
tech2023-12-20  104

Episode 17 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), and Kevin Yank (@sentience). Read the episode transcript

SitePoint Podcast的 第17集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ),Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。 阅读剧集成绩单

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #17: 12 Kinds of Awesome (MP3, 34.1MB)

SitePoint Podcast#17:12种 超赞(MP3,34.1MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Google announces Wave


Google Wave Preview (Google)

Google Wave预览版 (Google)

Google I/O a Real Eye-opener! (SitePoint)

Google I / O真是大开眼界! (SitePoint)

Google Wave: A Whole New Communication and Collaboration Platform for the Web (Programmable Web)

Google Wave:一种全新的Web交流与协作平台 (可编程Web)

Sergey Brin: Google Wave Will Set A New Benchmark For Interactivity (TechCrunch)

谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin):Google Wave将为互动设置新的基准 (TechCrunch)

Laconica – The Open Microblogging Tool

Laconica –开放的微博工具

Google Maps releases API v3.0 beta

Google Maps发布API v3.0 Beta

Announcing Google Maps API v3 (Google)

宣布Google Maps API v3 (Google)

Google I/O a Real Eye-opener! (SitePoint)

Google I / O真是大开眼界! (SitePoint)

Opera 10 Beta

Opera 10 Beta

Opera 10 Beta (Opera)

Opera 10 Beta (Opera)

What’s New in Opera 10 (Part 1) (SitePoint)

Opera 10(第1部分) (SitePoint)的新增功能

What’s New in Opera 10 (Part 2: Performance) (SitePoint)

Opera 10(第2部分:性能) (SitePoint)的新增功能

Jon Hicks Discusses the New Opera Skin (Opera)

乔恩·希克斯 ( Jon Hicks)讨论新歌剧皮肤 (歌剧)

Opera Mini (Opera)

Opera Mini (Opera)

Apple Releases Safari 4 (and backs down on tab placement!)

苹果发布Safari 4(并在标签位置退后!)

Safari 4 (Apple)

Safari 4 (Apple)

WWDC 2009 Keynote (Apple)

WWDC 2009主题演讲 (苹果)

Apple gives Microsoft a ribbing at WWDC


WWDC 2009 Keynote (Apple)

WWDC 2009主题演讲 (苹果)

Acid Tests (The Web Standards Project)

酸测试 (Web标准项目)

Palm releases the Palm Pr? (with the webOS SDK for developers)

Palm发行Palm Pr? (使用针对开发人员的webOS SDK)

Palm Pr?


Palm Developer Network


More App Store Stupidity – iPhone eBook App Rejected For Including Kama Sutra (Cult of Mac)

更多应用商店愚蠢– iPhone电子书应用被拒绝,因为其中包括Kama Sutra (Mac崇拜)

Microsoft Bing




Microsoft vs Google: Bing It On (SitePoint)

微软与Google:Bing It On (SitePoint)

Microsoft Premieres Their Bing Television Commercial (SitePoint)

微软首播其必应电视广告 (SitePoint)

Bing Developer Center (Microsoft)

Bing开发人员中心 (Microsoft)

Microsoft Bing releases API with no usage quotas (Programmable Web)

Microsoft Bing释放没有使用配额的API (可编程Web)

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

谢谢收听! 欢迎使用下面的评论字段让我们知道我们的状况,或者继续讨论。

