use IE6 though no fault of their own?

您可能认为这些组织是轻率的,落后的或无知的。 不幸的是,他们雇用了成千上万的人,他们可能是您商品和服务的客户。 这些用户是否应该因为继续使用IE6而被忽视,尽管他们自己没有错?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ie6-will-not-die/
