
tech2023-12-18  93

Where did January go? You may still be on your traditional post-festivity detox, but the browser chart stops for nothing! Let’s look at the latest market statistics according to StatCounter…

一月去了哪里? 您可能仍在使用传统的节后排毒服务,但浏览器图表停滞不前! 让我们根据StatCounter看一下最新的市场统计数据 ……

2012年12月至2013年1月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics December 2012 to January 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserDecemberJanuarychangerelativeIE (all)30.78%30.70%-0.08%-0.30%IE 9.0+18.13%18.52%+0.39%+2.20%IE 8.011.48%11.12%-0.36%-3.10%IE 7.00.79%0.73%-0.06%-7.60%IE 6.00.38%0.33%-0.05%-13.20%Firefox21.89%21.43%-0.46%-2.10%Chrome36.46%36.55%+0.09%+0.20%Safari7.92%8.27%+0.35%+4.40%Opera1.24%1.19%-0.05%-4.00%Others1.71%1.86%+0.15%+8.80% 浏览器 十二月 一月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 30.78% 30.70% -0.08% -0.30% IE 9.0以上 18.13% 18.52% + 0.39% + 2.20% IE 8.0 11.48% 11.12% -0.36% -3.10% IE 7.0 0.79% 0.73% -0.06% -7.60% IE 6.0 0.38% 0.33% -0.05% -13.20% 火狐浏览器 21.89% 21.43% -0.46% -2.10% Chrome 36.46% 36.55% + 0.09% + 0.20% 苹果浏览器 7.92% 8.27% + 0.35% + 4.40% 歌剧 1.24% 1.19% -0.05% -4.00% 其他 1.71% 1.86% + 0.15% + 8.80%

2012年1月至2013年1月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics January 2012 to January 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJanuary 2012January 2013changerelativeIE (all)37.46%30.70%-6.76%-18.00%IE 9.0+11.45%18.52%+7.07%+61.70%IE 8.020.82%11.12%-9.70%-46.60%IE 7.03.63%0.73%-2.90%-79.90%IE 6.01.56%0.33%-1.23%-78.80%Firefox24.78%21.43%-3.35%-13.50%Chrome28.45%36.55%+8.10%+28.50%Safari6.61%8.27%+1.66%+25.10%Opera1.96%1.19%-0.77%-39.30%Others0.74%1.86%+1.12%+151.40% 浏览器 2012年1月 2013年1月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 37.46% 30.70% -6.76% -18.00% IE 9.0以上 11.45% 18.52% + 7.07% + 61.70% IE 8.0 20.82% 11.12% -9.70% -46.60% IE 7.0 3.63% 0.73% -2.90% -79.90% IE 6.0 1.56% 0.33% -1.23% -78.80% 火狐浏览器 24.78% 21.43% -3.35% -13.50% Chrome 28.45% 36.55% + 8.10% + 28.50% 苹果浏览器 6.61% 8.27% + 1.66% + 25.10% 歌剧 1.96% 1.19% -0.77% -39.30% 其他 0.74% 1.86% + 1.12% + 151.40%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 13.2% of IE6 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,上个月有另外13.2%的IE6用户放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

January means back to business: Microsoft’s domain. The fastest growing browser last month was IE10 with a 0.35% rise. In relative terms, it had a 56% jump and holds just under 1% of the market. While Windows 8 was not Microsoft’s most triumphant OS launch, people are starting to use it. IE10 isn’t particularly exciting, but it’s a fine browser.

一月意味着重新营业:微软的域名。 上个月增长最快的浏览器是IE10,增长了0.35%。 相对而言,它跃升了56%,仅占不到市场的1%。 尽管Windows 8并不是微软最成功的操作系统,但人们开始使用它。 IE10并不特别令人兴奋,但它是一款出色的浏览器 。

Overall, IE dropped slightly; IE9 increased a little, but older versions fell 0.47%. Within a month, the combined total for IE6 and IE7 should fall below 1% but you should note that, for now, they’re used by more people than IE10.

总体而言,IE略有下降。 IE9有所增加,但较旧的版本下降了0.47%。 一个月之内,IE6和IE7的总和应降至1%以下,但您应该注意,目前,它们的使用人数超过了IE10。

Safari enjoyed an almost identical increase to IE10 and commands 8.27% of the market. The iPad version is responsible for 3.41% of the market — impressive.

Safari的增长几乎与IE10相同,并占据了8.27%的市场份额。 iPad版本占据了3.41%的市场份额-令人印象深刻。

Chrome managed a small jump during January, but it’s becoming more difficult to entice new users. Much of Chrome’s growth has come from legacy IE user migration but that pool is rapidly evaporating. That said, it did far better than Firefox which saw the biggest overall fall.

Chrome在1月份取得了小幅增长,​​但是吸引新用户变得越来越困难。 Chrome的增长大部分来自旧版IE用户迁移,但是这一池正在Swift消失。 也就是说,它的表现要比整体下降幅度最大的Firefox更好。

Finally, we have Opera. I like the plucky little browser but its user base has diminished from just under 2% to just over 1% in the last twelve months. Opera’s certainly a match for the competition but no longer enjoys significant benefits. However, as a professional web developer, you need Opera installed. Give it a go — you may prefer it.

最后,我们有Opera。 我喜欢这种小巧的浏览器,但是在过去的十二个月中,其用户群从不到2%减少到了1%以上。 Opera无疑是比赛的对手,但不再享​​有重大利益。 但是,作为专业的Web开发人员,您需要安装Opera。 试试看-您可能会喜欢。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage dropped a fraction to 14.13% of all web activity during January.

一月份,移动设备使用率下降到所有网络活动的14.13% 。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 30.85% (up 2.57%)

Android — 30.85%(增长2.57%) iPhone — 23.08% (up 2.44%)

iPhone-23.08%(增长2.44%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 15.35% (down 1.59%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 15.35%(下降1.59%) UC Browser — 9.75% (down 0.45%)

UC浏览器-9.75%(下降0.45%) Nokia browser — 7.46% (down 1.62%)


It’s easy to spot evidence of December gift-giving! Smart phone devices have increased at the expense of feature phone browsers.

很容易发现12月送礼的证据! 智能电话设备的增加以功能电话浏览器为代价。

Blackberry is at #6 with a 3.1% market share. The new Q10 and Z10 devices received a warm welcome but it will take a monumental shift in user opinion to take the Blackberry browser back to the top of the chart. Can it succeed?

黑莓以3.1%的市场份额排名第六。 新的Q10和Z10设备受到热烈欢迎,但要使Blackberry浏览器回到图表顶部,用户意见将发生巨大变化。 能成功吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-february-2013/
