
tech2023-12-18  95

The Microsoft-Yahoo partnership has been approved following eight months of legal shenanigans. The deal announced last year has been unconditionally cleared by the US Department of Justice and the European Commission. Australia, Brazil and Canada have already agreed the terms, although both companies are still working with regulators in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

微软与雅虎的合作伙伴关系在经过八个月的合法欺骗后获得批准。 去年宣布的交易已被美国司法部和欧盟委员会无条件批准。 澳大利亚,巴西和加拿大已经同意这些条款,尽管两家公司仍在与日本,韩国和台湾的监管机构合作。

Outspoken Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer stated:


I believe that together, Microsoft and Yahoo will promote more choice, better value and greater innovation to our customers, as well as to advertisers and publishers.


Under the terms of the 10-year deal:


Microsoft will be able to select any of Yahoo’s search technologies and a number of key employees.

微软将能够选择Yahoo的任何搜索技术和许多关键雇员。 Yahoo will adopt Microsoft’s Bing search engine. Engineers will begin integration shortly and hope to have the work completed by the end of 2010 in the US. Other territories will follow soon after.

雅虎将采用微软的必应搜索引擎。 工程师们将很快开始集成,并希望在2010年底之前在美国完成工作。 其他地区将在不久之后出现。 Although Microsoft will provide the back-end technology, Yahoo will control how results are presented on their own site.

尽管微软将提供后端技术,但雅虎将控制结果如何在自己的网站上呈现。 Yahoo will concentrate on selling premium search advertising and will receive 88% of the revenue raised.


The future for Yahoo search-related projects such as BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) and YQL (Yahoo Query Language) are uncertain, however, Microsoft is unlikely to abandon popular systems which increase market share.

诸如BOSS (建立自己的搜索服务)和YQL (雅虎查询语言)等与雅虎搜索相关的项目的前景不确定,但是,微软不太可能放弃流行的系统来增加市场份额。

The partnership is an all-out assault on Google. Neither Microsoft or Yahoo has achieved much success separately, even though the Redmond giant has invested $5 billion over the past 4 years. Google made no official comment and did not oppose the partnership.

合作关系是对Google的全面攻击。 尽管微软和雅虎在过去四年中已投资50亿美元,但微软和雅虎都没有分别取得很大的成功。 谷歌没有发表官方评论,也没有反对这一合作关系。

The deal was warmly received by NASDAQ investors. Microsoft and Yahoo shares rose 1.2% and 0.7% respectively. But Google also increased by 1.1%, so there’s little business intelligence to be ascertained from those figures.

这笔交易受到了纳斯达克投资者的热烈欢迎。 微软和雅虎股价分别上涨1.2%和0.7%。 但是Google也增长了1.1%,因此从这些数据中几乎无法确定商业情报。

In the US, Google has a little over 65% market share. Yahoo has 17% and Bing 11%, so the partnership should give a combined US share of just under 30%. Google is far more dominant elsewhere and handles almost 90% of UK searches.

在美国,Google的市场份额略高于65%。 雅虎占17%,必应(Bing)占11%,因此合作伙伴关系在美国的总份额应略低于30%。 谷歌在其他地方的优势要大得多,并且处理了英国近90%的搜索。

In some ways, the deal offers less choice for web users. Yahoo’s search engine is very good and it’s a shame to see it go. However, shared technology and increased usage should help Microsoft improve Bing’s search engine results. Will that persuade users to migrate from Google? Only time will tell…

在某些方面,这笔交易为网络用户提供了更少的选择。 雅虎的搜索引擎非常好,看到它走了实在可惜。 但是,共享技术和增加使用率应有助于Microsoft改善Bing的搜索引擎结果。 这会说服用户从Google迁移吗? 只有时间证明一切…

What do you think? Will the partnership succeed and does it offer viable competition to Google?

你怎么看? 伙伴关系能否成功,并为Google提供可行的竞争?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-yahoo-partnership/
