
tech2023-12-19  98


It will shortly be possible to store any type of file on Google Docs. Until now, the system only permitted compatible files such as HTML, PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, text and images. Users will be able to upload files under 250MB in size and will be given 1GB of free storage. Additional space is available for $0.25 per GB per year.

不久将可以在Google Docs上存储任何类型的文件。 到目前为止,该系统仅允许兼容文件,例如HTML,PDF,Word,Excel,PowerPoint,OpenOffice,文本和图像。 用户将能够上传小于250MB的文件,并获得1GB的免费存储空间。 额外空间的价格为每年每GB 0.25 USD。

The update is being rolled out over the coming weeks and is accessed from the “Upload” button at the top-left of the Google Docs front page. Some people will have the feature already while others may need to wait a little longer.

该更新将在未来几周内推出,可通过Google文档首页左上角的“上传”按钮进行访问。 有些人将已经具有该功能,而另一些人可能需要等待一会儿。

Although there are many online file storage systems, Google Doc’s and shared folders could be ideal for businesses collaborating on designs, specifications, presentations or other documents. Once complete, the files can be securely shared with clients and other authorized personnel.

尽管有许多在线文件存储系统,但是Google Doc和共享文件夹对于在设计,规格,演示或其他文档上进行协作的企业来说是理想的选择。 完成后,可以与客户端和其他授权人员安全地共享文件。

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that most office file types can be viewed and edited online. Users can access the files from most modern browsers; there’s no need to have a particular OS, a specific version of Microsoft Office or Adobe Reader installed.

也许最大的优势是,大多数Office文件类型都可以在线查看和编辑。 用户可以从大多数现代浏览器访问文件; 无需安装特定的操作系统,特定版本的Microsoft Office或Adobe Reader。

Google will also allow users to search through all the files they’ve uploaded or had shared with them. We can therefore deduce Google will be attempting to index all your documents, but the results are private to you. Besides, few people would voluntarily upload sensitive files to the web.

Google还将允许用户搜索他们已上传或与他们共享的所有文件。 因此,我们可以推断出Google将尝试为您的所有文档建立索引,但结果对您而言是私有的。 此外,很少有人会自愿将敏感文件上传到Web。

I like Google Docs and think it deserves more attention. The applications may be simplistic, but they’re good enough for most office tasks. However, I’m not convinced the majority of businesses are ready to use or trust cloud-based office systems. Microsoft Word and Excel are so entrenched in the workplace that few people are willing to recognize or try alternative office products. Online collaboration is a huge benefit, but most office workers continue to email attachments.

我喜欢Google文档,并认为它值得更多关注。 这些应用程序可能很简单,但是足以应付大多数办公任务。 但是,我不确定大多数企业已准备好使用或信任基于云的办公系统。 Microsoft Word和Excel在工作场所根深蒂固,很少有人愿意承认或尝试其他办公产品。 在线协作是一个巨大的好处,但是大多数办公室工作人员继续通过电子邮件发送附件。

Google is certainly providing a great service, but I think it will take several years and a considerable mind-shift before users are willing to migrate in significant numbers.


Will you use the Docs file storage system? Do you have any good or bad experiences with Google Docs or online collaboration?

您将使用Docs文件存储系统吗? 您是否对Google文档或在线协作有好有坏的经验?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-docs-file-storage/

