
tech2023-12-22  82


Microsoft will offer a choice of competing web browsers with European versions of Windows 7 when the new OS is released in October 2009. The company hopes the action will adhere with European Union legislation and fend off further anti-trust fines. Although Windows 7 is selling well, Microsoft revenues are down by almost a fifth and costly court cases will not help.

微软将在2009年10月发布新操作系统时提供带有欧洲版本Windows 7的竞争性网络浏览器选择。该公司希望此举将符合欧盟法规并免除进一步的反托拉斯罚款。 尽管Windows 7的销售情况良好 ,但微软的收入却下降了近五分之一,昂贵的法院诉讼也无济于事。

Microsoft’s original proposal was to remove Internet Explorer from Windows 7 E (European version). Anyone pre-ordering Windows 7 in Europe is currently shown a warning that the OS will not provide a browser. For example, Amazon UK published detailed browser download instructions (although anyone needing these probably shouldn’t attempt an OS installation!) Hardware vendors would have been free to install the web browser of their choice, but IE was likely to remain the most popular choice.

微软最初的建议是从Windows 7 E (欧洲版本)中删除Internet Explorer 。 当前在欧洲预购Windows 7的任何人都将收到一条警告,指出该操作系统将不提供浏览器。 例如,亚马逊英国公司发布了详细的浏览器下载说明 (尽管任何需要这些 说明的 人都不应尝试安装操作系统!)硬件供应商本来可以自由安装他们选择的Web浏览器,但是IE可能仍然是最受欢迎的选择。 。

The European Commission did not consider Windows 7 sans-browser to be a viable solution. It was too similar to the failed versions of Windows without a media player — they preferred a ballot screen to restore browser competition. Although full details are yet to be finalized, Microsoft has issued the following proposal:

欧盟委员会认为Windows 7无浏览器不是可行的解决方案。 这与没有媒体播放器的Windows失败版本非常相似-他们更喜欢使用投票屏来恢复浏览器竞争。 尽管详细信息尚未定案,但Microsoft已发布以下建议:

Microsoft — rather than hardware manufacturers — will control the browser ballot screen.

微软(而不是硬件制造商)将控制浏览器的投票屏幕。 Windows 7 E will be provided with Internet Explorer.

Windows 7 E将随Internet Explorer一起提供。 New installations of Windows 7 in Europe will show a web page offering a choice of five popular web browsers.

在欧洲新安装的Windows 7将显示一个网页,其中提供了五种流行的网络浏览器的选择。 European Windows XP and Vista users will see the same ballot screen during a future automatic update (if IE is set as their default browser).

欧洲的Windows XP和Vista用户在以后的自动更新过程中(如果将IE设置为默认浏览器)将看到相同的投票屏幕。 The list of alternative browsers will be based on 6-month usage statistics and will be reviewed twice per year.


Is this the right decision for Microsoft? I suspect so — the EU could have fined the company and ordered far more draconian changes to the OS. At least Microsoft have overall control of the ballot screen and can install IE without fear of legislative reprisals.

这是Microsoft的正确决定吗? 我对此很怀疑-欧盟可能对该公司处以罚款,并下令对操作系统进行更严格的更改。 至少Microsoft可以全面控制投票屏幕,并且可以安装IE,而不必担心会受到立法报复。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsoft-browser-windows-7-europe/

