FullCodePress采访:澳大利亚团队Elle Meredith

tech2023-12-18  90

Two teams from two countries with two web sites to complete for two charities. In 24 hours. With an audience watching every move. That was the idea behind FullCodePress held in May 2009 at CeBIT.

来自两个国家的两个团队通过两个网站完成两个慈善事业。 在24小时内。 观众看着每一步。 这就是2009年5月在C​​eBIT上举行的FullCodePress的想法。

Elle Meredith was the HTML/CSS coder chosen for the Australian team which completed a great web site for the DDLC NSW. She kindly shares her experiences with SitePoint.

Elle Meredith是澳大利亚团队选择HTML / CSS编码器,它为DDLC NSW建立了一个不错的网站 。 她很好地分享了与SitePoint的经验。

Did you or the team do any preparation in the build up to the event?


As a team, we reviewed our skills sets, discussed possible CMSs, made rough plans for the 24-hours, examined the web sites of other NFP organisations, reviewed the judging categories, created a user research survey, prepared client questions, and contacted previous team members for advice.


Personally, I created ready-to-go template files and had a TextPattern installation with my favourite plugins. TextPattern was our favourite CMS before we knew the specific requirements and functionality. Although we ended up using WordPress, Joomla had also been a possible option. I spent some time before the event learning how Joomla templates are structured.

我个人创建了随时可用的模板文件,并使用我最喜欢的插件进行了TextPattern安装。 在了解具体要求和功能之前,TextPattern是我们最喜欢的CMS。 尽管我们最终使用了WordPress,但Joomla还是一个可能的选择。 在活动开始之前,我花了一些时间来学习Joomla模板的结构。

Had you worked with any of the other team members before?


No I hadn’t, but it was lovely to work with my team members and we still stay in touch.


You chose WordPress as the content management system. That was a safe and solid choice, but what were the key factors that influenced that decision and did it cause any problems or limitations?

您选择WordPress作为内容管理系统。 这是一个安全可靠的选择,但是,影响该决定的主要因素是什么,它是否引起任何问题或局限性?

Last year’s team advised us that their choice of Drupal might not have been their best decision. They found it difficult to customize the XHTML/CSS, particularly because they weren’t familiar with the system. They suggested we use an open-source CMS that offered more control over its templates.

去年的团队建议我们,选择Drupal可能不是他们最好的决定。 他们发现很难自定义XHTML / CSS,特别是因为他们对系统不熟悉。 他们建议我们使用开源CMS,它可以对其模板提供更多控制。

WordPress was chosen because we all had some experience of working with it. As you say, it is a solid system, with many followers and a variety of plugins to extend the basic installation. That was extremely important given the limited time schedule.

选择WordPress是因为我们都有使用它的经验。 就像您说的那样,它是一个可靠的系统,具有许多关注者和各种插件来扩展基本安装。 鉴于时间表有限,这一点非常重要。

What tools did you use for development? IDE? Source control? Testing suites?

您使用什么工具进行开发? IDE? 源代码控制? 测试套件?

I used TextMate, Coda and CSSEdit2 for development and, for source control, the team used Subversion. Since the members used Macs and PCs, it was easy to test across platforms. During the event, Lachlan Hunt also gave each team a mobile PDA to to test the site using Opera’s DragonFly.

我使用TextMate,Coda和CSSEdit2进行开发,对于源代码控制,团队使用Subversion。 由于成员使用Mac和PC,因此可以轻松跨平台进行测试。 活动期间,Lachlan Hunt还为每个团队提供了一个移动PDA,以使用Opera的DragonFly对站点进行测试。

What was the biggest challenge?


Although we hadn’t worked together, we identified what each person did best. The biggest challenge was setting milestones and time goals to ensure we stayed on track. I don’t think we realised how quickly the time would fly when one has only 24-hours to work with.

尽管我们没有一起工作,但我们确定了每个人的最佳选择。 最大的挑战是设定里程碑和时间目标,以确保我们保持进度。 我认为我们没有意识到只有24小时才能工作的时光飞逝。

And what turned out to be easier than you expected?


Staying awake. We were up for almost 40 hours and I only had two coffees during that time — a personal best for me! I really surprised myself for being awake and functioning without sleep for so long (I love my sleep). I guess excitement and adrenaline from the event kicked in and kept us in shape.

保持清醒。 我们已经忙了将近40个小时,在那段时间我只喝了两杯咖啡, 对我来说是最好的选择! 我真的很惊讶,因为我醒了这么久,没有睡觉就工作了(我爱我的睡眠)。 我想比赛中的兴奋和肾上腺素使我们保持了身材。

Also, our clients were great and came fully-prepared with possible content, site structures, layouts, imagery and PayPal account details. We had not known what to expect and they could have turned up with minimal information and requested a new logo.

此外,我们的客户很棒,并为可能的内容,网站结构,布局,图像和PayPal帐户详细信息做好了充分准备。 我们不知道会发生什么,他们可能只需要很少的信息就可以申请新徽标。

Did you need to drop or simplify any features because they couldn’t be achieved within the 24 hours?


Yes. As the deadline approached, we realised some features were not feasible. However, we all agreed to contribute our own time after the event to finish the project and deliver the best possible web site for the client.

是。 随着截止日期的临近,我们意识到某些功能不可行。 但是,我们都同意在活动结束后贡献自己的时间来完成项目并为客户提供最佳的网站。

In which areas do you think you beat your competitors?


I believe our branding, design and usability aspects were superior to the New Zealand web site (as acknowledged by the judges). Our client has an audience with various disabilities, so we needed to ensure the web site was suitable for all users. This was apparent from the main navigation that targeted all three audience types: get support, be involved and learn more.

我认为我们的品牌,设计和可用性方面要优于新西兰网站(获得评委们的认可)。 我们的客户有各种残疾的观众,因此我们需要确保该网站适合所有用户。 从针对所有三种受众类型的主要导航中可以明显看出这一点:获得支持,参与并了解更多信息。

With the benefit of hindsight, would you have done anything differently?


It would have been beneficial if the Australian team could have met before the event to get to know each other and discuss preparations. However, that is difficult to accomplish, especially when some members do not live in Sydney (I don’t).

如果澳大利亚团队能够在活动开始之前开会,以彼此了解并讨论准备工作,那将是有益的。 但是,这很难实现,特别是当某些成员不住在悉尼(我不住在悉尼)时。

Also, I would probably support a more rigid time line rather than our organic one. The schedule was very limited, so there was no time for detours or distractions. I would try to ensure every team member was fully utilised throughout.

另外,我可能会支持更严格的时间表,而不是我们的有机时间表。 行程很有限,所以没有时间绕路或分散注意力。 我会尽力确保每个团队成员都得到充分利用。

Did you learn anything that you can now use in your day-to-day job?


I’m a freelancer, so it was a good experience to work with others, rely on their input, and see how they operated. It was also great to see how Pat approached the web site’s usability as well as being able to rely on other team members to do various aspects of the web site. Furthermore, the event helped me review my work practices to become more time efficient.

我是自由职业者,因此与他人合作,依靠他们的意见并了解他们的运作方式是一次很好的体验。 也很高兴看到Pat如何处理网站的可用性以及能够依靠其他团队成员来完成网站的各个方面。 此外,这次活动还帮助我回顾了自己的工作习惯,从而提高了工作效率。

Would you enter the FullCodePress event again?


If they would allow us, I would love to be part of the team again.


I would like to thank the organisers of the event for superb organisation. I had great three days in Sydney — even with my lack of sleep :)

我要感谢活动组织者的精湛组织。 我在悉尼度过了愉快的三天-即使我缺乏睡眠:)

Thanks, Elle.


Elle operates Design by Elle around the Byron Bay area. She worked in graphic design for many years and shifted her attention to web development in 2002. She believes in web standards and employs best-practice techniques to deliver standards-compliant, accessible and usable web sites. When not developing web sites, she goes diving at Julian Rocks.

埃勒(Elle)在拜伦湾(Byron Bay)地区经营埃勒( Design by Elle) 。 她从事平面设计工作了多年,并于2002年将注意力转移到Web开发上。她相信Web标准,并采用最佳实践技术来提供符合标准的,可访问的和可用的网站。 当不开发网站时,她去朱利安·洛克斯(Julian Rocks)潜水。

Related Reading:


FullCodePress Interview: James Farrell, Australian Team

FullCodePress采访:James Farrell,澳大利亚队

FullCodePress Interview: Tim Connor, New Zealand Team

FullCodePress采访:蒂姆·康纳(Tim Connor),新西兰队

FullCodePress: An Interview with Wendy White of Team Australia

FullCodePress:澳大利亚团队的Wendy White访谈

FullCodePress: WordPress vs Rails


FullCodePress Update: CodeBlacks Bet on Beta CMS

FullCodePress更新:CodeBlacks押注Beta CMS

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/fullcodepress-elle-meredith-interview/
