
tech2023-12-23  99


Do you remember Google Wave? The HTML5 project was one of Google’s more exciting endeavors in 2009. Google believed that email was old, clunky and needed to be re-imagined for the 21st Century. Wave would be the next step in online communication evolution; it combined email, chat, brainstorming, scheduling, documentation, tweeting and feeds in a central location. What’s more, developers were provided with a full API to develop their own collaboration tools and widgets.

您还记得Google Wave吗? HTML5项目是Google在2009年更加激动人心的工作之一 。 谷歌认为,电子邮件是旧的,笨重,需要重新想象的21 世纪 。 Wave将是在线交流发展的下一步。 它在中央位置结合了电子邮件,聊天,集思广益,日程安排,文档,推文和供稿。 而且,为开发人员提供了完整的API,以开发他们自己的协作工具和小部件。

Wave was launched on September 30, 2009 as an invite-only preview service. The hype and excitement died the same day. The application was not intuitive, buggy, and few people understood it. Part of the problem was Wave’s interface: it looked just like another email client. Google also found it difficult to explain what Wave did and the benefits it offered.

Wave于2009年9月30日推出,仅作为邀请预览服务。 炒作和兴奋在同一天消失了。 该应用程序不是直观,易出错的,很少有人理解。 问题的一部分是Wave的界面:它看起来就像另一个电子邮件客户端。 谷歌还发现很难解释Wave做了什么以及它提供的好处。

Google then scored an own goal with Buzz. At best, it overshadowed Wave. At worst, it contributed to the confusion and raised some alarming security issues.

谷歌然后与Buzz达成了自己的目标。 充其量,它使Wave黯然失色。 最糟糕的是,它加剧了混乱,并引发了一些令人震惊的安全问题。

Like many people, I tried Wave but soon abandoned it. Few users adopted the system so there was little opportunity to try its collaboration methods. For all its faults, people understand email, use it every day and rarely encounter major complications.

和许多人一样,我尝试了Wave,但很快放弃了它。 很少有用户采用该系统,因此几乎没有机会尝试其协作方法。 尽管存在所有故障,但人们都了解电子邮件,每天都在使用它,很少遇到重大的麻烦。

However, Google still believe in Wave. They’re relaunching the project and hope to entice new users. You don’t need an invite so it’s available to everyone at wave.google.com. Actually, it’s not quite “everyone”: the system fails to load in Internet Explorer and Opera isn’t supported.

但是,谷歌仍然相信Wave。 他们正在重新启动该项目,并希望吸引新用户。 您不需要邀请,因此wave.google.com上的所有人都可以使用。 实际上,它不是“所有人” :系统无法在Internet Explorer中加载,并且不支持Opera。

Google’s blog post states:


If you tried Google Wave out a while ago, and found it not quite ready for real use, now is a good time to come back for a second try. Wave is much faster and much more stable than when we began the preview, and we have worked hard to make Wave easier to use.

如果您在一段时间前尝试过Google Wave,但发现它尚未真正投入使用,那么现在是重新尝试的好时机。 与开始预览时相比,Wave更快,更稳定,并且我们一直在努力使Wave易于使用。

Are you using Wave? Did you abandon it but are willing to try it again? Does it still confuse you? Or would you never use the system? Please vote on the SitePoint home page or leave your comments below.

您在使用Wave吗? 您是否放弃了,但愿意再次尝试? 它仍然使您感到困惑吗? 还是您永远不会使用该系统? 请在SitePoint主页上投票或在下面留下您的评论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/will-you-surf-on-googles-wave/

