
tech2023-12-20  100


If you haven’t heard about Microsoft’s new search engine,, you soon will: the company plans to spend as much as $100 million on Bing advertising.

如果您还没有听说过微软的新搜索引擎 ,那么您很快就会:该公司计划在Bing广告上花费多达1亿美元。

Bing is Microsoft’s latest attempt to take on Google at their own game. They have attempted it several times before, but can they succeed this time? Is Bing any good?

Bing是微软在自己的游戏中与Google竞争的最新尝试。 他们曾经尝试过几次,但是这次他们能成功吗? Bing有什么好处吗?

First, the name. According to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, “the name is short, it’s easy to say, it works globally.” Perhaps he’s right. Despite the millions spent on market research, Microsoft have never been known for snappily-titled products. Names are either boring and descriptive (Internet Explorer, Word or Office) or confusing and marketing-led (Live-Wassit or Widget.NET). Bing is more of a Web2.0-startup-like name and there is little Microsoft branding.

首先,名字。 微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)表示, “这个名字很短,很容易说,它在全球范围内都可以使用。” 也许他是对的。 尽管在市场研究上花费了数百万美元,但微软从来没有以活泼的产品闻名。 名称要么是无聊的,描述性的(Internet Explorer,Word或Office),要么是混乱且由营销主导的名称(Live-Wassit或Widget.NET)。 Bing更像是Web2.0-startup的名称,几乎没有Microsoft品牌。

The Web2.0 feel doesn’t end with the name. The interface is glossy, graphical, and full of effects and pop-up dialogs (unless you’re using IE6). Microsoft have attempted fun and trendy in the past, but always looked like a Dad trying to disco dance. Bing is a much better: it will appeal to kids without putting off corporate users.

Web2.0的感觉并非以名称结尾。 界面光滑,图形化,并充满效果和弹出对话框(除非您使用的是IE6)。 微软过去曾尝试过有趣和时髦的游戏,但总是看起来像是一位试图跳迪斯科舞的爸爸。 Bing更好:它可以吸引孩子,而不会推迟企业用户。

But is searching any good? Microsoft are calling Bing a “decision engine” because it refines results more carefully and offers topics of related interest. It will recognise your search terms and offer refinements in a menu on the left. For example, enter “Star Trek” and it will offer the top results plus links to images, cast details, wallpapers, the theme tune, DVDs and episode guides. Whilst Google offers a list of 92 million links, Bing only has 52 million results but could offer more appropriate materials and related search terms.

但是搜索有什么好处吗? 微软将Bing称为“决策引擎”,因为它可以更仔细地优化结果并提供相关主题。 它会识别您的搜索字词,并在左侧菜单中提供优化功能。 例如,输入“星际迷航”,它将提供最佳结果以及图像,演员表细节,壁纸,主题曲,DVD和情节指南的链接。 尽管Google提供了9200万个链接的列表,但Bing 仅有 5200万个搜索结果,但可以提供更合适的材料和相关搜索词。

Interestingly, terms such as “facebook” initially return just one result: There are links to references, applications, and an embedded Wikipedia page about the site. You can expand on the results but, unlike Google, there is less reason to leave the site: something that Microsoft and their advertisers will appreciate.

有趣的是,诸如“ facebook”之类的词最初仅返回一个结果。 有指向该站点的参考,应用程序和嵌入式Wikipedia页面的链接。 您可以扩展结果,但与Google不同,离开网站的理由更少:Microsoft及其广告客户会喜欢的东西。

Less popular terms show a Google-like list of results with sponsored links at the top and right. There are some nice touches: hover over a link and it will show you a snippet of text from the website or hover over a video and it will play a short clip immediately.

不太受欢迎的字词会在顶部和右侧显示类似Google的搜索结果列表,并带有赞助商链接。 有一些不错的方法:将鼠标悬停在链接上,它将向您显示网站上的文本片段,或者将鼠标悬停在视频上,并立即播放短片。

Overall, Bing has a slightly unfinished, work-in-progress feel (although it’s better than Wolfram Alpha). The US-based service is the most complete: switch to it by clicking your country name at the top-right. Region-specific versions for the UK and other locales are expected within a few weeks.

总体而言,Bing的感觉有点未完成,仍在进行中(尽管它比Wolfram Alpha更好)。 基于美国的服务是最完整的:通过单击右上角的国家名称来切换到该服务。 预计将在几周内针对英国和其他地区的特定地区版本。

Unlike Microsoft’s previous over-ambitious claims, the company is downplaying their expectations of Bing. Their initial target is Yahoo which currently handles around twice the number of searches. But they’re not kidding anyone: Google is the competition they really want to beat. It will take time to assess whether Bing’s search results are better or worse than Google. They appear to be good – perhaps as good – but can it overcome people’s search-switching inertia?

与微软先前过分雄心勃勃的说法不同,该公司轻描淡写了他们对必应的期望。 他们的最初目标是Yahoo,目前处理的Live.com搜索次数约为其两倍。 但是他们并没有在开玩笑:Google是他们真正想要击败的竞争对手。 评估Bing的搜索结果是否优于Google尚需时日。 它们看起来不错(也许也一样),但是它可以克服人们的搜索切换惯性吗?

Microsoft states that Bing will address the 40% of search queries that go unanswered. I would be interested to know how they arrived at that figure, but would Google be so dominant if users were disappointed with their search results?

微软表示,必应将解决40%未被回答的搜索查询。 我想知道他们是如何得出这个数字的,但是如果用户对他们的搜索结果感到失望,那么Google是否会如此占主导地位?

What do you think of Bing? Is it good enough to take on Google or is it just another frustrated failure?

您如何看待Bing? 是足以胜任Google还是仅仅是另一个沮丧的失败?


