
tech2023-12-20  86


It’s official. According to recent figures released by StatCounter Global Statistics, Firefox 3.5 has become the world’s most popular browser. Its global market share is just under 22%, with IE7 having dropped a little lower, but IE8 is catching up fast.

这是官方的。 根据StatCounter Global Statistics发布的最新数据,Firefox 3.5已成为世界上最受欢迎的浏览器。 它的全球市场份额略低于22%,其中IE7下降了一些,但IE8正在快速追赶。

As with all statistics, there are a few caveats:


the figures measure individual browser versions

这些数字衡量各个浏览器的版本 Internet Explorer still holds over 55% of the global browser market, but it’s split between IE6, IE7 and IE8.

Internet Explorer仍占全球浏览器市场的55%以上,但分为IE6,IE7和IE8。 web statistics are inherently flawed. Don’t trust them.

网络统计数据本质上是有缺陷的。 不要相信他们。

There are also a number of regional differences:


In the USA, IE8 still rules with 25%. Firefox 3.5 and IE7 have an almost identical 22% share.

在美国 ,IE8仍占25%。 Firefox 3.5和IE7几乎拥有22%的份额。

In Europe, Firefox 3.5 overtook IE7 in September 2009 and now stands at a little over 28%. IE8 has almost 22%, but IE7 has slipped below 17%.

在欧洲 ,Firefox 3.5在2009年9月取代了IE7,目前的比例略高于28%。 IE8占将近22%,但IE7已降至17%以下。

In Asia, Firefox 3.5 is third with just under 17%. IE7 has 23% and IE6 has 26%.

在亚洲 ,Firefox 3.5仅次于17%,位居第三。 IE7占23%,IE6占26%。

In Africa, Firefox 3.5 is the second most popular browser with 18%. IE6 dominates with just under 29%.

在非洲 ,Firefox 3.5是第二受欢迎的浏览器,占18%。 IE6占据了不到29%的份额。

In Oceania, IE8 is approaching 27% followed by Firefox 3.5 with just over 22%.

在大洋洲 ,IE8接近27%,其次是Firefox 3.5,仅超过22%。

In South America, IE7 is dropping fast and is below 25% with Firefox 3.5 rising above 22%.

在南美 ,IE7正在Swift下降,跌破25%,而Firefox 3.5上升超过22%。

In Antartica — yes, seriously — Firefox 3.0 rules with over 61% (it probably has around 12 users).

在Antartica中 -是的,是很严重的-Firefox 3.0规则占61%以上(它可能有大约12个用户)。

It’s good to see IE8 is rising at the expense of IE6 and IE7. However, although IE6 usage is now in single figures throughout the west, it remains the most popular browser in Africa and Asia — which are rapidly growing markets.

很高兴看到IE8在以IE6和IE7为代价而上升。 但是,尽管IE6的使用现在在整个西方地区都是单一的数字,但它仍然是非洲和亚洲(最受欢迎的市场)中最受欢迎的浏览器。

But we should send our congratulations to Mozilla. It’s taken more than five years, but they’re now officially at number 1 in the browser chart (depending how you read the statistics). Unfortunately, Firefox’s position will almost certainly drop once version 3.6 / 4.0 is released, but let them savor their moment of glory!

但是,我们应该向Mozilla表示祝贺。 花费了五年多的时间,但现在它们已正式在浏览器图表中排名第一(取决于您阅读统计信息的方式) 。 不幸的是,一旦发布了3.6 / 4.0版本,Firefox的地位几乎肯定会下降,但是让他们品尝他们的辉煌时刻吧!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-35-most-popular-browser/


相关资源:Firefox Setup 62.0.3 火狐浏览器 Mac版