
tech2023-12-18  104

We’re often asked on 99designs, SitePoint, and Flippa.com: “Can you help me run a contest to name my thingy?” Well, now we can!

我们经常在99designs , SitePoint和Flippa.com上被问到 :“您能帮我举办一场比赛来为我的东西命名吗?” 好吧,现在我们可以!

We’ve created a new section in our Marketplace (shortcut: namemythingy.com) to help you find your new shiny thingy a name… whether it’s for your new business, your web site, or even your new pet. After all, everything needs a name — right?

我们在市场中创建了一个新部分(快捷方式: namemythingy.com ),以帮助您找到新的闪亮名称–无论是用于您的新业务,您的网站,甚至是您的新宠物。 毕竟,所有东西都需要一个名字-对吗?

Running your naming contest is easy. Simply create a new listing, nominate a prize for the best entry (minimum $50), and watch the ideas roll in.

进行命名竞赛很容易。 只需创建一个新列表,提名最佳入围奖(至少50美元),然后观看创意。

Best of all — for a limited time, it’s FREE to post your contest!


If you’re a creative type and want to earn some extra cash, why not head over and suggest some names of your own. Who knows, you could win the cash!

如果您是一位有创造力的类型,并且想赚一些额外的现金,那为什么不直接提出一些自己的名字呢? 谁知道,您可以赢取现金!

Check out NameMyThingy.com


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/introducing-namemythingy-com-crowdsourced-naming-contests-on-sitepoint/
