
tech2023-12-17  103


Following a recent investigation, European anti-trust regulators have formally objected to Oracle’s acquisition of Sun Microsystems. The main issue is MySQL, the world’s most popular open-source database: the EU believes that the takeover could harm competition.

经过最近的调查,欧洲反托拉斯监管机构已正式反对Oracle收购Sun Microsystems。 主要问题是MySQL,这是世界上最流行的开源数据库:欧盟认为,收购可能损害竞争。

The $7.4 billion Oracle-Sun deal was announced in April 2009. Although US regulators have not raised objections, the EU investigation could put the merger plan at risk. EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes is known to support open-source technology and Oracle have posted a statement responding to her concerns:

这项价值74亿美元的Oracle-Sun交易于2009年4月宣布 。 尽管美国监管机构并未提出异议,但欧盟的调查可能会使合并计划面临风险。 众所周知,欧盟竞争事务专员Neelie Kroes支持开源技术,Oracle针对这一担忧发表了声明:

[The EU objection] reveals a profound misunderstanding of both database competition and open source dynamics.


It is well understood by those knowledgeable about open source software that because MySQL is open source, it cannot be controlled by anyone. That is the whole point of open source.

熟悉开源软件的人都知道,由于MySQL是开源的,因此任何人都无法控制它。 这就是开源的重点。

Both Oracle and the US Justice Department have stated there are at least eight strong players in the database market so anti-competitive practices are unlikely to be successful. However, investors had already responded to possible EU objections and Sun is currently trading at more than 12% below Oracle’s takeover offer of $9.50 per share.

Oracle和美国司法部都表示,数据库市场上至少有八家强大的公司,因此反竞争做法不太可能成功。 但是,投资者已经对欧盟的反对意见做出了回应,Sun目前的交易价格比Oracle提出的每股9.50美元的收购价低12%以上。

Oracle会危害MySQL吗? (Would Oracle Harm MySQL?)

MySQL is not a direct competitor to Oracle’s enterprise databases, but developers will be suspicious of the company’s motives. Oracle could embrace MySQL and exploit the market by selling consultancy, training, reference guides and database migration tools. However, they could also starve MySQL of developer resources and remove Sun’s supporting websites and services.

MySQL并不是Oracle企业数据库的直接竞争对手,但是开发人员会怀疑该公司的动机。 Oracle可以通过出售咨询,培训,参考指南和数据库迁移工具来拥抱MySQL并开拓市场。 但是,他们也可能使MySQL失去开发人员资源,并删除Sun的支持网站和服务。

Unfortunately, Oracle have remained tight-lipped about their plans for MySQL. Although MySQL’s open-source development does not depend on the company, forking the database into multiple systems is unlikely to benefit anyone. Finally, are there really eight “strong” players in the database market? MySQL dominates the web and switching to another system is not a task many site owners and developers would be willing to undertake.

不幸的是,Oracle一直对MySQL计划保持沉默。 尽管MySQL的开源开发不依赖于公司,但是将数据库分叉到多个系统中不可能使任何人受益。 最后,在数据库市场上真的有八个“强大”的参与者吗? MySQL控制着Web,切换到另一个系统并不是许多站点所有者和开发人员愿意承担的任务。

Are you concerned about Oracle’s takeover of MySQL?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/eu-object-oracle-sun-mysql-takeover/

