swing 按钮字体字体

tech2023-12-23  97

swing 按钮字体字体

This is the last in the series of font categories. We’ve looked at Old Style, Modern, Slab Serif, Sans Serif, Script fonts and their characteristics. We’re going to finish up today with a look at decorative fonts. These are also known as Ornamental or Display fonts.

这是字体类别系列中的最后一个。 我们已经研究了Old Style , Modern , Slab Serif , Sans Serif , Script字体及其特征。 今天我们将结束于装饰字体。 这些也称为装饰字体或显示字体。

Decorative and display fonts became popular in the 19th century and were used extensively on posters and advertisements. This style of type and lettering could be artistic and eye-catching in a way that wasn’t considered previously. William Morris launched the Arts and Crafts movement and as part of the experimentation and innovation of the time, developed the Troy typeface.

装饰和显示字体在19世纪变得流行,并广泛用于海报和广告中。 这种字体和文字样式可能是艺术性的,并且以以前从未考虑过的方式吸引眼球。 威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)发起了Craft.io美术运动,并作为当时的实验和创新的一部分,开发了特洛伊(Troy)字体。

Morris Troy


Following on from the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau spread throughout Europe. Decorative lettering was a huge part of this movement and was used in many posters and advertisements.

继手Craft.io运动之后,新艺术运动在整个欧洲传播。 装饰性文字是这一运动的重要组成部分,并在许多海报和广告中使用。

19th Century Art Deco Poster


Throughout the 20th and now into the 21st century, decorative fonts continued to be used in advertising and posters. There are hundreds if not thousands of display fonts available for download. The thing to remember about decorative typefaces is that they are only powerful when their use is limited. If you use them everywhere their effect diminishes. With the advent of technologies like Cufon, sIFR and Typekit, there is no reason why you couldn’t use them as headings on your website.

在整个20世纪乃至21世纪,装饰字体继续用于广告和海报中。 有数百种甚至数千种显示字体可供下载。 关于装饰字体,要记住的一点是,只有在使用受限的情况下,它们才能发挥作用。 如果您在任何地方使用它们,其效果都会减弱。 随着诸如Cufon,sIFR和Typekit之类的技术的出现,没有理由不能将它们用作网站的标题。

As their name suggests, decorative typefaces should be used for decorative or ornamental purposes. They are not suitable for using in body text. You would have some pretty cross-eyed and sick readers if you forced people to read too much in one of these fonts. They tend to have a very distinct look, for example a wild west style, horror or Christmas.

顾名思义,装饰字体应用于装饰或装饰目的。 它们不适合在正文中使用。 如果您强迫人们使用其中一种字体阅读过多的内容,那么您将有一些眼花cross乱的读者。 它们往往具有非常独特的外观,例如狂野的西部风格,恐怖或圣诞节。



Horror Hotel


Kingthings Christmas


I hope you’ve found this series on typefaces useful. It’s amazing how much you can change and improve designs by making a conscious effort to choose suitable fonts. The more you know about them, the more confident you’ll feel using them. Give yourself little typeface tests. When you’re looking in magazines see if you can, at a minimum, name the typeface categories. As you become more of a fanatic, you’ll find you can name many individual typefaces. Look at text-only logos and see how the designers use contrasting fonts for good effects, and try mixing and matching fonts yourself to see which ones work well together.

希望您发现该系列字体有用。 通过有意识地选择合适的字体,您可以更改和改进设计的数量真是令人惊讶。 您对它们了解的越多,使用它们的信心就越大。 给自己一点字体测试。 当您在杂志上寻找时,至少可以命名字体类别。 随着您变得更加狂热,您会发现可以命名许多单独的字体。 查看纯文本徽标,看看设计师如何使用对比字体以获得良好效果,并尝试自己混合和匹配字体以查看哪些字体可以很好地协同工作。

Next week, there will be more about fonts. Friday has inadvertently become font day for me on SitePoint and I’d like to continue on with more posts on typography and typefaces and how to use them effectively.

下周,将有更多关于字体的信息。 星期五在我不经意间已成为SitePoint上的字体日,我想继续撰写更多有关字体和字体以及如何有效使用它们的文章。

Related Reading:


The Sans Serif Typeface


The Script Typeface


The Old Style Typeface


The Modern Typeface


The Big, Bold Beautiful Slab Serif


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-decorative-typeface/

swing 按钮字体字体
