
tech2023-12-17  87 is a new social network that answers a simple question: “what are your friends buying?” The venture was founded by Philip Kaplan, Ashvin Kumar and Chris Estreich and the service is now available as an invite-only beta.

Blippy.com是一个新的社交网络,它回答了一个简单的问题: “您的朋友买了什么?” 该合资企业是由Philip Kaplan,Ashvin Kumar和Chris Estreich创立的,该服务现在可以作为邀请函使用。

So how does it work? Superficially, it looks a lot like Twitter. Once you’ve signed up, you can follow others, see what they’re buying, where they bought it, and how much they’ve spent. You can then add comments or questions to any transaction.

那么它是怎样工作的? 从表面上看,它看起来很像Twitter。 注册后,您可以关注其他人,查看他们在买什么,在哪里购买以及花了多少钱。 然后,您可以向任何交易添加评论或问题。

It’s a controversial idea. Your Blippy account can be ‘linked’ with banks, credit cards, and large online stores such as Amazon and iTunes. Any purchase you make is added to your Blippy stream which can be publicly shared or shown to those people you approve. The site recommends that you also retain a ‘private’ credit card to save embarrassment about certain purchases or secret gifts.

这是一个有争议的想法。 您的Blippy帐户可以与银行,信用卡和大型在线商店(例如Amazon和iTunes)“链接”。 您所做的任何购买都将添加到Blippy流中,可以公开共享或显示给您批准的人。 该网站建议您还保留一张“私人”信用卡,以免因某些购买或秘密礼物而感到尴尬。

In many ways, Blippy achieves something Twitter does not: passive sharing. You don’t need to post updates or even have internet access — your location and behaviors become visible by the things you buy. The founders have already experienced opportunities and unexpected consequences of using the service:

在许多方面,Blippy实现了Twitter无法实现的目标: 被动共享 。 您无需发布更新,甚至无需访问互联网-您所购买的东西都可以看到您的位置和行为。 创始人已经体验到使用该服务的机会和意想不到的后果:

The information is far more interesting than a typical tweet.

该信息比典型的推文有趣得多。 It allows you to see what your friends are buying. You know where there are and what interests them — which could be useful for gift ideas.

它使您可以查看朋友购买的商品。 您知道它们的位置和兴趣所在,这可能对礼物创意很有用。 You can find online deals or discover whether you’ve been ripped off.

您可以找到在线交易或发现您是否被盗。 It could become easier to track stolen credit cards.

追踪被盗的信用卡会变得更加容易。 Valuable commercial data can be collated and analyzed. An API is planned so it will eventually be possible for companies to recall your previous visits and purchases. It could mark the end of store loyalty cards.

可以对有价值的商业数据进行整理和分析。 已计划使用API​​,因此公司最终将可以撤回您以前的访问和购买。 这可能标志着商店会员卡的结束。

However, there are several big hurdles that could affect Blippy’s success. Are people willing to have their buying habits tracked? I accept large stores are already doing it, but making the information public is another matter. I suspect the younger generation would be more eager to share their whereabouts and what brands they’re buying, but the service is limited to those who purchase goods via credit card. Few teenagers will be able to use the service.

但是,有几大障碍可能会影响Blippy的成功。 人们愿意追踪他们的购买习惯吗? 我接受大型商店已经在这样做,但是将信息公开是另一回事。 我怀疑年轻的一代会更渴望分享他们的下落和他们要购买的品牌,但是该服务仅限于通过信用卡购买商品的人。 很少有青少年能够使用该服务。

Passive sharing is a great idea and many social networks are likely to adopt similar techniques and technologies. But do you want to advertise your daily location and activities? I’m sure burglars would be especially interested in that information!

被动共享是一个好主意,许多社交网络都可能采用类似的技术。 但是,您想宣传您的每日位置和活动吗? 我敢肯定,小偷会对这些信息特别感兴趣!

Finally, security will be the biggest concern for most users. Although they make strong statements about privacy and security, you still need to register your bank, credit card, store IDs and passwords with Blippy. I doubt many will share that information especially when they read Blippy’s terms of service:

最后,安全性将是大多数用户最关心的问题。 尽管他们对隐私和安全性有明确的声明,但您仍然需要在Blippy中注册银行,信用卡,商店ID和密码。 我怀疑许多人会共享这些信息,尤其是当他们阅读Blippy的服务条款时:

“You understand and agree that you use the Site and Services at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that arise from such use.”


Banks are continually advising customers to keep their IDs and passwords secret; few will understand or compensate you for security issues caused directly or indirectly by Blippy’s service.

银行不断建议客户将其ID和密码保密。 对于因Blippy的服务直接或间接引起的安全问题,很少有人会理解或补偿您。

But hey, what do I know? I never understood the massive popularity of Facebook or Twitter! Despite the controversy, Blippy’s an interesting service which is well executed. Perhaps we’ll all be using it by next Christmas?

但是,我知道什么? 我从不了解Facebook或Twitter的广泛普及! 尽管存在争议,但Blippy的一项有趣的服务执行得很好。 也许明年圣诞节我们都会使用它?

Would you use Blippy? Is it a great concept or too controversial?

您会使用Blippy吗? 这是一个伟大的概念还是太有争议了?

