
tech2023-12-19  85


Even though Chrome 2 was only released in May, Google has already issued version 3 as a downloadable beta. So what has Google been working on during the past few months…New Tab Page CustomizationThe “New Tab” page displays thumbnails of your most recently and frequently-visited websites. A number of customization options are now provided, so it’s possible to rearrange, remove, or make links ‘sticky’.

尽管Chrome 2仅在5月发布,但Google已经发布了版本3作为可下载的Beta 。 那么Google在过去几个月中一直在做些什么呢? 新标签页的自定义 “新标签页”页面显示了您最近访问和经常访问的网站的缩略图。 现在提供了许多自定义选项,因此可以重新排列,删除链接或使其变为“粘性”。

Omnibox ImprovementsThe oddly-named “Omnibox” is just another name for the smart address bar (or whatever other browser manufacturers call it these days). The drop-down list now provides icons to help distinguish between searches or sites that have been suggested, bookmarked, or viewed recently.

多功能框的改进奇怪地命名为“多功能框”的只是智能地址栏(或如今其他任何浏览器制造商所称的名称)的别名。 下拉列表现在提供图标,以帮助区分建议,加标签或最近查看过的搜索或网站。

Custom ThemesChrome’s chrome can now be changed! Around 30 themes are already available, although most look very similar and only the background graphics are changed. I tried a few but ultimately returned to the clean unobtrusive default blue theme.

自定义主题 Chrome的Chrome现在可以更改了! 大约有30个主题 ,尽管大多数看起来非常相似,并且仅背景图形有所更改。 我尝试了几次,但最终回到了干净简洁的默认蓝色主题。

SpeedChrome still focuses on browser speed and Google are reporting a 30% improvement in JavaScript performance. Chrome still feels quick, but JavaScript improvements will not necessarily make the browser 30% faster. Performance gains are fairly imperceivable in the beta.HTML5 SupportGoogle are backing HTML5 regardless of it’s minimal support in certain other browsers. Chrome 3 implements further features such as the video tag and web workers (thread-like JavaScript code that can be loaded and executed in the background without hogging the browser).Interestingly, the Google press releases do not mention extensions. They are supported in Chrome 3 but you need to enable them with a command-line switch. I suspect the full extension system may not appear until Chrome 4.Overall, Chrome 3 beta is a fast, stable, and competent browser. Existing Chrome users will almost certainly upgrade, but there are few compelling new features that would drag me away from Firefox. Would you give up your default browser for Chrome?Chrome links:

速度 Chrome仍然专注于浏览器速度,而Google报告JavaScript性能提高了30%。 Chrome仍然感觉很快,但是JavaScript的改进并不一定会使浏览器快30%。 在Beta中,性能提升是相当难以想象的。 HTML5支持 Google支持HTML5,无论某些其他浏览器对HTML5的支持是否最低。 Chrome 3实现了其他功能,例如视频标签和Web工作程序(类似线程JavaScript代码,可以在后台加载和执行而无需占用浏览器)。有趣的是,Google新闻稿中没有提及扩展程序。 Chrome 3支持它们,但是您需要使用命令行开关启用它们。 我怀疑完整的扩展程序系统可能要到Chrome 4才能出现。总体而言,Chrome 3 beta是一种快速,稳定且功能强大的浏览器。 现有的Chrome用户几乎可以肯定会升级,但是很少有引人注目的新功能会使我离开Firefox。 您是否要放弃Chrome的默认浏览器?Chrome链接:

Download Google Chrome 3 Beta

下载Google Chrome 3 Beta

Chrome Themes Gallery


Chrome Extensions



