
tech2023-12-21  105

Good news for designers and graphics lovers. If you haven’t come across it before, Aviary, a suite of creative design tools which are browser-based is now completely free to use. And it is an impressive set of tools, too. The applications (with creative bird names) in the suite include:

对于设计师和图形爱好者来说是个好消息。 如果您以前从未遇到过,Aviary是一套基于浏览器的创意设计工具,现在可以完全免费使用。 这也是一套令人印象深刻的工具。 套件中的应用程序(带有创意鸟名)包括:

Phoenix, the Image Editor – This is an accomplished and easy-to-use image editor with many of the features you’ve come to expect from commercial software such as layers, masks and effects.

Phoenix, 图像编辑器 –这是一款功能完善且易于使用的图像编辑器,具有许多商业软件所期望的功能,例如图层,蒙版和效果。

Raven, the Vector Editor – Again this is a stylish and powerful tool for creating vector drawings. It’s simpler than Illustrator and allows you to save files as SVG, EPS and bitmap formats.

Raven, 矢量编辑器 –同样,这是用于创建矢量绘图的时尚而强大的工具。 它比Illustrator简单,并且允许您将文件另存为SVG,EPS和位图格式。

Peacock, the Effects Editor – Aviary are calling this the visual laboratory as it allows you to play around with pixel-based images. Starting with your original image you can drag and drop all kinds of effects on top.

Kong雀, 效果编辑器 -鸟舍将其称为视觉实验室,因为它可以让您播放基于像素的图像。 从原始图像开始,您可以将各种效果拖放到顶部。

Falcon, the Image Markup tool – This lets you grab images and web pages, mark them up, resize and crop them. There is also an associated Firefox extension called Talon (love these names!).

Falcon, 图像标记工具–使用此工具,您可以抓取图像和网页,对其进行标记,调整大小和裁剪。 还有一个名为Talon的关联Firefox扩展(喜欢这些名称!)。

Toucan, the Swatch Editor – This is a very nice color picker and palette creator. It even has a color deficiency preview to help you improve accessibility on your site.

色板编辑器 Toucan –这是一个非常不错的颜色选择器和调色板创建器。 它甚至具有颜色不足预览,可帮助您改善网站的可访问性。

Myna, the Audio Editor – This tool allows you to remix music tracks and audio clips and apply sound effects to your own voice or instruments.

Myna, 音频编辑器 –此工具可让您重新混合音乐曲目和音频片段,并将音效应用于自己的声音或乐器。

All of the applications are Flash-based. I’ve used both “Phoenix” and “Raven” in the past and found them to be excellent quality. The others I haven’t really looked at in any real depth but basing it on what I’ve seen and my brief usage so far, they are very good. You can read more about all of the applications and their free use on the Aviary blog.

所有的应用程序都是基于Flash的。 我过去曾经使用过“ Phoenix”和“ Raven”,但它们的质量都很高。 我还没有真正深入研究过的其他项目,但基于我所看到的内容和到目前为止的简要用法,它们非常好。 您可以在Aviary博客上阅读有关所有应用程序及其免费使用的更多信息。

Have you used any of the Aviary graphics suite before?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/aviary-the-graphics-audio-suite-is-now-free/

相关资源:Aviary照片编辑器 For Andrid v2.1.91.zip