
tech2023-12-17  113


It’s official: Firefox 3.5 has been released! Grab it from the Mozilla website before it becomes overloaded by eager Firefox aficionados!

官方:Firefox 3.5已发布! 从Mozilla网站上获取它,然后它会被热衷于Firefox的狂热者所淹没!

Typically, I’d only just installed the latest beta. If that’s anything to go by, Firefox 3.5 is stable and significantly faster than before.

通常,我只会安装最新的Beta。 如果可以解决的话,Firefox 3.5是稳定的,并且比以前快得多。

Be aware that many Firefox add-ons may not work yet. However, there is a workaround that forces your favorite extensions to work. Use it at your own risk…

请注意,许多Firefox附加组件可能尚无法使用。 但是,有一种解决方法可以强制您喜欢的扩展程序正常工作。 需要您自担风险使用它…

Open ‘about:config’.

打开“ about:config”。 Right-click and add a new boolean value named ‘extensions.checkCompatibility’.

右键单击并添加一个名为“ extensions.checkCompatibility”的新布尔值。 Set that value to false.

将该值设置为false。 Restart the browser.


The release of Firefox 3.5 is a great topic for my hundredth SitePoint post. Hope you manage to grab the browser whilst it’s hot — let us know what you think of it.

Firefox 3.5的发布对于我的第100个SitePoint帖子是一个很好的话题。 希望您在浏览器炙手可热的时候设法抓住它-让我们知道您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-35-out-now/


相关资源:Firefox Setup 62.0.3 火狐浏览器 Mac版