
tech2023-12-21  89

It has not been a good week for Google. The company faces an EU antitrust inquiry and now an Italian court has convicted three employees of privacy violations.

对于Google来说,今天不是一个好星期。 该公司正面临欧盟的反托拉斯调查 ,现在,意大利一家法院已对三名员工的隐私权侵犯行为定罪。

The case centers around a video clip of an 8 year-old autistic school pupil being bullied, beaten and verbally abused which was posted to Google Video on September 8, 2006. The clip remained online until November 7, 2006, but Google states:

该案件围绕一个视频片段,该视频片段是一名8岁的自闭症学生被欺负,殴打和口头虐待的视频片段,该视频片段于2006年9月8日发布到Google Video。该片段一直在线播放至2006年11月7日,但Google声明:

The video was totally reprehensible and we took it down within hours of being notified by the Italian police. We also worked with the local police to help identify the person responsible for uploading it and she was subsequently sentenced to 10 months community service by a court in Turin, as were several other classmates who were also involved.

该视频是完全应受谴责的,我们在意大利警察通知后的数小时内将其删除。 我们还与当地警察合作,以帮助确定负责上传该照片的人,随后她和其他几名同学也被都灵法院判处了10个月的社区服务。

Although this would normally be the end of Google’s involvement, a public prosecutor in Milan decided to indict four Google executives — even though none were aware of the video’s existence until after it was removed. Peter Fleischer, David Drummond, and George De Los Reyes (who left the company in 2008) each received a suspended 6-month sentence for failure to comply with Italian privacy code. The last employee, Arvind Desikan, was acquitted. All four were found not guilty of criminal defamation.

尽管通常这将是Google介入的终结,但米兰的一名检察官决定起诉四名Google高管-尽管直到该视频被删除后,他们才意识到该视频的存在。 彼得·弗莱舍(Peter Fleischer),大卫·德拉蒙德(David Drummond)和乔治·德·洛斯·雷耶斯(George De Los Reyes)(于2008年离开公司)因未遵守意大利隐私法规而分别被判处6个月缓刑。 最后一名雇员Arvind Desikan被无罪释放。 所有这四个人均不被认定犯有刑事诽谤罪。

The case has serious implications. The official Google blog post states:

该案具有严重的影响。 Google官方博客文章指出:

It attacks the very principles of freedom on which the Internet is built. Common sense dictates that only the person who films and uploads a video to a hosting platform could take the steps necessary to protect the privacy and obtain the consent of the people they are filming.

它攻击了建立互联网的基本自由原则。 常识表明,只有将视频拍摄并上传到托管平台的人才能采取必要的步骤来保护隐私并获得正在拍摄的人的同意。

If sites like Blogger, YouTube and indeed every social network and any community bulletin board, are held responsible for vetting every single piece of content that is uploaded to them — every piece of text, every photo, every file, every video — then the Web as we know it will cease to exist, and many of the economic, social, political and technological benefits it brings could disappear.


Fortunately, the case has attracted widespread condemnation within Italy, Europe and throughout the world.


The victim in the video deserves sympathy, but Google is no more responsible for the clip than the post office would be for delivering hate mail. The company has announced they will appeal, but it’s ludicrous that the case progressed this far.

视频中的受害者值得同情,但是Google对剪辑的责任并不比邮局对发送仇恨邮件的责任更大。 该公司已宣布他们将上诉,但可笑的是,案件进展至今。

