
tech2023-12-21  105


Governments are often slow to adapt to technology (and, when they do, the results can be an expensive disaster). Last year, I reported that the majority of UK Government departments are still using IE6. Although some intend to roll out IE7 (why?) by the end of 2010, others are steadfastly locked into Microsoft’s aging browser and have no plans to upgrade.

政府通常适应技术的速度很慢(如果这样做,结果可能是代价高昂的灾难) 。 去年,我报道了英国大多数政府部门仍在使用IE6 。 尽管有些人打算在2010年底之前推出IE7 (为什么?) ,但另一些人则坚定地锁定在Microsoft老化的浏览器中,并且没有升级计划。

The issue is intensified for creative and development companies building software for Government clients. They must continue to provide and support IE6 solutions when most of the IT industry has moved on. Application development is held back and IE6’s longevity continues unabated!

对于为政府客户构建软件的创意和开发公司,此问题更加严重。 当大多数IT行业发展时,他们必须继续提供并支持IE6解决方案。 应用程序开发受阻,IE6的使用寿命持续增长!

UK citizens can now do something about the problem. An online petition at the Number10.gov.uk website is demanding that all Government departments upgrade Internet Explorer 6.0 at the earliest opportunity. At the time of writing, almost 6,000 signatures have been collected even though the petition has only just begun to attract publicity.

英国公民现在可以对此问题采取措施。 Number10.gov.uk网站上的在线请愿书要求所有政府部门尽早升级Internet Explorer 6.0。 在撰写本文时,尽管请愿书才刚刚开始引起人们的注意,但已经收集了近6,000个签名。

The UK Government E-Petitions allow British citizens to collect online signatures for any cause of their choice. There are almost 5,000 petitions currently running and many have been a success. For example, in September 2009, Gordon Brown was persuaded to apologize on behalf of the British Government for Alan Turing’s treatment after World War II.

英国政府电子签证允许英国公民出于自己选择的任何原因收集在线签名。 目前有将近5,000份请愿书正在运行,许多都取得了成功。 例如,2009年9月,戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)被说服为第二次世界大战后艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)的待遇代表英国政府道歉。

Will the IE6 petition be a success and force UK Government departments to upgrade? I suspect many thousands of web users and workers will sign before the February 1, 2011 deadline but, unfortunately, that date is almost a year away. By then, several offices will have switched to IE7 and those that haven’t can simply announce a 3-year upgrade plan (to coincide with Microsoft dropping IE6 support in 2014).

IE6请愿书是否会成功并迫使英国政府部门升级? 我怀疑成千上万的Web用户和工作人员会在2011年2月1日截止日期之前签字,但是不幸的是,该日期已经过去了将近一年。 届时,将有几家办公室改用IE7,而那些办公室还不能简单地宣布3年升级计划(恰逢Microsoft在2014年放弃对IE6的支持 )。

But, hey — it all helps. Any campaign which persuades the masses to look beyond IE6 is a good thing. I’ve signed … will you?

但是,嘿-一切都有帮助。 任何说服群众超越IE6的运动都是一件好事。 我已经签署了…… 可以吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/uk-ie6-government-petition/

