
tech2023-12-19  102


Microsoft receives some stick from the web development community for IE6. The bygone bug-ridden browser is the bane of our lives, and the revelation that Microsoft will support IE6 until 2014 was met with contempt.

微软从Web开发社区获得了IE6的支持。 过去臭虫缠身的浏览器是我们生活的祸根,人们对微软将在2014年之前支持IE6的想法感到鄙视。

However, let’s make one thing clear: Microsoft has no interest in prolonging the life of IE6. It’s life may have been inadvertently extended by their inaction, but MS want users to upgrade to IE7 or, preferably, IE8.

但是,让我们澄清一件事: 微软对延长IE6的寿命没有兴趣 。 他们的无所作为可能会无意中延长了它的寿命,但是MS希望用户升级到IE7或最好是IE8。

To that end, Microsoft is donating 8 meals to Feeding America, a US hunger-relief charity, for every download of IE8 from their Browser For The Better web site. If you’re upgrading from IE6, Microsoft will double that donation.

为此,Microsoft将向美国的饥荒慈善机构Feeding America捐赠8顿饭,以供他们从其Browser for The Better网站下载IE8。 如果您要从IE6升级,Microsoft会将捐款增加一倍。

Feeding America provides food assistance to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, including more than 9 million children and almost 3 million seniors. Microsoft is donating up to $1 million and each IE8 download will contribute at least $1.15 toward the charity.

喂饱美国为美国超过2500万面临饥饿的低收入人口提供了粮食援助,其中包括900万儿童和300万老年人。 微软将捐赠高达100万美元,每次IE8下载将至少为该慈善机构捐款1.15美元。

If you’ve been holding off your upgrade, perhaps it’s time to succumb to the delights of IE8. It’s a fine browser. Honestly. And you’ll be doing your bit for charity.

如果您一直推迟升级,那么也许该屈服于IE8了。 这是一个很好的浏览器。 老实说 您将尽自己的一份力为慈善事业。



Browser For The Better


Feeding America


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-ie6-charity-donations/

