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tech2023-12-22  93

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eBay has sold 65% of Skype, the VoIP system they purchased in 2005. At that time, eBay had been a surprise buyer and outbid both Google and Yahoo by paying $3.1 billion for the service. The deal would have cost a further $1 billion had Skype’s business not stagnated following the takeover.

eBay已经售出了他们在2005年购买的VoIP系统Skype的65%。当时,eBay出人意料,以31亿美元的价格超过了Google和Yahoo。 如果Skype的业务在收购后没有停滞不前,这笔交易将另外花费10亿美元。

Skype has over 480 million registered users and an 8% market share of global international call minutes. eBay had planned to increase auction revenues by enabling buyers and sellers to talk with each other. They hoped Skype would help with complex transactions, such as those for cars and high-end goods. However, eBay has recently concluded that the acquisition was ill-judged and a bad strategic fit for their business.

Skype拥有4.8亿注册用户,占全球国际通话分钟数的8%。 eBay计划通过使买卖双方相互交流来增加拍卖收入。 他们希望Skype可以帮助完成复杂的交易,例如汽车和高端商品。 但是,eBay最近得出结论认为,这次收购是错误的判断,对他们的业务而言是不利的战略选择。

The company planned to float Skype in 2010, but the public offering has become overshadowed by a courtroom battle with the co-founders, Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. eBay may lose the license for some of the peer-to-peer VoIP technology and are developing their own versions of the software.

该公司计划在2010年让Skype上市,但与联合创始人Niklas Zennstrom和Janus Friis展开一场法庭之战,公开发行变得黯然失色。 eBay可能会失去某些点对点VoIP技术的许可,并且正在开发自己的软件版本。

Potential buyers for Skype included Google, but the 65% stake was finally sold to a consortium led by Silver Lake Partners. The investors include the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Andreessen Horowitz, a new venture capital firm led by Netscape founder Marc Andreesen. It has been rumored that the partnership will offer an investment opportunity to Zennstrom and Friis to resolve the legal issues.

Skype的潜在买家包括Google,但最终将65%的股份出售给了由Silver Lake Partners牵头的财团。 投资者包括加拿大退休金计划投资委员会和由网景创始人马克·安德森(Marc Andreesen)领导的新风险投资公司安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)。 有传言称,该合作伙伴关系将为Zennstrom和Friis提供投资机会,以解决法律问题。

Although the negotiations are continuing, Silver Lake is likely to pay around $1.7 billion for their share. This re-values Skype at $2.6 billion or a little over $5 per registered user.

尽管谈判仍在继续,但银湖很可能会以大约17亿美元的价格收购他们的股份。 这使Skype的价值重新估值为26亿美元,或每个注册用户5美元多一点。

Have you ever used Skype during an eBay transaction? Did you find the service useful? Could eBay make more of Skype’s technology? Was the marriage doomed from the start?

您曾经在eBay交易中使用Skype吗? 您觉得这项服务有用吗? eBay可以利用Skype的技术吗? 婚姻从一开始就注定了吗?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ebays-sells-skype/

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