科创板 云计算业务公司

tech2023-12-20  98

科创板 云计算业务公司

The buzz in the tech world right now is all about “The Cloud.” But what is it, and what does it mean for small business?

目前,科技界的热门话题都是“云”。 但是,这对小型企业意味着什么?

Cloud computing is a catch-all term for using off-site (internet-based) farms of computers to handle processing and file storage. It’s been touted as the way forward for years, but only recently have serious options become available for small businesses. Today we’ll take a brief look at this storage solution, and show how it can help you expand your business while avoiding large IT costs.

云计算是一个笼统的术语,用于使用异地(基于Internet)的计算机场来处理处理和文件存储。 多年来一直被吹捧为前进的道路,但是直到最近,小型企业才有了严肃的选择。 今天,我们将简要介绍此存储解决方案,并展示它如何在避免大量IT成本的同时帮助您扩展业务。

The general idea of cloud storage is that a huge bank of computers sitting somewhere on the Internet handles the storage for all your files, just like an enormous hard drive or network drive. The big benefit to small business of storing your files in the cloud is that you don’t have to buy new computers, servers, or hard disks for your office, and you can grow your business without your storage needs requiring an IT department.

云存储的一般想法是,位于Internet上某处的大量计算机将处理所有文件的存储,就像巨大的硬盘驱动器或网络驱动器一样。 对于将文件存储在云中的小型企业而言,最大的好处是您不必为办公室购买新的计算机,服务器或硬盘,并且您可以在不需要IT部门的存储需求的情况下扩展业务。

Amazon is the biggest player in cloud computing at this time, and offers a huge range of possibilities through Amazon Web Services. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service, which is Amazon’s ever-expanding data storage hub that allows you to use unlimited storage for a very reasonable cost. Up until now S3 has only been used by developers, but with the advent of new services such as CloudPointe you can very easily add unlimited data storage to your website or intranet, and forget all about the management. You just keep throwing files at it, and Amazon will keep expanding its network to handle it, providing you with a regular bill for the storage.

亚马逊目前是云计算领域的最大参与者,并通过Amazon Web Services提供了广泛的可能性。 S3代表简单存储服务,它是Amazon不断扩展的数据存储中心,可让您以非常合理的成本使用无限的存储。 到目前为止,S3仅由开发人员使用,但是随着诸如CloudPointe之类的新服务的出现,您可以非常轻松地向您的网站或Intranet添加无限的数据存储,而不必理会所有管理。 您只需要向它扔文件,Amazon就会继续扩展其网络来处理它,从而为您提供定期的存储费用。

Cloud storage is potentially even more secure than running your own servers, as a service such as Amazon’s S3 comes with a service level agreement and a team of professionals to manage security and availability. If you use a service like CloudPointe, you can combine your existing file storage with SharePoint, S3, Google Docs, and more without having to go through a migration process — and once you’re set up, you have infinite storage space without the hassle.

云存储可能比运行自己的服务器更加安全,因为诸如Amazon S3之类的服务附带了服务级别协议和一组专业人员来管理安全性和可用性。 如果您使用CloudPointe之类的服务,则可以将现有文件存储与SharePoint,S3,Google Docs等结合在一起,而无需执行迁移过程-设置完成后,您将拥有无限的存储空间而无需麻烦。

S3 offers security through encrypted authentication, and provides higher availability guarantees than any small business would be able to match (99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability). It also has safety features such as Raid and backup, along with versioning, so you can go back to previous revisions of files should you ever need to. If you have data that’s not quite as mission-critical, you can even choose a reduced redundancy option to lower your costs.

S3通过加密身份验证提供安全性,并提供了比任何小型企业都无法匹敌的更高可用性保证(99.999999999%的耐用性和99.99%的可用性)。 它还具有Raid和备份等安全功能以及版本控制,因此您可以根据需要返回到以前的文件修订版。 如果您的数据不是关键任务,甚至可以选择减少冗余的选项来降低成本。

With businesses emerging and moving faster than ever, streamlining your business collaboration and data management so you don’t waste time on IT issues is invaluable. With standard pricing of $0.100 per gigabyte or less for reduced redundancy, and $0.150 for high availability, switching to cloud storage is a no-brainer.

随着业务的兴起和发展比以往任何时候都快,简化业务协作和数据管理,以免您在IT问题上浪费时间是非常宝贵的。 为降低冗余性,每GB或更少的标准价格为$ 0.100美元或更低,而对于高可用性,标准价格为$ 0.150美元,因此切换到云存储变得轻而易举。

In future blog posts we’ll take a look a number of Amazon’s other cloud computing services, and see some examples of how they can be used to upscale your business.


Image via nogoudfwete / Shutterstock

图片来自nogoudfwete / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/what-cloud-computing-can-mean-for-your-business-2/

科创板 云计算业务公司
