
tech2023-12-20  110

The team behind the AppJet project have announced that they are discontinuing their free hosting service with effect on 1 July 2009. The company will continue to focus on their Etherpad collaborative online word processor.


AppJet is a platform that allows developers to create server-side web-based applications in the browser. The company’s founders included two ex-Google engineers and the service was launched as a public beta in December 2007. It offered:

AppJet是一个平台,允许开发人员在浏览器中创建基于服务器的基于Web的应用程序。 该公司的创始人包括两名前Google工程师,该服务于2007年12月以公开Beta版推出。它提供:

free application hosting and storage

免费的应用程序托管和存储 an online IDE

在线IDE custom domain names

自定义域名 beginner tutorials, example libraries, and a support forum


Application development was achieved using a JavaScript framework implemented with virtual machine running Java, the Rhino JavaScript engine and Scala libraries. Client-side developers could leverage their knowledge of the language and develop server-side applications in a stable environment without any concerns about hosting, backups or bandwidth. An online IDE was also a new and radical idea that has recently been adopted by Mozilla for their Bespin project.

应用程序开发是通过使用运行Java的虚拟机,Rhino JavaScript引擎和Scala库实现JavaScript框架实现的。 客户端开发人员可以利用其语言知识,并在稳定的环境中开发服务器端应用程序,而无需担心托管,备份或带宽。 在线IDE也是一个新颖而激进的想法,最近Mozilla在其Bespin项目中采用了它。

At the launch, Aaron Iba, one of the founders stated:

创始人之一亚伦·伊巴(Aaron Iba)在发布会上表示:

We were sick of all the hassle of setting up servers, configuring apache, installing MySQL and php and mod_whatever, just to get a simple web app online. So we largely did this [AppJet] for ourselves so we could whip up little apps faster. We also think it would be great if it were EASIER to write a web app than a desktop app. This would change things: if you’re going to write a simple computer program, then instead of writing it on your desktop and not sharing it with anyone, you could make it a web app and other people can benefit.

我们已经厌倦了设置服务器,配置apache,安装MySQL和php和mod_whatever的所有麻烦,只是为了获得一个简单的Web应用程序在线。 因此,我们主要为自己完成了[AppJet],因此我们可以更快地制作出小应用程序。 我们还认为,编写Web应用程序要比台式机应用程序方便得多。 这将改变事情:如果您要编写一个简单的计算机程序,那么与其将它写在桌面上并且不与任何人共享,不如将其变成一个Web应用程序,其他人也可以从中受益。

The company’s announcement on 1 June states that Etherpad was intended to be a technology showcase for Appjet, but it became more important than the platform itself and they received hundreds of requests for professional versions. The company decided to divert their resources and remove support for the AppJet hosting service.

该公司在6月1日发布的声明中指出,Etherpad本来打算作为Appjet的技术展示,但它比平台本身更重要,并且收到了数百份专业版本的请求。 该公司决定转移他们的资源,并取消对AppJet托管服务的支持。

The company is providing advice and files for developers who want to keep their AppJet applications. Unfortunately, hosting files elsewhere is likely to involve considerable effort and, in some cases, a dedicated or virtual private server.

该公司正在为想要保留其AppJet应用程序的开发人员提供建议和文件。 不幸的是,在其他地方托管文件可能会涉及大量的工作,在某些情况下还可能需要专用或虚拟专用服务器。

Whilst the AppJet platform may not have been used by a significant number of developers, this news does not bode well for the future of coding in the cloud. How can business owners rely on bespoke online platforms when that service could be withdrawn at any time?

尽管许多开发人员可能尚未使用AppJet平台,但对于云中的编码的未来,此消息并不是一个好兆头。 可以随时撤消定制服务的企业所有者如何才能使用它?

Have you written AppJet applications? How will this announcement affect you?

您是否编写了AppJet应用程序? 此公告会对您有何影响?

