opera 代理

tech2023-12-17  97

opera 代理

The Opera browser has continued to evolve and version 10 will be released shortly.


All browsers identify themselves with a unique code known as a user agent. The alpha release in December 2008 used a logical user agent string, e.g. for a Mac in an English locale:

所有浏览器都使用称为用户代理的唯一代码来标识自己。 2008年12月发布的alpha版本使用了逻辑用户代理字符串,例如,对于英语语言环境中的Mac:

Opera/10.00 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en) Presto/2.2.0

However, all subsequent builds and the final release will use:


Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00

Version 9.8? What’s going on?

版本9.8? 这是怎么回事?

Opera is one of the oldest browsers and is the first to approach a double-digit version number. Unfortunately, the Opera developers started to experience strange problems with a selection of sites that use browser sniffing to serve version-specific content and/or scripts. Many of the sniffing scripts simply detected the first digit in the user agent string and boldly assumed they were running on Opera 1 rather than Opera 10. Worse still, many of these sites decided that the browser was unsupported and refused to provide any content.

Opera是最古老的浏览器之一,并且是第一个使用两位数版本号的浏览器。 不幸的是,Opera开发人员在使用浏览器嗅探来提供特定于版本的内容和/或脚本的某些站点上开始遇到奇怪的问题。 许多嗅探脚本仅检测到用户代理字符串中的第一个数字,并大胆地假定它们在Opera 1而不是Opera 10上运行。更糟糕的是,这些站点中的许多站点都确定浏览器不受支持,并拒绝提供任何内容。

The Opera team deliberated the site compatibility problem and came up with the best compromise: freeze the first part of the string at 9.80 but append the real version number to the end. v9.80 was chosen rather than v.9.99 just in case there is a need to update the initial version number at a future date.

Opera小组审议了站点兼容性问题,并提出了最佳妥协方案:将字符串的第一部分冻结在9.80,但将真实版本号附加到末尾。 选择v9.80而不是v.9.99,以防万一需要在将来的某个日期更新初始版本号。

The same problem is likely to hit Microsoft; Internet Explorer is not far behind at version 8.0, and would probably be there now if the company hadn’t abandoned the browser for 6 years. Mozilla, Apple, and Google may have a little way to go, but Opera’s problem illustrates another reason why browser sniffing is a bad idea … more reasons coming soon…

微软也可能遇到同样的问题。 Internet Explorer在8.0版本上并不落后,如果该公司6年没有放弃浏览器,现在可能会存在。 Mozilla,Apple和Google可能还有一段路要走,但是Opera的问题说明了浏览器嗅探是个坏主意的另一个原因…… 更多的原因很快就会出现……

Would the original Opera 10 user agent string have affected any of your websites?

原始的Opera 10用户代理字符串会影响您的任何网站吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/opera-10-user-agent/

opera 代理
