
tech2023-12-22  102

New Zealand accountant Vicki Walker was been sacked for sending “confrontational” emails which broke good etiquette practices by using “shouty” uppercase characters, bold fonts, and red lettering. She was fired in December 2007 following two years employment as a financial controller for ProCare Health. ProCare claimed that she had caused disharmony in the workplace.

新西兰会计师Vicki Walker因发送“对抗性”电子邮件而被解雇,该电子邮件使用“肮脏的”大写字母,粗体字体和红色字体破坏了礼节习惯。 在担任ProCare Health财务总监两年后,她于2007年12月被解雇。 ProCare声称她在工作场所造成了不和谐。

ProCare could only offer one message as evidence. The email advised her team how to complete standard staff claim forms and specified dates and times in bold red. Another sentence, written in uppercase, read: “To ensure your staff claim is processed and paid, please do follow the below checklist.”

ProCare只能提供一条消息作为证据。 该电子邮件建议她的团队如何完成标准员工索赔表以及以红色显示的指定日期和时间。 另一句用大写字母写成:“为确保您的员工索偿得到处理和付款,请遵循以下清单。”

Despite the bad grammar, Walker commented:


To say that is confrontational is ridiculous.


Fortunately for Ms.Walker, The New Zealand Employment Relations Authority agreed that she had been unfairly dismissed. ProCare did not have a written etiquette guide for employees and failed to issue a formal warning. Ms. Walker has been awarded $17,000 for unreasonable work termination and loss of earnings.

对于沃克女士而言,幸运的是,新西兰就业关系局同意她遭到不公正的解雇。 ProCare没有针对员工的书面礼节指南,因此未能发出正式警告。 Walker女士因不合理的工作终止和收入损失而获得了17,000美元的赔偿。

While this is an extreme case (and I suspect ProCare used bad netiquette as an excuse for the sacking), it highlights the problem of internet messaging. Emails never convey the same tone, nuances, or body language as a face-to-face or telephone conversations. No one can see the cheeky smile on your face as you type that mild insult. It’s too easy to inadvertently offend a recipient with a misplaced word.

尽管这是一个极端情况(我怀疑ProCare使用不良的网络礼节作为解雇的借口),但它突出了Internet消息传递的问题。 电子邮件绝不会传达与面对面或电话交谈相同的语气,细微差别或肢体语言。 当您键入这种轻度侮辱时,没人能看到您脸上的厚脸皮微笑。 不小心冒犯错误的单词太容易了。

Email has it’s place, but you should certainly avoid using it as a soapbox for long-winded rambling rants. Stick to short informational messages and you won’t end up in the same situation as Ms Walker.

电子邮件已经到位了,但您一定要避免将它用作长途跋涉的肥皂盒。 坚持简短的信息性消息,您将不会遇到与沃克女士相同的情况。

Have you accidentally insulted someone by email? Does your company have a messaging style or email etiquette guide?

您是否偶然通过电子邮件侮辱了某人? 贵公司是否有消息传递风格或电子邮件礼仪指南?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/email-etiquette-sacking/
